Senior Scoop
October 22nd Edition
Dear Whitemarsh Township!
Please find below community resources and some fun activities you can do from the comfort of your own home! Please share the newsletters and information with any friends or family, specifically area seniors. If they want to sign up to receive these newsletters they can e-mail us at

Stay safe and remember "Social Distancing",
The Parks and Recreation Team

A special thank you to our First Responders, medical staff, and everyone else who is working to keep our community safe.
Learning Personal Development
Dr. Daniel Amen is quoted as having said "The health of your brain is much more about your actions than your age." There truly is a quote for everything, but just because someone says it doesn't guarantee we know how to accomplish that quote. Dr. Amen's quote is easily interpreted as staying active in mindful wellness in order to be healthy. With that in mind, we've found some courses for personal improvement which you'll find below.
This course offered through ISB tries to answer the question many others have asked in the past. What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life? By taking the course, the instructor expects a few things to be achieved by the end of it. He expects the students who have been diligent with their studies to know more about the science of happiness, but to also be significantly happier as well!
The University of Toronto has provided the course above, which looks into the relationships in our life. From romantic to familial to friends, all sorts of relationship insight is given. This course gets a little beyond the basics and can help students perceive their relationships and the relationships of those around them in a new light.
Lastly, we have a course offering from the University of Pennsylvania. This course helps students incorporate resilience interventions into their personal and professional lives. The tools gained in this course are directly applicable to the real world and helps you get the most out of your life!
Mindful Wellness

Try the free Daily New York Times Mini Crossword Puzzle. Check back each day for a new puzzle!
Mindful Exercises

Open the above Document and practice 6 different ways to ease your mind and body.

Check out a new e-book or e-magazine by visiting our friends over at the William Jeanes Library. 

Jigsaw Puzzles

Looking to do a puzzle, but don't have any? Try an online puzzle at
Community Resources
Whitemarsh Pharmacy is offering curbside pick up and free local delivery! Call them at 610-828-5222 for more information on fill prescriptions and ordering essential items and supplies.
The Market at Lafayette Hill is offering curbside pickup and delivery Monday-Friday.
For more information visit
or call the store at 610-941-7101.
See a message from the Whitemarsh Police Department about COVID-19 related scams.

All GIANT stores will open for customers over the age of 60 from 6:00-7:00AM.
COVAID connects neighbors helping with getting groceries, picking up prescriptions, and more.
United Way of Pennsylvania Dial 211 or text your zip code to #898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free.
Ready MontCo is a service from Montgomery County Dept. of Public Safety. Learn more information by visiting their website.