"At some point in life, the world's beauty becomes enough. You don't need to photograph, paint, or even remember it. It is enough." ~ Toni Morrison

Dear friends, 

Despite the cold, February is a time of celebration and resistance.
February marks Black History Month. Every year, we pay tribute to the many sacrifices and contributions of people of African descent – the resilience and resistance of Black Canadians. At YWCA Toronto, we honour this month through a series of events. Our Anti-Black Racism Committee recently organized a phenomenal program showcasing the talent of Black staff and community members.
February 14-20 also marks Ontario’s first-ever Nonprofit Sector Appreciation Week. The nonprofit sector employs approximately 1.5 million workers in Ontario, 80% of whom are women. This highly feminized workforce is often undervalued and underpaid – but we provide essential services in housing, shelter, child care and so much more. Thanks to the good work of the Bhayana Family Foundation, our sector is receiving some official recognition for our contributions.
This month we have seen more troubling developments in Ottawa. I am grateful for the statement by Women’s Shelters Canada and YWCA colleagues condemning blatant acts of violence, misogyny, and white supremacy.
As the saying goes, resistance is fertile. We must continue to resist bigoted ways and bigoted thinking. We remain indebted to the work of Black feminists and changemakers who remain at the forefront of many struggles against injustice.
I look forward to continuing the celebration as we reveal this year’s Women of Distinction Award recipients in March and approach International Women’s Day.
Thank you for your engagement with us.

Kind regards, 

Heather McGregor 
Chief Executive Officer
YWCA Toronto 
Photo | Courtesy of YWCA Ontario Coalition
At YWCA Toronto, we are proud to engage in systems change advocacy to advance gender equity and racial justice. 
Over the past month, we deputed at the City of Toronto’s Budget Committee to call for greater investments in social services.

In anticipation of the Ontario Budget in March, we also delivered a joint pre-budget submission with our YWCA Ontario Coalition. We are urging the Province to:

  1. Sign the federal child care agreement.
  2. Institute a $4 per hour salary enhancement for front-line workers.
  3. Enhance social assistance rates.
  4. Invest $75 million in COVID related upskilling for women workers.
  5. Prioritize housing investments and rent relief provisions.
  6. Repeal Bill 124.
  7. Dedicate funding for girls’ programming.
  8. Address gender-based violence.
  9. Invest in a sector stabilization fund for nonprofits.

In preparation for the provincial election in June, we are meeting with important stakeholders to influence election platforms and ensure the needs of women are front and center.
Resilience Amongst Communities
In recognition of the profound impact of the pandemic on Toronto’s East End community, Winter Stations, an annual public installation competition, has partnered with YWCA Toronto to dedicate one of the designs to the women and gender diverse people that lived at our temporary emergency shelter in The Beach.

Learn more about THE HIVE and the location of all stations in The Beach starting February 21, 2022.
Become a YWCA Toronto member today!
Looking for a way to champion women during this global crisis and beyond?
For $20, you will have a voice and a vote at our Annual Members Meeting on May 17th. Help shape our advocacy work, improve our programs and change lives. Please consider joining a vibrant feminist community championing women everywhere.

Photo | Courtesy of CBC
Celebrating Blackness and Survivorship
To celebrate Black History Month, the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre and Multicultural Women Against Rape are hosting a speaker’s series. The series celebrates Blackness, survivorship and connection through the stories of four incredible women.
Registration is still open for the final speaker in the series, Nalo Hopkinson, an award-winning author and creator. 

Photo | Courtesy of Social Planning Toronto
Gender Equity Strategy Consultations
The City’s Gender Equity Office is in the process of developing Toronto’s first-ever Intersectional Gender Equity Strategy. As you might remember, YWCA Toronto was a vocal advocate for the creation of the Gender Equity Office. We are pleased the Office is moving forward with the development of the strategy.
Alongside Social Planning Toronto and various other partners, we organized several consultations this month to help collect information that can help inform the strategy. 
Your voice is important! If you were unable to attend a consultation, please complete this survey before February 23rd, 2022. Let the Gender Equity Office know what matters to you!


Black History Month Commemoration
Last year, we published a powerful story on the history behind the framed photograph in the foyer of our head office on Elm Street and the remarkable Black women who came as guest workers to Canada in the early 1900’s.
Our Manager of Marketing and Communications, Kim Quashie, met with local Black historian and archivist, Kathy Grant, to discuss the struggles of these Black women and their remarkable legacy.
Photo | Courtesy of Ontario Nonprofit Network
Celebrating Ontario’s Nonprofits

February 14-20 marks the first-ever Week of Appreciation for the Nonprofit Sector. This week is an important reminder of the vital role nonprofits play in protecting the economic and social fabric of this province.
At YWCA Toronto, we also acknowledge and celebrate our incredible staff who have helped our participants find employment, safety, stability and a home during the pandemic.
YWCA Toronto operates on the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We are grateful to work on this territory as we strive to build a more equitable and just city for women, girls, and gender diverse people.