From the Office of the Bishop
Happy Thanksgiving November 26, 2020
May the beauty and blessings of Thanksgiving bring warmth to your home this season. Stay safe and healthy!
Last of Eight Historic Ordinations This Weekend
The Diocese of Easton will hold it's final Deacon ordination this upcoming Sunday. Eight new Deacons will have been ordained this fall - the culmination of three years of coursework and dedication. We are truly excited and honored to welcome this diverse class of individuals who represent several firsts for the Diocese, including the first two African Americans and the first Iranian American to be ordained in the Diocese.
Upcoming Ordination
Stephanie B. Clayville
November 22, 2020 @ 3:00 p.m. – All Hallows, Snow Hill
Congratulations to our new Deacons.
Please keep their ministry in your prayers.
Stephanie B. Clayville
Barbara A. Coleman
Andrew C. Cropper
Alisha M. King
Laura Jean McCarthy
Christine J. Sabas
Marguerite A. Samuels
Dr. Katherine E. Webb
Parochial & Statistical Reports
The Bishop's Office is excited to report that membership in the Diocese of Easton has been holding steady over the past years after a period of decline. "This is great news," reports Bishop San who pointed to the decline in many other Diocese across the country. "This is a direct result of the hard work of our clergy and lay leadership who have been diligent and creative about ministry in our communities." We are grateful to all of our members for their part in making our Diocese a healthy and robust body of worshippers. To see the recently released statistics from the national church click here and here.
Bishop's Pastoral Directive November 2020
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.”
(Isaiah 41:10)
Excerpted: "Our protocols require churches to maintain at least six feet of distance between families, or individuals not residing together. This requirement, along with the abundance of caution exercised by our leadership has in many cases already limited attendance to something akin to the Governor’s new directive. Our protocols also emphasize that the CDC and government requirements should be our primary source of guidance and so we expect our churches to make sure that no more than 25 persons gatherindoorsuntil this directive is lifted. We acknowledge that this directive will impact some of our larger churches." Read the Directive In Full here.
Bishop San celebrated the 39th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on November 8th (also the Feast Day of the Saints of the Anglican Communion). This weekend the Bishop is excited to celebrate the ordination to the Diaconate of Stephanie Clayville, the last of our eight deacon ordinations for 2020.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission and ministries of our Diocese.
Be on the Lookout for Holiday Scammers
This past year we have seen a significant uptick in the number of scam attempts using Bishop San’s name. With the holidays approaching we wanted to remind our members to keep an eye out for potential scammers who may be looking for gift cards, money, or other items. They may try and solicit these items via phone call, text or email. Be sure to check the source of where a message has originated and always call the office (410-822-1919) if you are ever in doubt. Please reference this article for more information.
Discount Tickets Available for January Formation Conference
Province 3, in partnership with the Diocese of Easton, is excited to offer discounted tickets to the Forma21 Digital Gathering this January 26-28. The tickets, normally $130, are available for $50 on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register yourself or others for these tickets please use this form.
“In a time such as this, how do we as leaders and individuals embody and rejuvenate our own Spiritual Practices, and then how do we lead this rejuvenation in our ministry context? This the core question we will be leaning into during Forma21 as we listen to wisdom-leaders and each other.”
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"A Taste of FORMA 21"
Want to know more about January's Digital Forma Conference? Forma is offering a taste of Forma21 this Friday, November 20, at 3:00 p.m. EST through a Freerange Worship Workshop: Creating and Experiencing Sacred Space Worship in Unfamilar Times, ADVENT EDITION. "Led by Lilly Lewin, we will experience and learn practices that you can use in both online and in person worship. Ideas for Advent, Post Election, and Christmas. A time of practical learning and refreshment for all of us who are experiencing something beyond the ordinary this season. We will pray with all our senses!"
A candle & a lighter/matches
Some duct tape/scotch tape
Throw Blanket
A piece of Chocolate or piece of sweet candy
A rock/stone
2021 Church Initiatives Grant Applications
Applications are now being accepted for the Diocese of Easton’s Church Initiatives Grant Program. Money is available exclusively to parishes and mission churches in the Diocese of Easton to undertake innovative programs and projects. The Grant Program is funded by investment returns from the Diocese’s St. Stephens Endowment Fund, a fund created with proceeds from the sale of St. Stephen's Church, East New Market several years ago.
This is the ninth year of the program’s existence. Last year three grants were awarded:
- St. Peter’s, Salisbury to provide start up funding for the St. Peter’s Choir School
- Shrewsbury Parish and La Sagrada Familia de Jesus for the development of the Shrewsbury Community Garden Site.
- St. Paul’s, Trappe to jumpstart their new outreach work to support needy families in their area.
Many grants have been awarded in all of our convocations over the years to support a wide variety of worthy initiatives. Some examples are:
- Trinity Elkton for computers to support Youth Sunday School, Adult Christian Education, and Food Pantry clients who are job searching, parishioners who do not have access to a computer, and for parish presentations;
- St. Paul’s Centreville to provide weekend meals to needy elementary school students;
- Christ Church Kent Island to fund a summer backpacks for kids program;
- Emmanuel Parish in Chestertown to help start an on-site afterschool program;
- Shrewsbury Parish to create a Kent County Coalition; and
- St. Andrew’s Mission in Hurlock to incorporate the Moveable Feast as part of its food bank program.
As much as $10,000 could be available to support community initiatives in 2020. The Church Initiatives Grants Committee is accepting grant applications now through February 4, 2021. Grant recipients will be announced at the Diocesan Convention with grants awarded in March 2021.
A Call for Nominations to Service to the Diocese of Easton
One of the great joys and rewards of being an Episcopalian on the Eastern Shore is the opportunity to serve as leaders in the Diocese of Easton. Each year at our annual convention we have the privilege to elect our representatives to the Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, and the Board of Managers of the Trust Funds. In doing so, we help shape the future of our Diocese by electing clergy and lay leaders to these important offices. This process is central to maintaining the vitality of our Diocese. Read more here.
The Children's Home Foundation of the Eastern Shore of Maryland
For over 60 years, The Children’s Home Foundation has offered financial assistance to residents of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. It is a non-profit arm of the Episcopal Diocese of Easton. Since its inception in 1959 the foundation has awarded scholarships, grants and camperships in excess of $5 million dollars.
Scholarships are awarded to individuals in need of financial assistance to obtain vocational and technical training in postsecondary accredited institutions in order to enter the workforce, or to improve employment opportunities. Now, more than ever this program deserves support. Grants enable children and teens, who might not otherwise have the opportunity, to attend summer camp. And, because it is difficult to get a job without a driver’s license, some students have received help with the cost of driver’s education. This is a new CHF program started within the past two years, because so many local school systems have discontinued drivers education.
The foundation has a 501(C)-3 designation and is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors from all the counties on the Eastern Shore. Over 97% of all charitable donations go directly to our scholarship recipients.
Education and enrichment are the focus of the foundation, and it is our hope that you will consider donating to this worthy cause. Because of this year’s Covid 19 Pandemic, we need your support more than ever in the form of monetary gifts, modest or otherwise.
Always feel free to contact us if you are aware of individuals who might benefit from one of these programs. To learn more about our Episcopal organization we invite you to visit our website at: During this most difficult year please know that your support and prayers will help us continue in our work for our citizens who need it the most. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40.
Your tax deductible donation made payable to CHF may be sent to: Children’s Home Foundation c/o Ann Allen PO Box 990 Salisbury, Maryland 21803
153rd Diocesan Convention To Be Virtual
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Give the gift of Camp Wright. Folks who Make a donation of $25 or more to our Scholarship Fund will receive a beautiful, handmade CW ornament for your Christmas Tree. These ornaments are crafted from a tree that fell on CW property this year. Featuring our logo on one side and the camp bell on the other, they will be lovely when used in July or December. More information and a link for giving can be found on our website:
We are hard at work planning for our 2021 camp season. Expect to see session dates posted in the coming weeks!
Around The Diocese
Let us know if your church or parish will be collecting items or holding activities to benefit our local communities during the holiday season!! Our hope is for people to see what’s going on throughout our diocese and pitch in beyond their parish if they see a need they can fill. Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Beth Devenny to be included in our upcoming holiday season Enews.
St. Peter's, Salisbury Youth group volunteers at Maryland food bank. St. Peter’s Youth Group spent time recently volunteering at the Maryland Food Bank. The event was organized by Youth Group Leader Atif Gaddis. Thank you to all the youth, parents and Atif for their ministry at this important community resource.
Christ Church, Easton presents The Songs of Advent
As familiar as we are with the songs of Christmas, there are four songs recorded in the Bible to celebrate the birth of Jesus that most of us aren't familiar with. The angels sang a song to the shepherds. Mary sang a song to God after she had time to get over the shocking news that she was going to be the mother of the Savior. Simeon also had a song. Then there's Zechariah's song. Zechariah was an elderly priest who sang after being visited by an angel. This wasn't like a Broadway musical—these people didn't suddenly burst into song. But the ancient church captured their words and created songs known as canticles.
Make Advent a special part of your preparation for Christmas this year. Join us for this meaningful time of study led by Wes Lockfaw. Classes will take place on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm in a Zoom format beginning Tuesday, November 24 through Tuesday, December 15. To register for this class, click this link or email
There is no required text for this course, but study guides will be sent to each participant.
On Friday evening, November 20 and Saturday morning November 21, the times when we usually hold the bazaar in the Parish Hall, we will be broadcasting live a telethon from the church featuring Dick Van Gelder as MC, Father David and Rev. Adele, Daniel Cherrix, musical offerings, community celebrities like Charles Papparella, SWAC’s Therese Hamilton and poet Nancy Mitchell – all helping to raise funds for St. Peter’s.aHall You can find the telethon on the same place as you tune in for livestreams from the church.
The Friday line-up includes a comedy offering from our priests, a piano/organ duo with Daniel Cherrix and Taylor Harvey, and videos on many of our parish ministries. On the Saturday program Father David will do a live virtual Blessing of the Animals around 11:25am and you’ll see videos from the Altar Guild, a visit to Betty Lou Davis’ place for wreathmaking, and much more. Check the Fall Bazaar page on the parish website for the latest information:
Our Virtual Fall Bazaar is live and the online auction on our baskets continues through this Friday at 8pm. Go to: See what’s available and place your bids.
After visiting the Bazaar there is one more very important action you can take: SPREAD THE WORD! Share the link above with those you know, with groups and friends and invite them to participate as well. This is our one major fundraiser of the year. Please help to make it a success!
Christ Church, Cambridge will be filling boxes for children around the world. Start shopping now for items to fill our boxes. Bring filled boxes now to the church office or leave on the back pew before the Sunday church service. Please turn in all boxes no later then Nov. 22. Boxes can be picked up in the church office or at the back of the church after the Sunday service. * Remember do not include: candy, toothpaste, gum, war related items, seeds, food, liquids or lotions, glass or aerosol cans.
Send an email with a short description plus links or attachments to Joanne. Churches are also encouraged to add to their local enews.
Advent Offerings
December Wisdom Circle
Seeing the Word: Illuminating Advent
Mondays, November 30-December 21
6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom
Join us for this contemplative prayer practice using illuminations from the Saint John’s Bible. These images bring to life passages from Scripture, helping us to engage with the Word, encounter the Divine, and enact the Message in our daily lives.
Advent honors the time of waiting for the arrival of the Christ child. We will gather each week in hope, peace, joy and love to meet the Messiah who is – and is yet to come – through guided reflections. As we open "the eyes of our heart" (visio divina) and “the ears of our heart” (lectio divina), we discover what the Word means to us and what the Holy Spirit is calling us to do in the world today.
Please register by next Monday, November 23.
Advent Quiet Day:
Blessed by the Wisdom of Mary
Wednesday, December 2nd
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
As we enter the Advent season, let us consider Mary’s situation alongside our own lives. Where is God asking for our Yes? How do we respond when we are not sure we are up to the task? How can we be encouraged by Mary’s trust in God to do what seemed impossible?
During this Advent Quiet Day our time together will be spent in prayer, reflection, journaling, and conversation. We will meet in the sanctuary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at the Retreat House at Hillsboro. The church sanctuary is arranged for the safety of physical distancing and also allows for intimate sharing. Click here to register online.
Here's what's coming up at the Retreat House. Click the button's below for dates and times.
Introducing A New Weekly Feature: Pause
We are excited to have begun a new weekly feature that we are calling Pause. This Friday afternoon message is intended to give you a moment of reflection in the form of a poem, quote, and image. These messages will also be shared via email, in our social media and archived on the website. If you missed last week's edition, please click here to read it.
Day's End Evening Meditation Listen, breathe, be still. A peaceful way to move into your evening.
Wisdom Circle: Seeing the Word An Advent offering Tuesdays, December 1, 8, 15, 22 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Registration details to be announced.
Gathering of the Greens and Wreath Making, Sunday, December 13th, 1:00-3:00pm
Illumination - Saturday, December 19th 6:00 - 8:00 pm Hillsboro town luminaries, candlelight labyrinth walk and bonfire with hot chocolate.
In-person AA meetings have resumed and will be meeting in St. Paul's Church, next door to the Retreat House at 22005 Church Street, Hillsboro MD 21641. Masks and social distancing will be required. Feel free to bring your own book and beverage. All meetings continue to be offered on Zoom per the Midshore Intergroup meeting schedule.
The Retreat House gates are always open.
Please come for a visit soon!
The Retreat House welcomes individual visitors as well as small groups for outdoor meetings, walks, and meditations. Feel free to gather under the canopy of Crape Myrtle, Magnolia, Oak, or Linden trees. Please observe safety protocols with masks and social distance. We'll provide the seating, hand sanitizer, wipes and bug spray--all found in the gazebo. All are welcome; we hope to see you soon.
See our calendar for programs and special events. For more information, call (410) 364-7069, click the buttons below or contact Francie Thayer.
Pastoral Concerns
We pray for continued healing and comfort for the following people and their families:
Continued Prayers for Bishop San's sisters - Padmini (Paddy) Marray and Sandra Marray, both battling breast cancer. Lisa Webb. Bryan Glancey, Vicar, St. Andrew's, Hurlock. Rev. Kevin Cross, Rector, Church of the Holy Trinity, Oxford. The Rev. Pete Stanton. Larry Samuels, spouse of Deacon Candidate, Peggy Samuels. Art Leiby. Becky Richardson. Weasie Kamihachi. Erica Favreau & baby Abel.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
Last Sunday after Pentecost (November 22nd) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Andrew’s, Princess Anne, and their Rector, the Rev. Rob Laws, and his spouse, Fastau. On this Children’s Home Foundation Sunday; we give thanks for the ministry of the Children’s Home Foundation, and their leadership in
providing funds for those seeking higher education.
First Sunday of Advent (November 29th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people who serve as elected
representatives to the Standing Committee and to Diocesan Council, and
for the leadership they offer.
Second Sunday of Advent (December 6th) We give thanks for the witness of God’s people at St. Luke’s, Queenstown and Old Wye Church, and for the Very Rev. Charlie Osberger and his wife, Frieda.
For additional weeks, please visit our website.
Communication from the
Office of the Presiding Bishop
‘You can’t just jump to hope’: Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on healing after the election
Curry spoke to Religion News Service about what divides the United States, what people of faith can do to help bridge those divisions and why he believes healing is possible.
The weekend before Election Day, Bishop Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, led an interfaith prayer service livestreamed from Washington National Cathedral in the nation’s capital.
It was All Saints’ Day, and there were prayers for the 200,000-plus Americans who have died from COVID-19. Their deaths are among a number of things Curry believes Americans need to grieve.
That’s the first step to hope and healing, he said.
“You can’t just jump to hope,” the presiding bishop said afterward. “There’s a process you have to go through. There are no shortcuts to it.”
Curry spoke to Religion News Service in the days between Election Day and the projection of a Joe Biden win. The presiding bishop shared his thoughts about what divides the United States, what people of faith can do to help bridge those divisions and why he believes healing is ultimately possible. Read more here.
Fourth season of ‘The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry’ podcast continues with guests Kory Caudill and Wordsmith
Season 4 Episode 2 of The Episcopal Church’s podcast The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry, is now available. In this episode, Bishop Curry talks with Kory Caudill and Wordsmith, two musicians supporting the Concert for the Human Family series – a project in collaboration with The Episcopal Church’s Becoming Beloved Community initiative, which seeks to build a world where all people may experience dignity and abundant life and see themselves and others as beloved children of God.
National Cathedral hosts forum on COVID-19 with Fauci, other top health officials Beneath the neo-Gothic arches of Washington National Cathedral, Dr. Anthony Fauci mulled over the question everyone is asking: Should families gather for Thanksgiving during the coronavirus pandemic?
“I think every family unit needs to do a risk assessment,” said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at a Nov. 12 forum.
He said families should consider factors such as the age, underlying conditions, travel, testing and quarantining of people who wish to dine together on the holiday.
“You may want to make a decision that you’re just going to forestall it — now whenever I say that I’m the grinch that stole Thanksgiving,” he said. “I’m not saying that. I’m saying everyone needs to seriously think about the risk-benefit” ratio. Read more here.
CEEP Network Announces 2021 Digital Conference; Archbishop of Canterbury, Presiding Bishop among keynote speakers
Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry will be among the keynote speakers at the 36th annual conference of The CEEP Network, meeting digitally for the first time in 2021, according to Joe Swimmer, executive director.
Other keynote speakers at the March 3-5, 2021 conference will include Dr. Catherine Meeks, executive director, Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing (Atlanta); Darren Walker, president, Ford Foundation (New York); and the Rev. Sam Wells, vicar, St. Martin-in-the Fields (London).
“The CEEP Network is honored to present the most influential thought leaders in the church today to share their wisdom and insights on the future of the church in the context of the dramatic social and economic changes taking place in our country and around the world today,” said Swimmer. Read more here.
Episcopal Relief & Development kicks off year-end match challenge to benefit global development programs
Episcopal Relief & Development launched the organization’s annual Year-End Match Challenge on Nov. 5. Thanks to a generous group of donors, all donations to the agency between now and Dec. 31 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $765,000.
“As Episcopal Relief & Development has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic this year, we have remained fully committed to our ongoing development efforts,” said Robert W. Radtke, President & CEO, Episcopal Relief & Development. “This matching opportunity comes at a moment when it is deeply needed and I am immensely grateful to the generous donors who have offered it.”
The Year-End Match Challenge will benefit the organization’s Global Needs Fund, strengthening key programs in three priority areas: women, children and climate. Donations will enable work around the world with local partners, helping communities overcome poverty, hunger, disaster and disease. Matched gifts will also help as Episcopal Relief & Development continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with financial and technical support in the United States and around the world. Read more here.
‘Tell Me Something Good,’ a new web series from The Episcopal Church
Tell Me Something Good, a new web series from The Episcopal Church, highlights positive stories from around the church through conversations with a variety of guests. New episodes of Tell Me Something Good will be released every two weeks. Episode 1 is available for viewing on The Episcopal Church website here, on Facebook here, and on Instagram TV, @theepiscopalchurch.
Hosted by Jerusalem Greer, Episcopal Church staff officer for evangelism and the Rev. Marcus Halley, dean of formation of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut, Tell Me Something Good seeks, names and celebrates Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of people from all over the church, and invites everyone to MORE!
In Episode 1, Greer and Halley share the story of how Tell Me Something Good came to be, what has been Good News in their lives recently, and give a preview of upcoming episodes.
Showing Up for Each Other: Conversations with Episcopal Missionaries
The Episcopal Church Global Partnerships Office presents a new webinar series, Showing Up for Each Other: Conversations with Episcopal Missionaries, this November and December. Members of the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) and Episcopal Volunteers in Mission (EVIM) will share stories and lessons they have learned through walking alongside partners across the worldwide Anglican Communion. Read more here.
Deadline approaches for Young Adult and Campus Ministry grants
The deadline approaches for The Episcopal Church 2021 grants program for Young Adult and Campus Ministries currently engaged in or seeking new relationships with young adults on or off college campuses. Episcopal ministries or ecumenical ministries with an Episcopal presence are invited to apply.
Eligible applicants include dioceses, congregations, or college/university ministries.
There is still time to apply for 2021 Roanridge Trust grants for leadership development in small towns and rural communities
There is still time to apply for the 2021 Roanridge Trust Grant Awards. Dioceses, congregations and Episcopal Church related organizations and institutions are invited to apply. Read more here.
Teaching and Preaching: Churches Revisioning Unity in Christ through the Holidays Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC), an ecumenical multi-lateral dialogue among ten Protestant faith communions in the USA announces the release of new, ecumenical resources for local congregations to utilize during the upcoming holiday season. The resources are designed to help local churches experience Thanksgiving and Watchnight (New Year’s Eve) through the lens of racial equity. Read more here.
Global Anglican leaders call for ‘equitable’ Covid-19 vaccine roll-out to world’s vulnerable The primates of the Anglican Communion have called for potential Covid-19 vaccines to be made available to the world’s poorest people. They made their call after an online meeting last week (Nov. 5-6) at which they were briefed by representatives of the World Health Organization.
The Primates’ Meeting is one of four “Instruments of Communion” in the worldwide Anglican Communion, and brings together the senior archbishops and bishops of the 41 member churches. It usually meets every couple of years and last met in-person in January. Last week’s online meeting was called to address the global health emergency. Representatives from 37 of the 41 member churches took part in last week’s meeting.
“Epidemics are about communities. Communities stop epidemics,” the WHO’s Executive Director for Health Emergencies Preparedness & Response, Dr. Mike Ryan. “For this reason, we are eager to work with faith leaders to build solidarity and uphold social justice-enabling you to speak to communities in a credible and understandable way.”
Preparing to Become the Beloved Community
curriculum revised for Advent 2020
New and updated Advent and Christmas resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available, with additional resources coming soon. Available now: Preparing to Become the Beloved Community Advent curriculum; Way of Love Digital Invitation Kit; updated Journeying the Way of Love Advent calendar and curriculum; AdventWord 2020; Episcopal Migration Ministries Refugee Prayer Vigil. And be sure to sign up for daily Advent and Christmas emails. Find Advent and Christmas resources from The Episcopal Church here. Read more here.
Sow Seeds of Resilience this Advent with Episcopal Relief & Development's Gifts for Life Catalog
This holiday season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites supporters and congregations to sow seeds of resilience in communities around the world by giving a gift from Gifts for Life, the organization’s alternative gift catalog.
Gifts for Life enables individuals and groups to transform lives in communities worldwide through the purchase of a wide range of gift offerings to support those communities. The 2020 catalog features new offerings such as the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE package, which supports the organization’s campaign to expand its work with communities and families to help children up to age six so they can thrive and achieve their full potential. Read more here.
Episcopal Relief & Development Celebrates One Year of the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE Campaign by Debuting New Digital Resources
Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates one year of ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE by debuting new digital Advent and worship resources, as well as other toolkits for churches and supporters to use together or individually. ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE is a three year, $3 million grassroots Church-wide fundraising campaign dedicated to expanding the organization’s global programs improving the lives of children up to age six. Read more here.
Welcome to For People, a conversation with Bishop Rob Wright, spiritual leader to the more than 50,000 people in the 117 worshipping communities of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. In this podcast, Bishop Wright meets listeners at the crossroads of faith and life to explore the challenges of an ever-changing world. Listen in to find out how he expands on his For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions. Listen Now