April 27, 2020
2020 Volunteer Appreciation: Community Relations Volunteers

It's time to recognize our Community Relations volunteers!

We want to thank our Community Relations volunteers for all the hard work they put in each day! The COVID-19 pandemic has forced some changes in the way they can host events, and relay information to the family and friends of poolees, recruits, and Marines. However, they have been adaptable and have not let that get in the way of supporting everyone who follows for information. Their dedication certainly does not go unnoticed.

A few years ago, we opened up a new position for volunteers who do not necessarily want to volunteer in our Official Facebook groups. Community Relations volunteers will often work with local recruiters to pass out MarineParents brochures and other information to be passed out to poolees and their families. They will also attend poolee events and family nights hosted by recruiters to talk about the Marine Parents organization and how we support recruits, Marines, and their families through every stage of their career in the Corps.

Nearly two years ago, we started Connect & Share® events to give Marine family and friends the opportunity to meet in person. These events would normally take place at a restaurant or a park and everyone would share stories. The Community Relations volunteer would pass out literature and answer questions.

Due to the restrictions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Relations volunteers have been unable to hold live Connect & Share® events. At the beginning of April, we brought back our live chat room and gave volunteers the opportunity to host a chat night for a particular category. This gives Marine family and friends the opportunity to ask questions and chat with others while still respecting the guidelines set forth by each respective community.

Thank you again to our Community Relations volunteers! Your hard work, adaptability, and dedication to our mission is a wonderful asset to our organization!

God Bless and Semper Family!

We're Here For Every Stage of Your Marine's Career in the Corps
This section of our newsletter includes new weekly articles related to YOUR recruit or Marine's career in the Corps. For additional reference in each newsletter, we include links to our Outreach Program articles, to the EGA Shop, to our Volunteer Spotlight, and to our Official Facebook Groups. a Place to Connect & Share ® is a registered trademark of the United States Marine Corps. Used with permission. Content and graphics copyright to, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. For additional informtion on legal use, visit the legal page of our website . is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) public charity .