Training for BridgePay's
New User Experience

Our new look plus enhanced functionality is coming the week of September 28th!
BridgePay is launching an updated user experience.
Time to get up to speed with our EMV enabled virtual terminal, device pairing, reporting, & reseller boarding.

Register now for our recurring seminars by selecting the date of your choice and follow the simple steps to register.

EMV Enabled Virtual Terminal & Reporting
This session will show how easy it is to pair an EMV device and start accepting chip and tap to pay transactions immediately. Our team will be on hand to answer questions related to our new MyBridgePay user interface, an all-in-one tool, for partners and merchants.

Register through the links below. Attend as many sessions as needed.
*Registration links are specific to each date and time so be sure to select the correct registration link.*
Reseller Boarding Portal
Are you using the gateway to its fullest? This session is for our reseller partners to review enhancements made to merchant boarding, new processor set-up, and the new sales agent role. Learn how to enable EMV for the virtual terminal along with other users settings such as AVS & CVV mismatch.

Register through the links below. Attend as many sessions as needed.
*Registration links are specific to each date and time so be sure to select the correct registration link.*