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December 2019
Five Exercise Myths That Could Affect Your Health
Yes, we work on body problems. But we can never ignore how the mind - and some common myths - create a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you think running is only for the under 50 crowd, or that a little noise in your joints portends future pain, it will be so. But it isn't so simple as that. Each body and mind is different. We have found ways to dispel folklore and help you discover what is possible. Are you game? 

Running will wear out my joints .
scott run screen
A recent study in Journal of Bone and Joint  Surgery evaluated  430 seasoned marathon runners. They had half as much knee an hip arthritis as non-runner controls. That was true for older runners too. So, if you think your knees only have so many miles before they wear out, think again. Other factors - weight, weakness or fa ulty running patterns may be the issue. A run screen  is just what you need. 
Stretching prevents injuries .
Static stretching won't make you looser, won't prevent   injuries and  might even slow you down.
A meta-analysis of stretching studies should be enough to convince you to skip the stretching or try dynamic stretches instead. Don't know any dynamic stretches ? Ask us! 
If you're sore or injured, rest is best.
Physiologically stressing tissue- below the level of injury- w ith sufficient time to recover-causes cellular responses that strengthen injured tissue and improve tissue tolerance. For example, using crutches initially and gradually increasing we ight-bearing leads to faster healing. Movement increases blood flow, decreases inflammation and allays fears. With the right exercise prescription from your PT, tissue tolerance improves. We can dial that in with our Anti-Gravity Treadmill And once you feel better, balance exercises are critical to prevent re-injury.

Aerobic exercise is more important than strength training .
Ever since Kenneth Cooper wrote the  book on aerobics in 1968, we ha ve been a city obsessed. What's better than a run or hike up Sani ta s? But, I would not be so injury free if I did not also keep my core strong and  balanced. Pilates at ALTA has  been the salve for old injuries and the best injury prevention strategy I know.  You d on't have to do Pilates, but strength training is critical to overall fitness, bone health, and weight management. Get. Stronger.

Noisy Joints are Injured Joints .
Snapping  and popping joints is common. 
The sound is caused by air
bubbles in the synovial fluid - the liquid that surrounds and lubricates your joints - and by the snapping of tightly stretched ligaments as they slide off one bony surface onto another. If they don't hurt, noisy joints are harmless. But when joint cracking is accompanied by pain or swelling, you might have a mechanical problem. That's when you call us.   
The New Year is a good time to re-evaluate your exercise routine. We'll help you separate fact from fiction to dial in an exercise program that's perfect for you.

Start the New Year off right - schedule with ALTA today.

Collecting Donations for a Worthy Cause

One of the best ways to increase your own happiness is to do things that make other people happy, according to the Greater Good Science Center. Our office is collecting toiletries for Attention Homes.   

Since 1966  Attention Homes  has provided safe housing for people aged 12-24 who are facing homelessness because of domestic violence or family breakups. Attention homes has served over 12,000 young individuals, as they become healthy and productive members of our community.
Here's your chance to stuff a stocking and make yourself and someone else happy. 
The following is a list of items we are collecting. Help us help this worthy organization. Drop off donations at our office anytime during business hours. We will be collecting through Friday, December 20th.

Stocking Stuffers
  • Hand and Toe Warmers
  • Emergen-C Packets
  • Headphones
  • Shampoo/Conditioner (Travel Size)
  • Deodorant (Travel Size)
  • Condoms
  • Makeup
  • Hair Ties, Bobby Pins, Combs, Hair Brushes
  • Kleenex/Facial Tissue
  • Men's Underwear/Boxers
  • Gloves, Socks, or Beanies/Hats
  • Granola Bars, Candy, or Coffee/Hot Cocoa
  • Toothbrushes/Toothpaste/Floss/Non-Alcoholic Mouthwash (Travel Size) 

December 25th
January 1st