March 11, 2022
Visit us at
March 11, 2022 â€” End of 3rd Quarter.
March 15, 2022 â€” Kings Board of Education Combined Work Session & Regular Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
March 15, 2022 â€” CommuKnighty Connection, 7:00 p.m., Columbia Intermediate School.
March 28 - April 1, 2022 â€” NO SCHOOL, SPRING BREAK.

More event information can be found at:
Are you enjoying the new Peachjar Flyer Board? Don't forget to check it out for the latest events and opportunities for you and your child!

Make sure you check out the details for all of the events happening around the District this weekend such as the KJH Mattress Sale, Kings Bands BANDcakes,
Daylight Saving Time
Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night! We are looking forward to an extra hour of sunlight!
Join Us for CommuKnighty Connection
Earlier in February, we asked the community to provide input on what you believe are the critical skills our students need to develop and demonstrate as they pursue their dreams. The community engaged in this process with over one thousand participants providing feedback. There are general themes that have been identified and we will now start to become more targeted and specific on the exact skills our students need.  

We would like to invite you to a CommuKnighty Connection on March 22, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Columbia Intermediate School Cafeteria. This will be a collaborative opportunity to engage into a protocol that will drill the large themes down into specific transdisciplinary skills. 

If you are interested in participating please RSVP by clicking here.    

Thank you for your interest in helping us live out our KingStrong Culture of Growth Drives Dreams.  
KJH Science Olympiad
Congratulations to the Kings Junior High School Science Olympiad Team who participated in the Science Olympiad Tournament at Xavier University on Saturday, March 5. Every team member won at least 1 medal in an event. 

Results from the competition:

Codebusters - 6th place - Tyler Buehler & Kenneth Wu
Crave the Wave - 3rd place - Aydin Rahman
Experimental Design - 2nd place - Lauren Rubel & Sreenidhi Aarukpalli
Green Generation - 5th place - Emma Niebauer
Meteorology - 5th place - Aydin Rahman & Josh Gamsky
Mission Possible - 2nd place - Lauren Rubel & Sreenidhi Aarukpalli
Ornithology - 4th place - Lauren Rubel 
Solar System - 2nd place - Brayden Sparks & Lauren Rubel 
Storm the Castle - 3rd place - Gowthami Vidhya

Thank you to team adviser, KJH Science teacher, Heidi Strong.

Pictured left to right: Josh Gamsky, Brayden Sparks, Emma Niebauer, Lauren Rubel, Gowthami Vidhya, Tyler Buehler, Kenneth Wu, Sreenidhi Aarukpalli, & Aydin Rahman. 
KHS Mock Trial Team to State
The Kings High School Mock Trial Team advanced to the State Competition held on Thursday, March 10.

They started their journey to state by competing at Districts on January 22, 2022. There were over 300 teams competing at districts over multiple days. Of that number, 99 teams, including KHS advanced to Regionals on February 18. After a successful Regional appearance, the KHS Mock Trial Team was one of 31 teams to advance to the State Competition that was held via Youtube.

Unfortunately, the team didn't advance to the second round after fighting hard against the state champions from last year. Team adviser, KHS History teacher, Lisa King said that the girls on the team have been competing together for the last 3 years. She said, "They have been working since October on this case and they just came up a little short against the other team. I am so proud of them."

Pictured below in no particular order are Karmen Kirker (Respondent Attorney), Erin Thompson (Respondent Attorney), Renae Gilgotti (Witness-Respondent), Emma Hoolehan (Witness-Respondent), Amelia Ballard (Relator Attorney), Maysaa Mohammad (Relator Attorney), Jamie Burress (Witness-Relator), Ella DeVage (Witness-Relator), and Allison Escamilla-Martinez (bailiff).
Kings SRO Visits Preschool
Kings School Resource Officer, Deputy Trent Barker visited Mrs. Theresa House's preschool classrooms this week.

He taught the students how they can be safe preschoolers. He showed them the lights on his vehicle and explained how he is a community helper.

The preschool children then received a badge from Deputy Barker honoring them as Jr. deputies! 
Mrs. House's AM Class
Mrs. House's PM Class
Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition
Congratulations to the following Kings High School students whose artwork was selected to be judged at the State Exhibition of the Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition on Saturday, April 9.

The artwork of Jack Allison, Mattie Foster, Aiden Hart, Abby Parnell, Mei Thomas, and Ashton Ulbrich was judged on a regional level and selected out of 1,048 entries to advance to the state-level judging. If chosen at state, their artwork will be exhibited in the James A. Rhodes State Tower Office in Columbus through the end of May.

A huge thank you to their KHS teachers Angie Guilfoyle, Cassandra Barnes, Stacy Hoffert, Carrie Cooke, and Kelly Shields.

Pictured is artwork by KHS senior, Ashton Ulbrich.
KHS Teacher Advocates for LGBTQ Students
Kings High School English teacher and Intervention Specialist Jill Pratt was invited to speak at this week's PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meeting.

Mrs. Pratt spoke to the group about The Equity Alliance (TEA) at KHS formally known as Safe Space, which started in 2015 at KHS. TEA meets every Monday and supports all students in grades 7-12. The purpose of TEA is to share friendships and have fun together, empower and learn from each other, educate and advocate for each other, encourage and assist the student body, and fight hate with love.

In her presentation, Mrs. Pratt expressed the importance of supporting all students and especially those who may identify as LGBTQ+. She gave suggestions to parents and families about how to talk to and support their children.

PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals, their parents and families, and allies.

Pictured is Mrs. Pratt and Dan Davidson from PFLAG.
Kings Firecrackers End Their Season
The Firecrackers Jump Rope Team just finished their performance season jam-packed with twenty-five performances from Kings High School all the way to Annapolis, Maryland.

The Team recently spent some time traveling throughout our elementary and intermediate buildings to perform this year's show. This weekend, the Firecrackers will perform in Indianapolis at the Big Ten Tournament and have been invited to jump at Kings Island's 50th Anniversary on April 29.

Firecrackers Coach and former Kings Physical Education teacher, Lynn Kelley has been coaching the team made up of 2nd through 8th graders since 1996. The Firecracker Jump Rope Team is not just about jumping and physical fitness. Yearly, the girls take an etiquette course, a public speaking course, participate in many community service projects, and do several events to show and express their appreciation to others.

The Team will be hosting their annual Sparklers Jump Rope Clinics on March 15 and 17 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Columbia Intermediate School. The clinics are a great way to learn the art of jump roping and to learn more about trying out for the Team!

The clinics are open to all 2nd-5th grade Kings students.
A Choral Tribute to Mr. Jorge Gonzalez
On Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Kings High School Auditorium, the Kings Choir Family (specifically the Kings High School and Kings Junior High Treble and Bass Choirs) will honor beloved KHS Spanish teacher, Jorge Gonzalez, with songs of acceptance and multiculturalism.

Gonzalez passed away last October after a battle with COVID-19. A scholarship has been created in his name and the Kings Choir Family will be collecting donations at the door. All proceeds will go directly toward the scholarship.
Kings Board of Education Meeting

The Kings Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, March 15 at 5:30 p.m. for a Combined Work Session and Regular meeting.
KHS Environmental Club to Host Recycling Drive
Kings High School Environmental Club is hosting a Recycling Drive for plastic bags and batteries on Saturday, March 12 from 11:00-1:00 p.m. in front of Kings High School. Please no car batteries.

You can catch the KHS Environmental Club today at 4:30 p.m. on FOX19 as they were interviewed for their latest initiative called Tree Plenish. Learn more about Tree Plenish here.

Pictured are Environmental Club members Brady Kidwell-Fitzgerald, Nick Marchal, Ellie Ritter, and KHS Environmental Club Adviser, Ed Gomes as they were interviewed by Fox19's Ashley Smith.
Imagination Library
COVID-19 Dashboard
The District is now reporting daily numbers of positive cases and quarantines of COVID-19. Those numbers will be reported by the end of the school day each day. You can find that information on our website. We will continue to report the weekly totals, as well.
Kings Kids Summer Camp Registration
Kings Kids Summer Camp registration for children who attended Kings Kids Summer Camp in 2021 will begin on Monday, March 14, 2022.

This fun-filled Summer Camp Program is for children ages Preschool through 6th grade. We believe children should have fun in the summer in a safe and enriching environment. Summer Camp begins in late May and runs into August, ending just before Kings Local Schools begin their school year. This is an all-day program offered 5 days a week at the Kings Education Center.

Registration forms are now available on our website.

Registration opens to the community on March 21, 2021.

Please turn all forms into the Kings Kids office located on the lower level of the Kings Education Center. 
Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year is underway! All registrations will be completed online. Remember, your child must turn 5 years old on or before September 30, 2022.

Online registration for grades 1-12 will begin June 1, 2022.
Kings Preschool Registration
It's time to register for Kings Preschool for the 2022-2023 school year!

Visit the Kings Preschool webpage for more information.
King Avenue CLOSURE
As a courtesy, we wanted to inform you that King Avenue will be closed again next week. The closure will take place on Thursday and Friday, March 17 and 18 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

The detour for the closure will utilize Grandin Road, SR48, Mason-Morrow-Millgrove Road and Columbia Road.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news!
Make sure to follow us on social media!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!
In case you missed it on social media, Kings Board of Education President, Stacie Belfrom was awarded the Ohio School Boards Training Award at the Southwest Ohio School Boards, Spring Conference. Congratulations, Mr. Belfrom!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
National Champs!
Congratulations to the Kings High School Dance Team who won a National Championship at the National Dance Championships in Orlando, Florida last weekend.

The Team won their National Championship in Medium Varsity Game Day category out of 23 teams total. The Team won by .3 points. They also received an award for Innovative Choreography.

The weekend before, the Dance Team excelled in the State Dance Championships and finished as state runner-up in Hip Hop, Game Day, and Team Pom.

Congratulations to Coaches Courtney Dang and Miya Holden and Dancers Jaidyn Schroeder, Paige Doughman, Ellie Herd, Katie Dykhuizen, Elizabeth Johnson, Bree Carella, Alexandra Spoelker, Kaitlyn McCorkle, Mackenzie Stalker, Camden Dawkins, Anyi Metzger, Maria Tormos, Caroline Spoelker, and Jordan Staubitz.

The Dance Team will be recognized by the Kings Board of Education on Tuesday, March 15.
Men's Lacrosse Captains Chosen
Congratulations to the 2022 Kings Men's Lacrosse Captains Riley Platter, Mason Smith, AJ Johnson, and Nick Hoying.
A Knight to Remember
Early bird pricing ends today! Buy your tickets for this year's A Knight at the Derby!

The Kings Athletic Booster Club's largest annual fundraiser Knight to Remember is on Saturday, March 19!

A Knight at the Derby" is from 5:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason. Knight to Remember raises nearly $50,000 for our student-athletes and programs annually. Overall, KABC donates $100,000+ annually to the Kings Athletic Department. All are invited to enjoy a fantastic evening while supporting Kings Athletics. 

The registration is now open at
Please register soon. The early bird pricing is $70 and will increase to $80 on March 4. 

More information to come as we continue to prepare for a terrific evening!
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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