The Ohio State University
Los Peques Vaqueros

#BuckeyesAbroad: Melissa Liang

Melissa Liang, senior at Fisher College of Business, reflects, "The world is so vast, beautiful, and full of life to experience and I'm excited to continue exploring more of it," after her Honors Global Lab in Brazil.

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Vladimir Rudak and Lena Uzhinova, I Am an Elephant (Boomnkniga Press, 2017)

Global Comics Lecture Series: Dr. José Alaniz

On January 30 (4-5:30 PM), Dr. José Alaniz, professor at the University of Washington, will present a brief overview of the situation for people with disabilities in Russia after the 1991 collapse of communism as depicted by non-disabled and disabled comics artists, with an emphasis on the Putin era.

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Feb 5
1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Alonso Family Room, Multicultural Center, Ohio Union

BuckIDream Ally Training

Know your rights - Role-playing - Bystander training - Raise awareness in your social network.

Feb 28-29
8:30 a.m. - evening

Ohio University

17th Annual OLAC

The Ohio Latin Americanist Conference will be featuring guest speaker, Dr. Brenda Elsey.