World Water Monitoring Day is an annual reminder to protect our water resources and to encourage communities to monitor their local bodies of water.

Here on Green Lake, volunteers have been measuring water quality since 1986. Watch our video below to see what it's like to be a volunteer and why our community does it. Then explore three ways you can help measure Green Lake's water quality and sign up !
"This is very important to me & my family because we've had our home here for 27 years and I'm hoping my kids are going to keep it for another 27 or more. We all want the world to be a better place, but the more locally you can act, that shows even a little more commitment."
—Green Lake Association Volunteer
If you'd like to become a volunteer or learn more about how to help, sign up by clicking the button below!
The Green Lake Association is a nonprofit, 501(c)3, member-funded organization that dedicates all of our resources towards improving Green Lake's water quality--through conservation projects, research, and outreach.