Dear Delegates,

What’s 2020 without zoom hiccups? Thanks for hanging in there for our breakout session troubles. We will make sure our tech is ready for our breakouts in December.

We hope that our 4 policy area presentations made you feel inspired, curious, challenged (and maybe angry, or maybe happy, or maybe confused, or maybe resolved) and ready to explore the issues that you think are most pressing and the solutions that you think are best. 

Our presenters each represented their own points of view. This year, you’ll be developing your own point of view and then working to convince others to share it. That’s advocacy - and it’s how you can build the world in which you want to live! 

Here are some action and info items to check out: 

Program Preference Survey for delegates: It’s time to rank your program area preferences and policy area preferences. Follow this link to complete the form: The form is due by tomorrow, November 9, and 8:00pm. 

Note: Each delegation has been allotted a specific number of spots in each program area. Different delegations use different methods of matching delegates to program areas. Not everyone gets their first choice, but the good news is: there are no bad program areas. Talk to your lead advisor if you have questions about role selection in your delegation. 

Conference Background Material - All of our presenter information, slides, and videos of the sessions will be sent out later this week so stay tuned! 

Program Area Information: Click here for information about program areas including tasks, assignments, and leadership opportunities. 

Leadership Information: Information about Elected and Appointed Leadership, including deadlines, application questions, election rules, links to applications, and delegation limits on the number of applicants/candidates, can be found here. Interested in applying or running? Check with your lead advisor about any local delegation requirements. Leadership applications open on November 12 and are due November 16 by 11:59pm. But check with your lead advisor about any local deadlines that may come before November 20!


Delegate-Led Caucuses: Are you interested in starting a delegate-led caucus this year? Learn more about caucuses and the process for applying to start one here

Pre-Conference Survey: All delegates need to complete this pre-program survey. Data collected will help us evaluate outcomes for our delegates and help us improve the program. Though we collect your name, data will be evaluated in an anonymous manner. Please complete the survey by November 12.