• Who: Archway North Phoenix Families (Adults and Children), Faculty and Teachers
  • What: 1 Mile Race
  • Where: Anywhere you can! Backyard loops, neighborhood loops, park loops, treadmill, or wherever you can find that is safe!
  • When: You will have 2 weeks (4/16 – 4/30) to complete your best time!
  • Why: To stay active during the quarantine and have some fun friendly competition within our school community!
  • Cost: FREE!
  • Recording/ Submitting Your Time:
  • Recording Options
  • GPS watch, running app on a phone, measure a distance with a car then run that route, run on a track and use a timer, etc.
  • Submitting
  • ENTER YOUR RESULTS – Visit this link and find your correct tab to enter your results.
  • You will be able to see the results of other students/ adults who have done the race as they enter their times
  • Please just type your name and then the time right after in the correct slot (Example: John Doe – 9:45)
  • On your Honor! Please be honest with the times you submit. Parents please help your child(ren) submit their times.
  • Can I run the race multiple times?
  • Yes! If you would like to beat your 1st time that you entered, feel free to try an beat it as many times as you need to during the 2 week time frame! Just go back into the results page and change your time if you beat it!
  • Prizes
  • Awards will be given for 8 different categories:
  • Adults, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders
  • The winning time for each category will be mailed a 1st place ribbon in the mail!
  • Winners will be announced in the May 1st Family Newsletter!