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Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Services for this week
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Family Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, 4 PM

Kabbalat Shabbat

Friday, 4 PM

Shabbat Morning Service

Saturday, 10 AM

Community Havdalah

Saturday, 6 PM
Kavvanah of the Week
This week, an actual prayer rather than a kavvanah. The Ritual Committee requested a new piece of liturgy to be shared at our Torah service on Shabbat mornings - a prayer that encompasses our wishes for all of the circles of community in which we live. Please keep this with you so that you can join us in saying it on Shabbat - whether in the room or virtually.
Nishmat Kol Hai, Breath of Life
bless the people of this community
their families and their friends
here and at home.
HaShekhinah, Beloved One
bless our neighbors in this city
may we live in harmony
may we be proud of each other.
HaTzur, Protecting One
bless this country, its government,
all who strive for its welfare
all who risk themselves to protect it.
Elohei Avoteinu, God of our ancestors
bless the land of Israel
may it flourish in hope and in honor
spread over it a shelter of peace.
Ma’ayan Hayyenu, Wellspring of our lives,
bless the Jewish people
may we be ambassadors of our tradition
may we be spared from distress and shame.
Hamakom, All-present One
bless the world and all that is in it
help us defend it and preserve it
for the generations that will follow us.
May all this be so,
And we say,

Composed by Rabbi Deborah Silver
24 Cheshvan 5781
Parashat Chaye Sarah
Torah: Genesis 24:10-52
Maftir: Genesis 24:50-52
Haftarah: 1 Kings 1:1-31

The Torah reading for this week is in the panel above. If you do not have a Humash at home you can find it on the link below. We are reading Triennial Year 2, but you might like to read the full portion (“Full Kriyah”).
Our Shabbat brochure with yahrzeits and simchas for this week is attached. You might wish to take special notice of those who are sick and take a moment to direct your thoughts towards them.
Thank you!
Thank you to all those listed below who performed the mitzvah of supporting our community this past week.
Caring Committee Fund

To: Barbara Laufer & Family
Our thoughts are with you as we all mourn the loss of our friend, Beryl
From: Ralph & Shirley Seelig

To: Marlene Friedman
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
From: Ken & Sue Rae Bishop

Fred Bronfin Torah Preservation Fund

To: Beryl & Jacqueline Ames
May the many wonderful memories of Shirley Caron be a comfort to you and the family
From: Ralph & Shirley Seelig

General Fund

To: Barbara Laufer & Family
In memory of Beryl Laufer
From: Bruce & Miriam Waltzer
Sandy Kahn Memorial Lecture Fund

To: Mark Schleifstein
Mazel tov for being awarded too many Press Club of N.O awards to mention
From: Ralph & Shirley Seelig

Yahrzeit Fund

In memory of Anna Zaidman Naihaus
From: B.B. Gordon

In memory of Morris Merlin
From: Paul & Laurie Sterbcow

In memory of Eugenia "Jean" Fisher
From: Joe Epstein

In memory of Maurice Dayan
From: Richard & Juliet Lieberman
Contact Us

Ricardo Totah
Executive Director 
Meryl Zimmerman 
Education Director

Sarah Lustig
Office Assistant
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