Welcome to St Paul's Online Sunday School!
When we can't gather in person at St Paul's, let's learn and play in a virtual way! ( Let me know what you think! You are in my prayers - Linda)
Sunday, May 10, is the FIFTH SUNDAY of EASTER!
Here are readings appointed for today: https://episcopalchurch.org/lectionary/easter-5a P.S. The link also has these words in Spanish.
This Sunday, May 10 (the second Sunday in May) is celebrated in the United States as Mother's Day. Let's think about those who have cared for us, and thank them!
Here's something the Bible has to say: Proverbs 31:25-29.
She is clothed with strength and dignity
The women who care for us are strong people. Not necessarily strong, muscle-wise, but very strong in hope, determination, and love. What are your mom's strengths? (When I was little, I was certain that my Grandma's biggest strength was her bread-baking, yum, and a little magical. And knitting!)

Moms are dignified, too. The dictionary says that dignity means "the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect." What are some ways to honor and respect your mother? (I respect my Nana by planting marigolds at her grave. It's a peaceful place, and the bright flowers remind me of her patient cheerfulness.)

She can laugh at the days to come
This woman believes in God, and knows that even in hard days, the Lord has promised good things. Plus, it's healthy to laugh. Share some jokes with your momma and others: here are 50 to get you started. (I lol'd at #41, it's silly!)

Mothers offer calmness and comfort, too, when the future is uncertain. What are your favorite ways to be comforted, and how does your favorite person like to be comforted? (My mother-in-law loved to have her feet rubbed; it made her smile.)

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Does your mother always say certain things to you? (My mum liked to say, "Just do your best!" She also said, "If your schoolmate jumped off the A. Piatt Andrew Bridge, would you, too?" And: "Clean out your ears, you could grow petunias in there!" - I loved that image and secretly wished I could grow flowers in my ears.)

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Working diligently to help things run smoothly - and to teach these skills.
(I thought for sure that my mum had eyes in the back of her head, literally. She always knew what was going on! We kids used to run our hands through her hair, looking for them, and she would laugh and say, "Stop! They're closed right now!")

Her children arise and call her blessed. . .
and here are printable coupons to prove it!

Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.
"You're #1!" It's nice to know that people realize the effort and love given to them. Mommies, Grammies, Aunties, and other dear ones don't expect to hear "thank you" all the time, but those are very sweet words, indeed.

Share a big thank you with the ones who care so deeply for you by creating one of these lovely DIYs - for Mother's Day or at any time: https://youtu.be/OzGiCgiIwTI .
Here are 12 lessons to be learned - for everyone's successful living!

Did you have a role model who did some of these awesome things?

They would want you to learn them, too!

Remember to follow the greatest Biblical advice:

from captivatingcrazy.com
Image from Captivatingcrazy.com
If you began a notebook/scrapbook/diary - "My Peaceful Book" - in the past weeks, or would like to begin one now:

add lists, pictures, ideas, memories, dreams - whatever you want.

Keep your book in a quiet place to enjoy whenever you want.

In time, someday, your special notebook can be a great reminder of an unusual moment in our history. It will serve as a record of the things you thought and did during these days!
A warm THANK YOU to everyone who cares for children. Your love helps them to grow up with happy hearts!
ALLELUIA! Jesus, our Good Shepherd, is risen indeed!
Welcome to the fifth of seven "Sundays of Easter"!
I'm sending prayers for your health and well-being, peace, and joy - Linda