Dear friends, as I mentioned in my previous email and in church, the Vestry met last night to reconsider the issue of whether to continue requiring masks inside the building. Let me first say that I very much appreciate the grace that everyone has shown during this time. Making a decision that pleased everyone was simply not possible, and those who felt we either moved too quickly or too slowly did so in a respectful and constructive manner. Thanks also to everyone who shared their opinions during this difficult time of discernment.

There was an overwhelming consensus reached that the time has now come to make the wearing of masks optional. So that is the new rule, effective today. For those who may be apprehensive, we will continue to have socially-distanced seating available, as well as a top-notch livestream for remote participation. As always, we invite you to watch online instead of coming in person if you are feeling unwell or are particularly vulnerable to a potential infection.

We also had an extended conversation about other protocols which could be reduced or eliminated, and we will be working to phase those in over the coming weeks. An example of that is the soft space, which returned to the front of the church this past Sunday. Another will be a return to passing the collection plate during services. The restrooms will also no longer be single-occupancy.

On another note, I omitted an important Lenten resource from my previous email. While we have not scheduled Stations of the Cross, I invite you to walk along with me in this video we recorded last year. It is subtitled to include all of the congregational responses for you to speak.

Finally, I invite you to take a moment to pray for all of those affected by COVID: for those we have lost, for those left with holes in their lives, for those left unemployed, for those who work with the sick and the dying, and for those plagued by fear or anxiety. Thank you.
