news & events
January 15 - January 24, 2021
271st Annual Meeting
We enjoyed seeing so many of you during the first part of our Annual Parish Meeting this past Sunday! At the meeting, we heard from and accepted the candidates for the Vestry election. If you missed the meeting, you can watch the Zoom recording by clicking the video image above.

Election ballots have been mailed! If you have any questions concerning the process, ballots or obtaining digital substitute ballots, eligibility, etc., simply contact the parish office at (706) 724-2485 or The clergy and staff will ensure you receive any help or materials needed. Return your sealed and certified ballots to the parish office by Noon on Friday, January 29.
Change in Parish Office Staff
Since 2014, Meredith Beach has served as our part-time accountant. Saint Paul’s has been blessed to have someone with such a strong accounting background in that position. Today is Meredith‘s last day in the office.

Meredith has expressed a desire to reduce her hours to allow her the opportunity to spend more time with her daughter in her last year of high school and her son in his first year of collegiate golf. We will miss not only her expertise, but also her good nature, UGA enthusiasm, and friendship.

While she will no longer be in our office, we are pleased to announce that she will remain Saint Paul’s accountant. However, Meredith will have NO parishioner contact. Many of Meredith duties including her support for parish ministries and parishioners will be handled by our Parish Administrator, Elisabeth Price. Meredith and Elisabeth will work closely with both the Treasurer and the Chair of the Finance Committee to ensure a smooth transition.

Effective Monday, January 18, please contact Elisabeth Price should you have any questions regarding your:

  • pledge,
  • giving,
  • ministry accounting or reimbursement.

Please join us in wishing Meredith well and help us ensure this new work arrangement is successful.
Godly Play - Children through 5th grade
K-2nd grade, 9 - 9:40 a.m.
3rd-5th grade, 9:45 - 10:30 a.m.
Leader: Kim Butler and Ivey Coleman

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 366 090 592

PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request.
We take children and their relationship with God seriously and seek to provide both space to foster encounters with God and the language necessary to make meaning of those experiences. Within the Godly Play classroom, the Biblical narrative is lovingly presented to children using beautiful materials with an invitation to step into each story with awe and wonder. Children are then allowed time to respond to and reflect on their experience of the story.

The Godly Play class sends weekly emails on Saturday morning. If you have children K-5th grade and would like to receive this email, please contact Maddy Elledge.
Rector's Forum
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
Leader: The Rev. George Muir

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 860 972 849 
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Join us for the Rector’s Forum this Sunday. During our time together we will reflect on the Collect of the Day and lessons appointed for that Sunday. Our time is spent understanding how ancient words impact our current reality.
Coffee and Conversation
Sundays, 10:35 a.m.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 860 972 849 
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
We miss seeing you! Grab a cup of coffee and join us on Zoom before the 11 a.m. service for a few moments of fellowship!
EVENTS NEXT WEEK | January 18 - January 24
Noonday Prayer
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:05 p.m.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request.
Noonday Prayer is a short and simple service which allows prayer to enter into the midst of our daily work or other activities, while joining our prayers in the ongoing prayer of the Church around the world. It may also be observed in private and is found online here and on p.103-107 in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or in the simplified version daily devotions on page 138.
About Your Sermon: Conversations on Sunday's Sermon

Every Monday, Noon - 1 p.m.
12:05 - 12:10 p.m. Noonday Prayer
12:10 - 1 p.m. Conversation about Sunday’s sermon

Facilitator: Sunday’s preacher
OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Every Monday we invite you to gather for and discuss the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed in Sunday’s sermon from the 11 a.m. service. We begin with Noonday Prayer at 12:05 p.m. and then jump into discussion to explore your questions and interests, theological themes, and implications. We end promptly at one o’clock for those joining during a lunch hour. 

The video of the service is available on our Facebook page immediately following Sunday’s 11 a.m. livestream. The sermon usually begins at about 25 minutes into the service, to which you can advance the video. If you would like any help, contact Maddy Elledge.

No reservation is required. If you need any help learning how to join a Zoom meeting, contact Maddy Elledge.
Sacred Space at Saint Paul's
Tuesday and Friday
Sacred Space is an opportunity for you to be in your church’s sacred space to rest and pray.  You will be provided with a simple Order of Service to guide your prayers, but pray according to your practice and however fulfills your needs for your own sacred time and space.

Please note that during this time, we ask that everyone sign up to attend as each time is limited in the number of participants. You will be required to submit your email address for contact tracing.

Masks are kindly required by all individuals at all times. You will receive a follow up email with more details on additional guidelines.
Compline – Facebook Live and Zoom
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m., social time follows worship on Zoom.

Participate live through our Facebook page.

OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923

PASSWORD: Email Maddy Elledge to request.

Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, which are streamed on Facebook Live, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
"I sing a song of the saints of God…and I want to be one too" | AKA: Foundations of Christianity, Inquirer’s Class, Newcomers 
Who: welcoming seekers and those who wish to be Confirmed or Received in the Episcopal Church; also, for Episcopalians looking to shore up their foundations.
Beginning Sunday, January 24, 9 a.m., Zoom
If you wish to be received into The Episcopal Church, this class is for you. It is the preparatory path for the rites of initiation known as Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation.

We will draw principally from two books, Jenifer Gamber's Your Faith, Your Life, and I especially recommend that everyone obtain a copy of Dr. Julia Gatta’s Life in Christ, but no one must read them to attend or participate in these conversations and lessons. 
Read the Gospel of Mark
Now through February 16.

Epiphany 2021

Other resources:

Listen to the Podcast here.

Sign-up to receive the weekly email on the Gospel of Mark.
LOVE IS THE WAY: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times

Postponed until Eastertide

Notify Fr. Jenkins of your interest

I learned this week that during this Easter season, historically known as the Great Fifty Days of Eastertide, there will be a diocesan wide book reading and study of Bp. Curry’s Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times; therefore, I am postponing the current study until then. 

The parish currently has 13 copies available ($20) in the office. Please contact the office and arrange to pick up your copy.
From the Stewardship Chair

Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you, 
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.

Received as of 1/13/21 for the Year 2021  
134 Pledge Cards representing $581,901.00 

If you have not completed a pledge card, please complete this year’s annual stewardship appeal and return it to the church as soon as possible, or pledge online on our website at you did not receive a pledge appeal in the mail or have simply misplaced yours, please email the parish office or contact by telephone at (706) 724-2485 ext. 225.
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 1/13/21

Offerings pledged this Week: $ -- **
Offerings received this Week: $5,628.90

Operating Expenses to Date $49,166.33
Total Income Received to Date $34,957.47

**2021 Budget pending approval
Questions for Parish Accountant?

If you have any questions regarding giving or financial statements, please contact Parish Administrator Elisabeth Price by email or at (706) 724-2485 ext. 225.
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.