The Washington D.O.
News You Can Use
October 30, 2020
 This is a publication to keep you informed of issues and events pertaining to the osteopathic profession in Washington State. We invite you to submit topics or articles of interest to your colleagues for consideration. Submissions may be emailed to
Have You or Your Patients Heard
WOMA's Radio Ads?? Please let us know!

WOMA has had the fortunate opportunity to receive some radio ad spots over the past few years thanks to an anonymous donor. We want to know if these ads are reaching you or your patients and if you have received any comments or responses to these ads. Please click on the quick survey below and let us know if these daily ads are reaching you and/or prospective patients.
COVID-19 Vaccine Response Planning:
Update for Providers

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is working to plan and implement a COVID-19 vaccine response to be ready as soon as a safe and effective vaccine(s) is available. However, we cannot do this alone. A successful vaccine response will require all of us, working together, to ensure vaccine access, acceptance, and uptake.

There is much you can do to prepare to be ready for when we have an FDA approved safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, DOH is developing an online tool for providers to enroll in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider enrollment is expected to begin in November 2020. To prepare to enroll, there is information you can gather now so you are ready when forms are released.

On our website, you will find information on:

We recognize your partnership in this effort and appreciate all you have done over the past few months to help respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to working with you as we continue to plan and implement our state's COVID-19 vaccine response.

If you have questions about the provider enrollment process, please contact COVID-19 Vaccine Response Team at
Bree Collaborative Report

The work of the Bree Collaborative to reduce variations in cost and quality of Washington state healthcare continues during the pandemic. Meetings are always open to the public and continue via Zoom. Current topics include: Colorectal Cancer, Perinatal Bundled Care, Oncology Care, Primary Care, Reproductive and Sexual Health, and Social Determinants of Health. 

Please refer to the Bree Collaborative website for more details.
107th Annual Membership Meeting of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association

The 107th Annual Membership meeting of the Washington Osteopathic Medical Association was held Saturday, October 24th, 2020 via Zoom. It was the first annual membership meeting of the WOMA to be held on a virtual platform, and definitely a learning experience for your administrative team. Thank You to the WOMA board of governors for their contributions and assistance in adapting this meeting to a virtual format. To our members who were able to attend the virtual meeting, we thank you for your support and participation. For those of you who were unable to attend on Saturday, you may view the Presidential Statement address of President Jeanne Rupert, DO by following this link. COVID has certainly presented its share of challenges for our traditional way of carrying out WOMA business, but like all families, the WOMA family has pulled together to make the best of these unprecedented times. We all look forward to the time when we can return to our traditional way of doing things. In the meantime, please stay well!
Scammers pose as Department of Health officials in fraudulent schemes targeting medical providers
OLYMPIA – Warning to health care professionals with Washington licenses: Beware of scammers falsely claiming to represent the Washington State Department of Health – and don’t send money to anyone without being certain of the recipient’s identity.
That comes in the wake of at least two apparent attempts to defraud Washington providers. One attempt failed, but the other proved costly to a dentist.
In that case, the dentist received a call from someone spoofing the Department of Health’s telephone number, along with two bogus faxes. One claimed to be from the Department of Health. The other claimed to be from the federal Department of Justice. The scammer went to the trouble of copying and using actual logos from both agencies.
The fake Department of Health fax falsely said the dentist’s license was suspended. In a misguided attempt to resolve that, the dentist wired more than $40,000 to an account in Warsaw, Poland – an account that has nothing to do with the Department of Health.
In the second case, a licensed pharmacist reported receiving phone calls from a Department of Health number. The calls, however, did not come from the agency. The pharmacist reported being told her license is under investigation, which it isn’t. After being asked questions to which the pharmacist knew the Department of Health would already have the answers, she hung up. Nevertheless, the same person called back multiple times and left voicemails.
The Department of Health will never ask providers to wire money to save a license. If any issues do arise potentially affecting a health care professional’s Washington license, that person will receive written communication by mail and/or by email from an investigator at a verifiable Department of Health email address. That investigator would also provide a Department of Health phone number to contact with questions.
The DOH website is your source for a healthy dose of information. Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Sign up for the DOH blog, Public Health Connection
 Do you have member news to share with your osteopathic colleagues?

Please send it and a related photo, if available, to
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