Volume V9 | September 2020
Laboratory Diagnosticians' News Matters
2020 Program Chair Message
Greetings Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians:

It has been a most unusual year and we all have endured many changes to our lives. However in spite of it all we are excited to be able to present a wonderful 2020 AAVLD Virtual Annual Meeting to our diagnosticians. The virtual format will not only allow us to interact and professionally progress safely, but also provide greater flexibility with a stretched out program designed to allow you to make time during your busy work weeks and take in segments of interest and importance to you, at your convenience via On-Demand options. Here are some highlights of the upcoming meeting which begins October 5th:

  • On-Demand Scientific Sessions by discipline, via 15 minute recorded oral presentations.
  • On-Demand Poster Sessions
  • Live Q and A by discipline scheduled with moderators where you can interact with colleagues and ask your questions (for both oral and poster presentations)
  • Plenary Session on October 16th with invited speakers on hot topics: SARS-COV-2, Influenza and Strep. zooepidemicus
  • Virtual Exhibitor Hall where you can chat or schedule an appointment with our vendors
  • AAVLD Foundation live fundraiser fun event with Silent Auction
  • Several symposia and workshops from NGS to pathology to bacteriology
  • A special virtual Awards Ceremony and Presidents Reception
  • Special registration fee to encourage participation by technical and support staff (membership requirement waived for this category for this year only)
  • Daily end of day networking hour… chat with your colleagues live
  • And of course our numerous committee meetings where the real work of advancing our discipline occurs

So, I hope to see many of you there during this historic meeting. To register go to our website at


Dr. Shuping Zhang
2020 AAVLD Annual Meeting Program Chair
President's Message
I cannot believe its fall already and we are only few weeks away from our annual meeting. The year has been challenging for sure and this is the first time ever in history of our organization, we will meet virtually. This, however, has opened a huge opportunity to engage lab members to be able to be part of the meeting. This year for the first-time lab members, who can’t not attend annual meetings due to travel restrictions or tighter budgets can now register to experience what great experience the meeting brings every year.

The Program team with the Chair, Dr Shuping Zhang and Executive Director, Dr Dave Zeman and the Conference planner, Ms Kaylin Taylor and many others within our organization are hard at work bringing you best experience in 2020. Team is working on plans to deliver experience close to in person meeting and we have engaged a professional company (PSAV) that will help manage your experience to deliver a quality experience.

AAVLD is a strong organization steeped in culture of diversity and inclusion. As we discussed this year the steps, we can take to further strengthen our commitments in this direction, I have established a taskforce to advise the board and also help in establishing a policy, conduct a formal assessment and offer recommendations. Drs Amar Patil and Cat Barr will lead this effort and will be joined by a team of volunteers and members nominated to serve on taskforce including Drs Maria Spinato, Kristy Farmer, Tanya LeRoith, Gary Anderson, Katie Woodard, Rafaela De Negri, Debbie Reed, William Wilson, Christie Mayo, Moges Woldemeskel, Jerry Saliki (ex- Officio). I am so very thankful of members stepping up in the times of need.

We are continuing advocacy efforts on two important issues during this pandemic: i) Full authorization for supplemental funding for NAHLN ii) NAHLN/AAVLD labs if need to further scale up COVID-19 testing can contribute without need for additional certifications. Our team approach and effort has brought better understanding among lawmakers and for many others, the important role veterinary diagnostic labs play in public health besides protecting animal health. We have also strengthened our relationships with partner organizations both in animal health and public health. We do remain hopeful in these uncertain times that our needs will be prioritized but at the same times are cognizant that many others are also needing assistance.

Stay safe, support your communities in need,

Deepanker Tewari BVSc, PhD
AAVLD President 2020
2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of the AAVLD
Instructions for AAVLD Scientific Session Presenters, Committee Chairs, Moderators and Plenary Speakers
Dear Valued Leader and Participant:

The purpose of this document is to provide you instructions for submitting and managing your responsibilities for the upcoming meeting. The Annual Meeting Platform will operate as an integrated website, with everything related to the meeting in one place. The meeting will go “live” on Monday, October 5, 2020. You will not need to schedule or set up any virtual sessions on your own as they will all run through our online platform through one master Zoom account. In addition, we will have producers in place before and during your meeting to assist you and help with any problems.

Please refer to sections applicable to you below. Thank you for your efforts to make this a successful meeting.

Dr. Shuping Zhang, 2020 Program Chair
Kaylin Taylor, Meeting Planner or 386-490-7803
Reda Ozuna,
Dr. David Zeman, AAVLD Exec. Director

1. Your participation and access to the meeting platform will require meeting registration.
2. Go to to register for the annual meeting.
3. Dress Code: Business Casual
4. Review the attached document “PSAV Live from the Living Room” before you make your recording. It provides very important tips for creating a quality professional recording. All submitted recordings will be reviewed and sent back if quality is not sufficient.

1. For AAVLD Scientific Presentations your recording will be 15 minutes maximum.
2. For Plenary and Keynote speakers, your organizer will inform you of the time limit for recording.
3. You may create your recording from one of the two formats below. You will need to record in 1080P (resolution) and submit it to Kaylin in a MP4 file format.
4. If you are having difficulties in creating your recording, we recommend you utilize the help provided by the format you are using or your local University/Agency IT support people.
5. Submit your recording and visual aids (PowerPoint, etc.) directly to Kaylin through a Google Drive by September 18th, 5 pm, EST.

1. You are expected to join the live moderated Q&A session relative to your assigned session. Your live Q&A time will be approximately 5 minutes for scientific session presenters and posters.
2. Time allotted for Q&A for the Plenary and Keynote speakers will be designated by your moderators.
3. You can see your general Q&A time slot on the attached Program Schedule, listed by discipline or special session.
4. You will be sent an email directly from your moderator as to the specific day, time and order for your Q&A session commitment.

2. Your submission is due by September 18th 5 pm EST.
3. You are expected to join the live moderated poster Q&A session during your session. Your poster live Q&A time will be approximately 5 minutes.
4. You can see your general time slot on the attached Program Schedule, listed by discipline, on Friday October 16th.
5. You will be sent an email directly from your moderator as to the specific hour and order.

Each Chair and Organizer of special sessions will receive a specific email from Kaylin Taylor confirming your meeting time and similar instructions. Format: You will be utilizing Zoom within our virtual meeting platform (PSAV). You will go through the PSAV Zoom account so no one needs to set up their own meeting outside the platform. You as the Committee Chairs will have access to all the normal Zoom functions and can determine what participation settings work best for your meeting. A producer will be there behind the scenes to help you set this up and intercede if any problems arise.

For your information:

1) Our meeting platform gives you the opportunity to “attach” the following items to your Committee Meeting:

- Agendas (Committee Agendas are due September 18th, 5 pm EST.) Please send as a PDF to Reda at and
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Reports
- PDF’s
- Links
- Surveys/Polls
- On-Demand (video) presentations if any, for viewing before/after the live committee session

If you would like to include any of these items, please send them to Kaylin Taylor ASAP in any format you can.

2) You will need to register for the Virtual Annual Meeting to gain access to the platform. However, you will be given special access to certain functions that the regular attendee won’t be able to see.

3) There will be a training session scheduled in the next few weeks to learn how to present in our virtual platform. I will send you a separate email letting you know the date and time (ASAP) so you can plan to attend. If you can’t make this training it will be recorded, and we will share it with you to review at a later date before the annual meeting starts.

4) There is an attachment to this email that gives you tips for success on how to present virtually (PSAV Live from Your Living Room).

5) Dress Code: Business Casual

6) At the end of your meeting, using the attached Committee Report Form and Committee Attendance Form, please submit these documents to Reda ASAP after your meeting conclusion (within 2 weeks at latest).

If you feel like you may need additional assistance in putting together your virtual session, please contact Kaylin Taylor to schedule a one-on-one call. We have a robust support team through the platform that will be with us leading up to and during the meeting – monitoring each session and making sure all goes according to plan.

We look forward to working with you this year to provide an outstanding virtual annual conference!
Emerging Diseases with Significant Impact on Public Health and Animal Health

 Friday, October 16th, 2020 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST

Moderators: Shuping Zhang and Jerry Saliki

U.S. SARS-CoV-2 Animal Diagnostics and Laboratory Collaborations
Mia Torchetti DVM, MS, PhD, Director
Diagnostic Virology Laboratory, National Veterinary Services Laboratories
Christina Loiacono DVM, PhD, Dip. ACVP, Coordinator
National Animal Health Laboratory Network, National Veterinary Services Laboratories
Emerging Diseases: Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2
James E. Crowe, Jr., M.D., Director
Vanderbilt Vaccine Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN
Influenza at the human-animal interface
Richard Webby, PhD.
World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza, St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.
Streptococcus zooepidemicus in Swine: Natural and Experimental Infection
Rachel J. Derscheid, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Joint Keynote Speaker
Bill Even is the Chief Executive Officer for the National Pork Board based in Des Moines, IA where he has responsibility for leading Checkoff-funded research, promotion and education projects on behalf of the nation’s 60,000 pork producers.

Prior to his employment with the National Pork Board, Bill served as the Global Industry Relations Lead and Commercial Unit Lead for DuPont Pioneer.

Bill also served as South Dakota Secretary of Agriculture from 2007 to 2010 where he managed six department divisions: Agriculture Regulatory Services, Agriculture Development, State Fair, Wildland Fire, Resource Conservation and Forestry, and Agricultural Policy.

Bill also served as Deputy Secretary of Tourism and State Development, Director of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, State Energy Policy Director, and Policy Advisor for Governor Mike Rounds. 

Bill holds a degree in Agricultural Production from Lake Area Technical Institute, a B.S. in Agricultural Business from South Dakota State University; and a Juris Doctorate from Drake University Law School.

While in law school, Bill served as executive editor of the Drake Journal of Agricultural Law, clerked for the law firm of Hefner and Bergkamp, P.C., and interned with the Soil and Water Conservation Society and the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee in Washington, D.C.

Bill and his family own and operate a diversified crop and livestock farm near Humboldt, South Dakota. The farm was homesteaded in 1883 by his great-grandfather and Bill began farming in 1983. Bill and his wife, Janell, have three children and live in Adel, Iowa.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and participation!

Brett Weber and Francois Elvinger
AAVLD Foundation Committee Cochairs

As a reminder, to receive the AAVLD Virtual Annual Conference registration discount, you will need to be an AAVLD current 2020 member. Join/Renew today.

Please register for the Virtual AAVLD/USAHA Conference today: More info..
AAVLD Continues to Invest in Future Diagnosticians
September 9, 2020

The word “pivot” has become daily vernacular in 2020 and an essential skill in the new era of COVID-19.

Although the transition from an in-person Annual Meeting format to a virtual format was abrupt and quite disruptive, it provided us with opportunities to rapidly adapt and consider new possibilities that align with our vision and strategic priorities.

One of the many changes for this year’s Annual Meeting involves providing financial assistance to trainees in diagnostic medicine. Specifically, this year AAVLD is supporting graduate/professional students and resident in training in lieu of providing Travel Awards.

Nineteen (19) trainees were identified by virtue of having abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentations at our Annual Meeting. These individuals are from 10 different training programs associated with an AAVLD-accredited laboratory and each will receive a $500 Trainee Award.

Keith Bailey, Immediate Past President
Chair, 2020 Awards Committee
AAVLD Labs in the News
Veterinary lab central to Cornell's ambitious testing plan
Weekly COVID-19 tests for most people on campus; twice a week for undergrads
August 28, 2020
(published)By Edie Lau
Upwards of 5,000 tests for the virus that causes COVID-19 are scheduled to be run daily by the Animal Health Diagnostic Center at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine starting next week, as the university executes a plan to screen at least once a week all students, faculty and staff who are regularly on campus.

A new unit of the veterinary lab, dubbed the Cornell University COVID-19 Testing Laboratory, was built from scratch within two months this summer in vacant research space in a separate building, said Dr. Diego Diel, the lab director. The facility aims to generate test results within 24 hours.

At the veterinary diagnostic center, Diel directs the virology lab. He and his team were tapped for the COVID-19 testing project because of their expertise in quickly processing thousands of tests for pathogens in farm animals, such as chickens and cattle, as well as in pets, using polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, the same molecular technique used to detect SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Ordinarily at the animal lab, Diel said, "We do probably between 300 to 1,000 samples a day, depending on the day and the time of year. Winters are busier."

The COVID-19 lab will be able to run five times that higher number by pooling the samples: Specimens collected from five individuals will be processed together. If a pool tests positive, the samples it contains will be rerun separately to pinpoint whose sample is infected.

"For low prevalence [of disease], it's a very good approach," Diel said. "As the prevalence increases to levels above 10%, pooling is not recommended because you have to go back and repeat so many pools that it doesn't make sense in terms of efficiency, or for saving supplies and reagents."

Diel said that when the project began about 60 days ago, the lab began ordering enough supplies and reagents "to keep us going for at least two or three months."

The lab began on Aug. 17 to process tests of people returning to Cornell. The program gets underway in earnest once classes begin on Sept. 2.

rundown of surveillance logistics lists seven test sites on the Ithaca, New York, campus, including at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Undergraduate students must be tested twice a week. Students pursuing graduate and professional degrees must be tested once a week.

Faculty and staff who are on campus an average of two or more days per week also must be tested weekly. Those on campus fewer than two days per average week must be tested every other week.

Since the COVID-19 human pandemic took hold this year, a number of university-based veterinary diagnostic labs have offered to put their equipment and know-how to work on the disease. About 13 veterinary labs around the country are now running human COVID-19 tests, according to Dr. David Zeman, executive director of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.

Labs that handle human samples must be certified under a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services program known as CLIA, which stands for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments. The Cornell COVID-19 lab is operating under the auspices of Cayuga Health System, which has CLIA certification. Cayuga Health System operates two hospitals in upstate New York.

Diel said the Cornell COVID-19 lab has eight full-time staff: five existing lab employees and three new hires. It is in the process of hiring two more workers on a temporary basis.

In addition to human power, the lab uses robotic equipment to handle the repetitive work of pipetting liquid samples into pools for batch processing.

On top of labor savings, Diel said, the advantage of the robots is that they can scan barcodes on each sample, enabling the lab to track the identities of samples in each of the pools.

"It would be a huge amount of time and effort if we were to have to do it manually," Diel said. "I think it would be nearly impossible to do it without the liquid handlers with barcode-scanning capability."

Although the new COVID-19 lab diverts staff from veterinary work, Diel said the animal health lab's capacity for veterinary diagnostics is undiminished. "We had redundancies here in the diagnostic lab and basically, the equipment that is needed for this COVID testing was purchased brand new, so the animal diagnostic capability will remain the same," he said.

The Cornell veterinary diagnostic lab is able to detect SARS-CoV-2 in samples from veterinary patients, as well. It was involved this spring in finding the virus in a tiger at the Bronx Zoo, in what became the first documented case of COVID-19 in a nonhuman patient in the United States.

Overall, on the veterinary side, the lab has done COVID-19 testing on just "a handful of samples so far from different animal species," Diel said.

On the human side, as test results become available, Cornell University will post reports on a dashboard that includes information on the number of new positive cases by day, by week and since tracking began; on-campus capacity for quarantine and isolation; and hospital and surveillance testing capacity.

The dashboard communicates the current alert level, of which there are four, color-coded from green to red. Green indicates "new normal," and means that cases are rare and transmission is controlled. Red signifies a campus shutdown.

Today, the alert status is green.

JVDI in Focus
The goal of JVDI in Focus is to bring attention to an interesting article appearing in the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. This month’s focus is on an article in the September issue:

Alveolar echinococcosis in a dog in the eastern United States
by Anne Zajac, Donald Fairman, Evan McGee, Bridgette Wells, Andrew Peregrine, Emily Jenkins, Tanya LeRoith, and Bethany St John.

J Vet Diagn Invest 2020;32(5).

Abstract. An 8-y-old Labrador Retriever was presented to a small animal practice in northern Virginia with a history of recent lethargy. Physical examination findings were unremarkable. Ultrasound revealed several large hepatic masses and multiple smaller masses involving the pancreas. Cytologic findings on fine-needle aspirates of the hepatic masses included inflammation and necrosis with eosinophilic, membranous oval structures consistent with cestode infection. Histopathologic findings for biopsies of these masses included extensive necrosis, inflammation, and PAS-positive hyaline-like membranous material interpreted as metacestode cyst wall. A PCR product was generated from aspirate material using primers specific for Echinococcus multilocularis. Subsequent sequence data were 100% homologous to E. multilocularis NADH dehydrogenase subunit I gene sequences. The dog received daily oral albendazole (10 mg/kg) treatment, but its condition deteriorated, and the dog was euthanized. The dog, born in Mississippi, was brought as a puppy to Virginia with no other travel history. To our knowledge, alveolar echinococcosis has not been reported previously in a dog in the United States; E. multilocularis infection was apparently acquired in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.
Figures 2–4. Alveolar echinococcosis in a dog. Figure 2. Example of folded membrane-like structures present in sediment of a fine-needle aspirate of a hepatic mass in the infected dog. Modified Wright Giemsa. Bar = 200 µm. Figure 3. Granulomatous hepatitis, fibrosis, mineralization, and acellular hyaline membrane material (arrow) are present. H&E. Bar = 200 µm. Figure 4. Extensive hyaline membrane (arrows) in periodic acid-Schiff–stained hepatic biopsy tissue. Bar = 200 µm. Figure 5. A multilobular mass was adherent to the liver. The serosal surfaces of abdominal organs were diffusely granular with numerous small white foci.
Member News
Looking back… history highlights regarding AAVLD
By Dr. Pat Blanchard

The organization was established in August 1957 in Cleveland Ohio at a meeting attended by 32 people representing 20 states, Canada and the Animal Disease Eradication Division of USDA. Dr. Paul Bennett of Iowa and Dr. William Sippel, Florida were appointed chairman and secretary respectively. Several of the organizations objectives established at that time are still in use today. The first annual meeting of the Conference of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (C.V.L.D.) took place in 1958 during the annual meeting of the U.S. Livestock Sanitary Association (USLSA). Prior to 1957, laboratorians had been regular attendees at the USLSA meeting providing presentations on current, new and improved serologic or agent detection methods for interstate movement and specific disease eradication and control programs (EIA, Brucella, feed and food Salmonella) and write consensus methods for committees. At the time, there was no overarching federal laboratory development of approved tests, check tests or reference serum and not all laboratories used the same method. Not unexpectedly, this lead to comments by state and federal personnel and industry members within committees and in the President of USLSA annual address about concerns on whether different tests or the same test done by different labs would provide the same result. After all they were basing their decisions on those test results.

In order to address the concerns about whether all laboratories would provide the same result when using the same method on the same sample, the new organization created committees tasked with developing minimum or acceptable requirements for diagnostic laboratories in the area of facilities, equipment, personnel qualifications, training and funding. The committee work was presented at several annual meetings for comment. In 1968, CVLD chairman Vaughn Seaton was tasked with creating a Committee on Laboratory Certification. This same year the name of the organization changed to the current AAVLD and the new constitution and bylaws were published in the USLSA proceedings. In AAVLD February 1971 newsletter, it stated 8 laboratories had submitted applications for accreditation in 1970. Three laboratories, Iowa State University, South Dakota State University and Kentucky Department of Agriculture Lab at Hopkinsville received full accreditation. The University of Missouri, University of Connecticut and Purdue University were provisionally accredited.

From 1958-1973, USLSA published the full text of presentations, committee memberships and even the constitution and bylaws of CVLD in the meeting proceeding book (available on USAHA website). This was based on an agreement made formal in 1963 between USLSA and CVLD that stated USLSA would provide free meeting space, publish the papers CVLD presented in their proceeding book and provide up to 200.00/year to the CVLD treasury. In exchange, CVLD members paid USLSA the meeting registration fee equivalent to a USLSA members and, if not a USLSA member, could purchase the proceedings book at the cost of a USLSA membership.

In the June 1994 AAVLD Newsletter, Dr. Larry Morehouse provided a history of AAVLD from its founding. Some of the information in this article is obtained from his work and other items from the USLSA (now USAHA) proceedings during the years 1958-1973. 
AAVLD Membership Drive Competition – Earn a Free Lunch for yourself or your Lab!!
Jeremiah T. Saliki, DVM, PhD, DACVM
Debra K. Royal, BA

Dear AAVLD Members:

We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during this unprecedented crisis. We want to reach out to you on behalf of AAVLD as co-chairs of the membership committee. The strength of AAVLD as a corporate body largely depends on the commitment of its members and we want to heartily thank you for support of the organization over the years.

As you must have seen in the communications from Executive Director David Zeman, our annual meeting in October will be all virtual. Although we will all miss our usual networking through face-to-face interactions at the meeting, we appeal to you to plan to be involved in as many aspects of the meeting as possible. To make this convenient for our ever-working members, we are adjusting the time frame and enhancing viewing flexibility, allowing many sessions to be viewed at your convenience…more details to be released soon. So we hope to see most of you as virtual registrants!

Our vibrancy as an organization depends on a strong involved membership base. In this regard, we remind you of the ongoing membership drive competition which due to COVID issues, we have now extended the competition to September 30, 2021.

Competition Timeframe: January 2020 through September 30, 2021.

How to submit: The competition is open to individual members and to Laboratories. The goal is to grow our organization’s membership through the recruitment of new members and bringing back previous members whose membership has lapsed by two or more years. Each time you successfully sponsor a new member who subscribes, send your name (personal or institution) and the name of the new member to and

Prizes: Winners will be selected based solely on the number of new or renewing (after ≥ 2-year lapse) members recruited. The winners will be recognized at the AAVLD annual meeting during the Foundation Auction. There will be two prizes – one individual and one Lab:
·        Individual prize: $100 Visa debit card: treat yourself for being an outstanding supporter!
·        Laboratory prize: $500 Visa debit card: use these funds to celebrate with your lab mates!

We wish you continuous safety during the months ahead and look forward to meeting you online at the October annual meeting.

Debra Royal & Jerry Saliki
Co-Chairs, Membership Committee
Calendar these dates:
Virtual AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting
October 5 - 21, 2020

Do you have ideas to improve the AAVLD annual meeting? Contact David Zeman

Would you like to sponsor an event? Contact

Would you like to donate an item for the
Foundation Auction? Complete form

What ever your contribution to the AAVLD mission, we need you!
Worth Quoting
The majority of meetings should be discussions that lead to decisions.

Patrick Lencioni
Tentative 2020 Virtual Meeting Schedule
Paid Advertisement 
Improve your COVID19 testing with the FDA EUA authorized OPTI SARSCoV2 RTPCR test kit
The real-time PCR test is based on the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) test design and has been validated by multiple reference laboratories in the US and Europe.

  •  Combine with the OPTI* DNA/RNA Magnetic Bead Kit for a complete solution for your SARS‑CoV‑2 testing workflow.
  • Get more accurate results with high sensitivity (limit of detection <2 copies/µl).
  • Optimize workflow from start to finish using an internal sample control targeting human RNase P.
  • Minimize impact of viral mutation with detection of N1 and N2 regions of the virus.
  •  Increase flexibility with validation on common PCR instruments.
  • Reduce waiting time with results as fast as 2 hours (dependent on PCR instrument)
  • Limit the need for validation with included validation report.
For more information on the OPTI* SARS‑CoV‑2 RT‑PCR test kit, please visit or contact us directly at +1 800 548 9997.
The OPTI* SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test kit has been authorized by the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) under an Emergency Use Authorization issued by the FDA on May 6, 2020. This test has not been FDA cleared or approved, and the FDA has not determined that the test is safe or effective for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. The test has been authorized only for the detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2, and not for any other viruses or pathogens. The test is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection
and/or diagnosis of COVID-19 under Section 564(b)(1) of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the authorization is terminated or revoked sooner. Use in the United States is limited to laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988,
42 U.S.C. § 263a (CLIA) to perform high-complexity tests. The test is not intended for home use.

*OPTI is a trademark or registered trademark of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
Paid Advertisement
Role of Digital Pathology in Veterinary Medicine: Teaching to routine diagnoses
October 1st, 2020 11:30 AM EST, please register at:
Hamamatsu invites you to join us for a roundtable discussion with two board-certified veterinary pathologists Dr. Kevin Keel and Dr. David Gardiner. Veterinary pathology is considered an early adopter of digital pathology and had always seen the utility of these solutions to enhance education, training, drug discovery, research, and diagnoses. Hamamatsu's Scott Blakely will converse with Dr. Kevin Keel and Dr. David Gardiner in addressing how digital pathology is currently used in an academic and a commercial organization. Also, how best digital pathology could be used to train the next generation of veterinary pathologists and expand their existing services.
Kevin Keel, DVM, Ph.D., DACVP
Kevin Keel is an Associate professor and a board-certified veterinary anatomic pathologist in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology. He is part of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Diagnostic laboratory. He teaches in the undergraduate and veterinary school curriculum at UC Davis, and he also is engaged in the instruction of pathology residents. He oversees the digital pathology operations at UC Davis College of Veterinary Medicine and utilizes whole-slide images in his instruction and research efforts. His primary research interests are emerging
infectious diseases of wildlife. He completed his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from the University of Georgia and pathology residency training at UC Davis. He then completed his Ph.D. in Microbiology at the University of Arizona.
David W Gardiner DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVP
David Gardiner is the head of anatomic pathology at Zoetis Reference Laboratories but prefers and pretends his real title is "Pathology Czar." Dr. Gardiner is a board-certified veterinary anatomic pathologist. Dr. Gardiner manages the anatomic pathology service at Zoetis Reference Laboratories and focuses his surgical pathology duties on dermatohistopathology and ocular pathology mixed with general companion animal diagnostic pathology. Dr. Gardiner is also an adjunct professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine at Utah State University. He received his Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from Cornell University and completed his veterinary anatomic pathology residency and Masters of Science (MS) degree at Colorado State University.
Sponsored by:
For more information and questions please contact Don Ariyakumar at:
AAVLD Job Board
Take advantage of the terrific AAVLD resources offered to our members
Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...

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Veterinary Jobs - American Association of Veterinary...
The American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians offers the top jobs available in Veterinary diagnostic labs. Search and apply to open positions or post jobs on the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians now.

2021 Renewals are due by November 15!
'Membership is January to December'
AAVLD membership is open to any individual interested in the disciplines and activities of veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Membership terms are by calendar year (January-December) and membership dues are payable by November 15th of the preceding year (to ensure inclusion in the annual membership directory, eligibility for committee involvement, and receipt of all six issues of the JVDI). Note: In order to receive a discounted rate for the Annual Meeting registration, you are required to be a current AAVLD Member. Renew your membership today!
Did your membership Lapse?
Please select 'Renew Now' to access the Lapsed Membership renewal form. ->Quick Links->Renew Now->here you can access the Lapsed Membership Form.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding AAVLD Membership:
When are my dues fee due? 
They are due November 15 for the next calendar year. Many members pay for the next year when they register for the annual meeting. Lead time is needed to finalize committee appointments for the new year.
Does it matter who pays for my dues?
No. Your status will be the same with their resepective privileges whether you pay, your employer pays, or your Uncle Vinny.
Are Lab Accreditation dues different than Institutional/Agency membership dues?
·    Laboratory Accreditation dues are different and separate and are related to accreditation only and go to fund the accreditation program only.
·    Whether accredited or not, a Laboratory (or Institution/Agency) may additionally become an Institutional/Agency Member. By doing so they are supporting the broad mission of the AAVLD and these funds go to support CE and training and all other activities of the AAVLD. Institutional/Agency Members are highly valued members and are demonstrating leadership and belief in our organizational purpose. 
Do Institutional/Agency Member labs have to pay for their employees individual dues?
No. A laboratory, institution, agency or department can become a member under this category even without signing up their employees. They are simply supporting the AAVLD mission with their dues payment. Some states are not allowed to pay for employee dues; and some states have budgetary restrictions.
Make a difference


Committee work is the foundation of AAVLD's ability to fulfill its mission. If you are interested in joining a committee and contributing to its efforts, please email the appropriate committee chair.
AAVLD & News Worthy Events
Upcoming Events

·    AAVLD/USAHA Virtual Annual Conference, October 5-21, 2020,
Thank You to our Exhibitors and Sponsors of the 2020 Annual Conference!
The generous contributions and participation by our Exhibitors and Sponsors is a huge part of our conference success year after year. On behalf of the AAVLD, we would like to thank these companies for their commitment to our organization and helping us to achieve our mission.
2020 Meeting Sponsors
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Achieve Optimal Efficiency in Your Laboratory Create a laboratory that thrives on speed, efficiency, quality and compliance. Here's How: iVention helps laboratories implement adaptive SaaS informatics solution and industry best practices Reduce...

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Perkins and Will

Designing a better, more beautiful world since 1935. Road Map for Return: Guidance for a Return to the Office During COVID-19 Meeting clients' and partners' need for comprehensive guidance on returning to work, our Workplace Strategy experts have ...

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The Clark Enersen Partners SCIENCE

Yesterday The Clark Enersen Partners broke ground with our Colorado State University partners for the Johnson Family Equine Hospital. This 85,000 SF complex will open in 2021 as one of the top equine-focused facilities in the nation. The buildin...

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AAVLD Foundation Committee

Brett Webb- Cochair
Francois Elvinger- Cochair

John M. Adaska
Donal O'Toole
Tim Baszler
David Zeman
Christie Mayo
Kristy Pabilonia
Beate Crossley
François Elvinger
Pat Halbur
Brett Webb
Jamie Henningson
Kerry Sondgeroth
Foundation Donation
The AAVLD Foundation is a non-profit foundation that raises funds for the advancement of veterinary diagnostic laboratory disciplines through scholarship programs, student travel support to our scientific meeting, guest lectures, seminars, professional awards and research programs. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible 501(c)(3), and can be paid when you renew your AAVLD membership. Thank you for remembering your AAVLD Foundation!