October 2019
Meet the new members of ALI's Faculty Board! We are thrilled to announce the seven new faculty joining the board: Anne Becker (HMS), Hannah Riley Bowles (HKS), Cornell Brooks (HKS), Andrew Crespo (HLS), Eric Mazur (SEAS), Charles Stang (HDS), and Brian Trelstad (HBS).
Program News
ALI hosted two exciting new sessions this month for the current cohort and coalition members:

Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter led a session on "The Politics Industry: How Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy" on October 2.

On October 4, Robin DiAngelo gave a talk on White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, an event co-sponsored by ALI and the Shorenstein Center at HKS.

ALI will host its Final Symposium and 10 Year Celebration from November 20-23! Presenters include ALI Founders Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Nitin Nohria, and Rakesh Khurana; social justice activist Bryan Stevenson; and the Silkroad Ensemble.
Katherine Gehl and Michael Porter led a discussion on US politics this month.
Fellows News
Beatriz Merino (2018) is being recognized as a trailblazer. Women Political Leaders recently honored Ms. Merino with the WPL Trailblazer Award to acknowledge her outstanding career as a female political leader.

Surjit Chana (2017) has been elected vice chair for Care for the Homeless in NYC. Care for the Homeless (CFH) is a nonprofit that fights homelessness by delivering healthcare, human services, and shelter to the homeless, and by advocating for policies to end homelessness.

Amanda Rischbieth (2017) will join the advisory council for the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative, a Harvard Business School project capturing the financial, social, and environmental performances of companies. HBS Prof. George Serafeim invited Dr. Rischbieth to join the initiative, chaired by Sir Ronald Cohen.

Laura Dambier (2016) will serve as president of the JFK Hyannis Museum. Ms. Dambier hopes to use her first-hand knowledge of presidential sites, and her corporate leadership experience, to help position the museum for continued growth and community impact.

Laura Murphy (2016) is helping Airbnb clean up its reputation for racial discrimination. Ms. Murphy authored a three-year review that focuses on the company's internal work to address discrimination and bias among its users.

Eduardo Elejalde (2015) is helping support critical research on mental health. Mr. Elejalde's Natalia Mental Health Foundation describes their latest research, and their "venture capital" strategy, in a recent newsletter.

Jeff Dunn (2014) is celebrating 50 years of Sesame Street. Mr. Dunn, CEO of Sesame Workshop, visited Harvard to honor the occasion and recognize the partnership with the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Ron Grais (2014) has been re-elected chairman of the board of the Chicago High School for the Arts. After leading a successful negotiation with the Chicago Teachers Union, Mr. Grais accepted an additional term to further cement the union-administration relationship.

Vincent de Luise (2013) is drawing connections, between art, visual perception, music, and the brain. Dr. de Luise delivered two talks on the subject as visiting professor at Sapieza Università di Roma.

Howard Fischer and Eric Jacobsen (2013) hosted their annual Gratitude Railroad Retreat to promote impact investing and conscious capitalism. Other members of the 2013 Cohort present at this year's retreat were Stephanie Dodson Cornell, Ann MacDougall, Eileen O'Neill Odum, and Jeff Williams.

Ann MacDougall (2013) is helping amplify diverse voices and surface new solutions to big problems. Last year, Ms. MacDougall helped launch the Encore Public Voices Fellowship and now she is starting a new fellowship focused on the climate crisis.

Tony Barash (2010) and his organization ConTextos are being recognized for their efforts to bring literacy to schools, prisons, and communities in El Salvador. On October 16, ConTextos will receive the Library of Congress International Literacy Award and a $50k prize to advance their work.

Richard Fahey (2010) is helping bring clean, affordable power to Liberia. Mr. Fahey and his Liberian Energy Network were recently featured in an article highlighting their work to bring solar power to the country.
Jeff Dunn (2014) visits Harvard to celebrate 50 years of Sesame Street.
Faculty News
ALI Founding Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from Thinkers50. The award recognizes Prof. Kanter's humane, practical, and inspiring brand of management as well as her long-term impact on the field.

ALI Faculty Executive Committee Member Howard Koh (HKS/SPH) is taking a look at the future of e-cigarettes. Dr. Koh authored an analysis in JAMA on the challenging and rapidly evolving issues involving youth vaping.