Residential Recycled Water Mobile Reuse Program
Ventura Water is pleased to announce the reopening of the Mobile Reuse fill station to permitted residents. Normal fill schedule hours have resumed and residents can pick up recycled water on:

  • Wednesday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Saturday - Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Due to health and safety considerations, Ventura Water requires residents to stay in their vehicle while their recycled water container is filled by wastewater operations staff to ensure safe distancing between residents and operations staff.

As a reminder, the Residential Recycled Water Mobile Reuse Program provides Ventura Water customers with high quality recycled (non-potable) water to use for landscape irrigation. The recycled water is strictly monitored to ensure it meets quality standards for all non-potable uses, which makes it ideal for landscape irrigation, dust control and soil compaction.

To participate in the program and receive recycled water, customers must attend a free training session to obtain a signed permit, and submit a $75 fee to the Treasury Office to complete their permit.

Learn more about the Mobile Reuse Program, or sign up for a training here.

Wastewater Treatment - Process Flow: Clarifiers
Clarifiers, the next treatment component at the Ventura Water Reclamation Facility after headworks, works to separate solids from our wastewater. Thanks to gravity, heavier solids settle to the bottom of the tanks, while lighter materials like oil and grease float to the top. The water and lighter materials flow to our activated sludge tanks, while solids will be pumped to our anaerobic digesters.

At this point the treatment process is split into two flows: water and solids. We will be covering the different components of these processes in later editions of our newsletter.

While many advancements have been made with advanced water treatment, recycled water, and water reuse, conventional wastewater treatment has largely remained the same, relying on the same general technologies like gravity and biological treatment.

Remember, our treatment system is not made to treat trash, plastics, or rags (including wipes) so these items should always be thrown in your garbage can at home. The only thing going down the drain should be the 3 P’s- pee, poo and (toilet) paper!

To learn more about the City's wastewater treatment process, visit our Wastewater page.
2022 Gardening Series -
Winter in the Native Plant Garden
Join us Saturday, February 26, 2022, for the first gardening class of 2022! Attendees of the Winter in the Native Plant Garden class will learn what, when and how to plant, irrigate and maintain a native plant garden from winter to spring.

Classes are free to the public and held on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Register for the Winter in the Native Plant Garden class here!
Water Commission
The public is invited to electronically join us for the upcoming Water Commission Meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.

Click here for meeting agendas and more information.