April 6, 2022
Action Alert Digest
TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Cut the Pentagon Budget
President Biden has released his intended fiscal year 2023 budget, proposing $813 billion in military spending, a $30 billion, or four percent, increase from FY2022. Congress now has to approve it. CodePink urges us to tell Congress we need a budget that prioritizes human needs rather than preparations for war and destruction. TAKE ACTION
UN Chief: 2 Billion People Live in Conflict Areas Today
The number of violent conflicts occurring around the world has hit a high not seen since the end of World War II, and one-quarter of all humanity lives in a conflict zone right now, according to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. A rise in military coups, terrorist activity, and growing nuclear arsenals are dimming the prospects of peace amid other threats such as climate change, Guterres warned. MORE
How Russia’s Musicians Are Taking a Stand Against the War in Ukraine 
Many Russian musicians are using their platform to campaign against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “There are tens of millions of Russians who categorically disagree with this war – and that should be said as loudly as possible,” said rapper Oxxxymiron while announcing a series of charity anti-war gigs under the banner Russians Against War (RAW). MORE
Why—And How—The World Should Condemn Putin for Waving the Nuclear Saber
Russia’s willingness to use nuclear weapons to protect its war against Ukraine is unsurprising. This is how nuclear deterrence is supposed to work. What is surprising, however, is the blunt nature in which nuclear weapons have been openly put on the table. Such explicit messaging is very dangerous and should be condemned in the most forceful way, says physicist Pavel Podvig. MORE
Progressive Lawmakers in US and Japan Call on Biden to Clarify 'No-First-Use Nuclear Policy'
Dozens of progressive lawmakers in the United States and Japan are urging President Joe Biden to make a "sensible" shift and commit the U.S. to a policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons "at any time or under any circumstances."  Biden last month signed off on his administration's Nuclear Posture Review, a policy which, to the disappointment of nonproliferation advocates, walks back his 2020 campaign promise of no-first-use. MORE
Biden Administration Announces End to Horrific Title 42 Border Policy
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that it will be terminating the Title 42 border policy. In March 2020, the Trump administration started using this public health provision as a pretext to prevent migrants from entering the United States at our southern border. It is estimated that as many as 1.7 million persons have been expelled from the U.S. under Title 42. The vast majority have been persons of color. MORE
ICE Lawyers Directed to Clear Low-Priority Immigration Cases
In an effort to significantly reduce the current 1.7 million case backlog, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is directing its lawyers to review cases and try to clear those considered low priority under enforcement guidelines. The American Immigration Lawyers Association estimates there are about 700,000 of these cases. MORE
New Census Data Highlights Important Role of Immigration in Countering US Population Decline 

More than two-thirds of U.S. counties saw natural decreases in population between 2020 and 2021, according to the latest estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. This means that almost 2,300 counties across the country had more deaths than births, providing further evidence that the United States is growing at its slowest pace in its history. This trend could be offset by immigration, but only if more people choose—and are able to—move to the U. S. MORE
TAKE ACTION: Tell EPA to Cut Climate-Warming Pollution from the Meat and Dairy Industry
Billions of animals are crammed onto factory farms — producing enormous amounts of waste and climate-warming methane emissions. Yet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has neglected to regulate the industrial meat and dairy industries, letting them spew methane emissions and other pollutants completely unchecked. Food and Water Watch asks us to tell the EPA to crack down on factory farming and protect people, animals, and the planet. TAKE ACTION
‘We Are at a Crossroads’: New IPCC Report Says It’s Fossil Fuels or Our Future
Nations have moved too slowly to curb climate change, and now must take swift and aggressive steps to avoid the worst impacts of global warming, the world’s top scientists warned this week. Greenhouse gas emissions must peak within the next three years, and in the next eight, the world must push fossil fuels aside. A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlights key strategies countries can use to achieve these goals. MORE
How a Few Geothermal Plants Could Solve America’s Lithium Supply Crunch and Boost the EV Battery Industry
Geothermal energy is often overlooked as a source of clean energy, overshadowed by relatively cheap solar and wind power. But geothermal technology has the added benefit of unlocking vast quantities of lithium from beneath the surface here in the U.S. Lithium is essential for lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles and energy storage. The vast percentage of lithium used is currently imported from other countries such as Argentina, Chile, Russia, and China. MORE
Protests During British Royals’ Visit to the Caribbean Highlight Pivotal Role in the Slave Trade
A recent royal visit to Jamaica by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was the scene of protests where many people want the royal family to apologize for its role in institutionalizing slavery on the island. In the 18th century, more Africans arrived in Kingston to become plantation slaves than arrived in any other place in the British empireMORE
How The Hotel Industry Is Fighting Its Human Trafficking Problem
A law passed in 2000 penalizes private entities that enable or are complicit with trafficking. Since then, major hotel brands as well as smaller motels have been sued for their role in this crime. Many hotel chains have implemented their own human trafficking training requirements for employees, asking them to watch for warnings signs including paying with cash, toting few personal items, and refusing cleaning service for multiple days. MORE
Advocacy Group Says Domestic Violence Homicides Are Up 40% In Iowa
Advocates for domestic violence refer to it as the "shadow pandemic" -- a crime that typically happens behind closed doors and out of the view of the public. The pandemic brought new stressors for survivors like job loss, food insecurity, and lack of affordable housing. Advocates say during this time, the number of survivors in Iowa looking for help hasn't let up. In fact, it's only increased. MORE
Defense Official Says Preventing Sexual Assault, Harassment Is a DOD Priority
Last year, Secretary of Defense Austin established an independent review commission to develop recommendations on how to address high rates of military sexual assault and harassment. This independent body of experts with hundreds of individuals produced a report with more than 80 recommendations. The Department of Defense says they are now in the process of implementing the entire slate of recommendations. MORE
TAKE ACTION: Pass a Billionaires Income Tax and Finally Start Taxing Wealth Like Work
A billionaires income tax proposed by President Biden in his newly unveiled budget would tax billionaires’ wealth gains each year, just like workers’ wages are taxed each year. The plan would raise at least $360 billion in revenue which would help working families afford healthcare, childcare, eldercare, education, housing, and more. Americans for Tax Fairness urges us to tell Congress to end the unfair tax code that rewards wealth over work. TAKE ACTION
Lynching Is Now a Federal Hate Crime After a Century of Blocked Efforts
After multiple failed attempts across twelve decades, there is now a federal law that designates lynching as a hate crime. In a ceremony at the White House last week, President Biden signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act into law. Under the legislation, perpetrators can receive up to 30 years in prison when a conspiracy to commit a hate crime results in death or serious bodily injury. MORE
West Africa Has Worst Food Crisis in Decade, Aid Groups Say
Food prices in West Africa have increased by up to 30 percent and twenty-seven million people in the region will need emergency food aid this year, according to a report by nearly a dozen international organizations. Droughts, conflict, and trade interruptions due to the war in Ukraine have worsened the crisis.  MORE
Oscar Smith is scheduled to be executed on April 21 by the state of Tennessee for the murders of Judy Smith, Jason Burnett, and Chad Burnett. Please hold Oscar, Judy, Jason, Chad, their families, and the people of Tennessee in prayer. TAKE ACTION
Carl Buntion is scheduled to be executed on April 21 by the state of Texas for the murder of James Irby. Please hold Carl, James, their families, and the people of Texas in prayer. TAKE ACTION

Melissa Lucio is scheduled to be executed on April 27 by the state of Texas for the murder of Mariah Alvarez. Please hold Melissa, Mariah, their families, and the people of Texas in prayer. TAKE ACTION