Who: Archway North Phoenix Families (Adults and Children), Faculty and Teachers
What: 1 Mile Race
Where: Anywhere you can! Backyard loops, neighborhood loops, park loops, treadmill, or wherever you can find that is safe!
When: You will have 2 weeks (4/16 – 4/30) to complete your best time!
Why: To stay active during the quarantine and have some fun friendly competition within our school community!
Cost: FREE!
Recording/ Submitting Your Time:
Recording Options
GPS watch, running app on a phone, measure a distance with a car then run that route, run on a track and use a timer, etc.
ENTER YOUR RESULTS – Visit this link and find your correct tab to enter your results.
You will be able to see the results of other students/ adults who have done the race as they enter their times
Please just type your name and then the time right after in the correct slot (Example: John Doe – 9:45)
On your Honor! Please be honest with the times you submit. Parents please help your child(ren) submit their times.
Can I run the race multiple times?
Yes! If you would like to beat your 1st time that you entered, feel free to try an beat it as many times as you need to during the 2 week time frame! Just go back into the results page and change your time if you beat it!
Awards will be given for 8 different categories:
Adults, K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders
The winning time for each category will be mailed a 1st place ribbon in the mail!
Winners will be announced in the May 1st Family Newsletter!