February 4, 2022
A snowy NH river. (Instagram/Bharat8177)
We've made it through both the first big snowstorm and the first month of the year, which I think means we all deserve a pat on the back. I hope everyone is making some headway on their new year's resolutions, and enjoying ideal weather for skiing, snowshoeing and other winter activities!
Here at SRPC we are enjoying the opportunity to collaborate with the 8 other regional planning commissions (RPCs) on the Regional Housing Needs Assessment project; have been busy with our circuit riding contracts in Farmington, Northwood, Nottingham, Strafford and Wakefield; and just closed out the Middleton Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan project.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest video, a service spotlight on SRPC’s Brownfields Program, new programs through the Northeast Resource Recovery Association, planning events of interest, staff news, how to get free radon kits through the NH Radon Program, news on NNECAPA and SRPC’s CHAT project you may have missed, SRPC’s latest report, Explore Moose Mountains USDA grant proposal, a public input opportunity you may have missed, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC's Latest Video
Service Spotlight: Brownfields Program
NRRA Markets New Programming
Planning Events of Interest
Staff News
Free Radon Kits through NH DHHS
In Case You Missed It
SRPC's Latest Report: Sunrise Lake Plan
EMM Raises Fund for USDA Grant Match
Public Input Opportunity
Community Happenings
We don't have any pretty pictures to share this month :(
SRPC has operated its brownfields assessment program since 2015 to facilitate the cleanup and reuse of brownfield properties in our region. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines a brownfield as “real property, where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.” Examples of brownfields include former gas stations, mills or industrial buildings, dry cleaners, leaking underground storage tanks, or buildings with lead or asbestos.
SRPC runs its program on three year cycles, as awarded by the US EPA. The current program, which extends through Sept. 2022, has supported SRPC and its consultants work in several communities. Unique to this round of funding, SRPC partnered with both an engineering and environmental firm, Nobis, and sister companies Stevens & Associates and M&S Development to provide market analysis and conceptual design work services.
In Somersworth, SRPC and its consultant have provided services at two sites, Prince's Garage and the old National Guard site on Blackwater Road. At Prince's Garage, a Phase II report and remedial action plan have been drafted, and are being reviewed by the EPA and NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). The former National Guard property reverted to City ownership when it was vacated, and SRPC has been working with the city’s Reuse Commission to identify potential future uses for the site. SRPC and its consultants provided sketches and financial analyses of options for the site, and the City considering options such as a recreation center, housing, or a commercial space.
In Rochester, SRPC and its consultants completed a Phase II assessment at the old public works building; the report shows little to no contamination, meaning the City is free to explore reuse options with no need for cleanup. We also provided planning assistance to visualize reuse options for the former Hoffman Furniture building and to visualize potential public improvements near the Scenic Theater and Salinger Block.
To continue this important work, SRPC applied for a subsequent round of EPA funding in December that would target sites in Farmington and Dover. Grantees should be notified in the spring with funds available in October 2022. SRPC plans to spend the rest of 2022 working to identify and prepare sites for assessment under this grant. In Farmington, SRPC and its consultant will conduct a Phase I assessment for the old Fire Station to identify what further tests, if any, are necessary. Our consultants will prepare a corridor analysis of Central Ave in Dover, using historic Sanborn maps and NHDES data to create a list of potential sites for further assessment.
Have a site in your community that you believe would be eligible for a brownfield assessment? Fill out our site nomination form.
Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) Offers Free Education and Technical Assistance to Qualifying Towns
In August 2021, the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA), a recycling nonprofit that enables communities to manage their own recycling programs, was awarded a grant by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service.
Subsequent programming is now being offered to NRRA member communities with less than 5,500 residents and a Median Household Income (MHI) less than the New Hampshire Statewide Nonmetro MHI. In the Strafford region this includes Farmington, Middleton, Rollinsford and Wakefield.
The two new programs, the SWAT Program and the Recycle Right Campaign will launch in spring 2022. Using teams of experienced solid waste operator mentors and NRRA staff, the SWAT Program will provide free, hands-on technical assistance and solid waste facility evaluations. Towns participating in the SWAT Program will receive short and long-term recommendations to improve their solid waste planning and management.
To participate in the SWAT Program, a community must demonstrate local decision-maker buy-in for SWAT Program services and have an existing solid waste facility to evaluate. Those interested should sign up online for forthcoming information.
The second program, the Recycling Right Campaign, is a valuable and free educational service NRRA is providing to all member communities, but is especially designed for small source-separated New Hampshire towns. The goal of the Recycle Right campaign is to educate community residents about how to both recycle more and recycle correctly.
NRRA is encouraging all members, and especially qualifying towns, to pledge their support of the Recycle Right campaign.
Housing Supply in New Hampshire: Trends and New Approaches - Feb. 17 from noon - 1:00 p.m.
The next webinar in the NH Office of Planning and Development (OPD) Planning Lunches at Noon (PLAN) Monthly Webinar Series is “Housing Supply in New Hampshire: Trends and New Approaches” on Thursday February 17, 2022, from 12 to 1:00 P.M.
OPD Principal Planners Ken Gallager and Noah Hodgetts will discuss the findings of the 2021 edition of the annual OPD-produced housing report, Current Estimates and Trends in New Hampshire’s Housing Supply, and what it says about how well the state is meeting its need for sufficient housing. Then Christopher Parker, City of Dover Deputy City Manager for Development and Strategic Initiatives, will describe actions local planners can take to meet the need for new housing in their community.
To register, please send an e-mail to planning@livefree.nh.gov with the Subject Line "Register for February PLAN Webinar" that includes your name, title, and affiliation/municipality by Friday, February 11, 2022. Confirmation of your registration and webinar login information will be sent out the week of the webinar.
Building a Thriving Mobility Management Network: Process, Lessons Learned, and The Future - Feb. 23 from noon - 1:30 p.m.
The New Hampshire State Coordinating Council for Community Transportation (SCC), its members and affiliates, started with vision of an integrated system of safe, reliable, and sustainable transportation options that allow residents to maintain independence and participate in work and community life no matter their age or ability. Mobility management is a transportation strategy that prioritizes customer needs, and the meeting of those needs through the coordinated use of a variety of providers, and funding streams.
In this session attendees will learn about steps NH has taken to plan and implement the NH Statewide Mobility Management. This will include grounding philosophies, opportunities that advanced the planning and implementation, the planning process itself and lessons learned, implementation and finally NH’s hope for the future capacity and sustainability of the network.
SRPC Welcomes Aiden Toth
Strafford Regional Planning Commission welcomes Aiden Toth, who started as a municipal record digitization intern on January 18.
He will work alongside Tyler DiStefano, who started on Jan. 3. Aiden and Tyler will be visiting interested municipalities in order to scan historic and current paper resources. The goal behind this project is to create a digital network for each municipality, that can be accessed when employees need to work remotely. This came about as a new program in response to the Covid-19 pandemic as a key means to build community resilience.
Aiden is currently enrolled at the University of New Hampshire, and will
graduate in May 2023 with a Bachelor’s in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability. When not at work, Aiden enjoys running, hiking, and skiing.
Please join us in welcoming Aiden!
Principal Regional Planner Welcomes New Puppy
Principal regional planner Blair Haney welcomed a Lab/Pit shelter rescue named Nora on December 22, 2021. Nora loves playing running around the park with her neighborhood furriends, long belly rubs, and chewing on crunchy carrots (but not eating them, just leaving orange bits all over the floor!)
Colin Lentz, senior transportation planner, will celebrate 7 years at SRPC in March.
NH Department of Health and Human Services Provides Free Radon Test Kits
January 2022 marked Radon Action Month, as proclaimed by Governor Sununu. Radon, which occurs as a gas when uranium in soil and granite breaks down, can be harmful over time. It also has no color, taste or smell, making it even more dangerous.
The maps on the left shows areas across the state that have been found to have increased amounts of radon.
Call For Proposals For NNECAPA 2022 Conference
SRPC Looks to Partner with Four Communities on Age-Friendly Action Plans
What does YOUR community need to support a high quality of life for all ages? SRPC wants to assist your town or city in answering this question, and plan for an aging population, by collaborating on action plans.
The actions plans will include a reflection on the information flushed out in the community assessments, alongside goal setting and ideas for implementation.
Interested in taking action with us, and partnering to create one of these plans for your community? Contact equity and engagement planner, Nancy O'Connor.
SRPC recently closed out its Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan project, with a final presentation and the release of the plan itself.
This project was funded by a Water Quality Planning Grant from the NH Department of Environmental Services with Clean Water Act with Section 604(b) funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and was successful due to a great group of partners and local volunteers,
Explore Moose Mountains Seeks Donations as Match for USDA Rural Development Grant
Local grassroots tourism initiative and SRPC partner, Explore Moose Mountains (EMM), is currently preparing its second application for funding through the USDA Rural Development program. EMM's 2021 application was deemed eligible for funds, however the USDA ran out of programmed funds right before being able to fund the Marketing the Moose project.
The dedicated volunteers behind EMM are currently preparing an application for the next grant round, due Feb. 28, and are looking to raise match funds to increase the competitiveness of their submission.
The letter details the grant scope, the current role of EMM, and the value it provides the seven communities in the Moose Mountains region.
Donations can be made via paypal or via check made out to o WEDCO/EMM and mailed to WEDCO. Donations are due by Monday, Feb. 14.
IN CASED YOU MISSED IT: NH Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan Partners Seeks Input
The NH Coastal Watershed Conservation Plan (2021) was recently published and is now available online. The 2021 Plan is intended to be used by ALL who are working to conserve natural resources in NH’s coastal watershed: to identify local priorities for conservation planning and land protection, incorporate conservation of key natural resources into land use planning, use the data and maps to support grant funding and community funding requests, and more!
As the Plan begins to be shared, stakeholders are invited to inform trainings and outreach related to the use of the plan, by filling out the needs assessment survey by Friday, Feb. 18 . The 2021 Plan Outreach Team is looking forward to hearing feedback from potential plan users as they strategize the best approach to hands-on assistance dependent on stakeholder needs.
UNH Family Hockey Day
Saturday, Feb. 5
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Family Hockey Day is back and better than ever! Bring your friends and family to the Hamel Rec Center to enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner and fun activities before our Wildcats take on the UConn Huskies at the Whitt.
WHAM! It’s Super Hero Night at the Whitt, so come as your favorite superhero to take part in the various activities. There will even be an opportunity to create your own comic book cover to take home.
Get autographs from some of UNH’s favorite athletes, watch the marching band perform, and make your own personalized pennant. There is something for everyone at this annual event!
The Innocence Project: Undoing Injustice Through DNA Evidence
Wednesday, Feb. 23
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Professor Albert Scherr, Franklin Pierce School of Law, UNH, will be presenting a free Zoom event on the Innocence Project, an entity that seeks to exonerate the wrongly convicted using DNA evidence.
This event is sponsored by the Active Retirement Association of the Greater Seacoast.