New Vision Research published on SPOT Vision Screener validity
3 to 36 month old children
Validity of the Spot Vision Screener in detecting vision disorders in children 6 months to 36 months of age.
A newly published vision research study on the Spot screening device has been released in the November issue of the Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
Results showed the Spot Vision Screener with good overall validity in detecting targeted vision disorders in 223 children 3 to 36 months old, especially with regard to low hyperopia and astigmatism. Higher hyperopic spherical equivalent refractive errors showed larger differences between the Spot and cycloplegic retinoscopy, and t
he Spot overestimated astigmatism compared to cycloplegic retinoscopy.
Because any screening technique can produce false negative results, it is important to remember that parents/caregivers who have concerns regarding a child's vision should be recommended to receive a comprehensive eye examination.
The study was contributed by CVMA members Gayathri Srinivasan MS,OD, and CVMA Co-Chairs Bruce Moore OD and Paulette Tattersall DipPharm, MSc, along with Diane Russo OD, MPH, Christopher Taylor BSc, PhD, and Anthony Guarino PhD. CVMA past Co-Chair Kathy Majzoub provided editing support.
Fight for Sight and Prevent Blindness offers
Joint Research Award Opportunity
Fight for Sight (FFS) and Prevent Blindness are partnering to fund a joint research award in 2020 to better serve the missions of both organizations.
A new one-year $25,000 Grant in Aid, will be called the
Fight for Sight-Prevent Blindness Joanne Angle Public Health Award
and will support research related to:
- Burden/economic aspects of eye disease and vision loss on society
- Best practices in integrating vision screening and follow-up care with system care access
- Vision program effectiveness and evaluation
Applications are due on November 15, 2019
and must be submitted on FFS's grant portal.
The recipient will be announced in Spring 2020.
Click here
To apply for the grant or find out more information
WHO Global Report on Vision
"In a world built on the ability to see, vision, the most dominant of our senses, is vital at every turn of our lives. The newborn depends on vision to recognize and bond with its mother; the toddler, to master balance and learn to walk; the schoolboy, to walk to school, read and learn; the young woman to participate in the workforce; and the older woman, to maintain her independence."
Releasing its first ever
Global Report on Vision, WHO estimates
at least 2.2 billion people globally have a vision impairment, with 1 billion with a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. The report found the burden of most eye conditions and vision impairment is not borne equally. Inadequate access to eye care is a major cause of the uneven distribution.
WHO sets out concrete proposals to address challenges in eye care. "People ...must be able to receive high-quality interventions without suffering financial hardship.
Including eye care in national health plans and essential packages of care is an important part of every country's journey towards universal health coverage."
click here to read Prevent Blindness' statement on the WHO Global Report on Vision
November is Diabetes-related Eye Disease Awareness Month
- 645,000 people (11.1%) have diabetes
- 162,000 have diabetes but don't know it, greatly increasing their health risk
- 27,000 people in Massachusetts are diagnosed with diabetes every year
- 1,784,000 people (35% of the adult population) have pre-diabetes with blood glucose levels higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
The WHO Global Report on Vision estimates the number of people with diabetes-related retinopathy, a complication of the disease, is estimated to increase globally from 146 million in 2014 to 180.6 million in 2030. Prevent Blindness recommends people with diabetes may lower their risk of developing eye disease by:
- Knowing their numbers to manage glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
- Getting a dilated eye exam annually, or more often, as recommended by an eye doctor
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, not smoking, and following a healthy meal plan
Click here for Prevent Blindness Diabetes and the Eyes Educational Toolkit
Give MA Department of Early Education and Care Your View!
The MA Department of Early Education and Care is asking for input to help craft "a plan for Massachusetts in which all children develop as lifelong learners and contributing members of the community, and all families are supported in their essential work as parents and caregivers."
Your feedback will help EEC decide policies that best meet the needs of the early education field and the children and families it serves.
Please take the time to attend, or complete the survey - and to talk about the importance of childhood vision!
Click here for more information on the Strategic Roadmap, meeting locations, dates & times
Click here to fill out the EEC survey if you cannot attend a local meeting
To support the work of Children's Vision Massachusetts, please consider making a DONATION