ECOEA is the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members


ECOEA PUBLIC RELATIONS GRANTS-October 1st is the deadline for eligible local associations to apply for our Fall Public Relations Grants. PR grants of up to $500 are used to create a positive image of your association within the community by supporting community needs. In order to be eligible for a Public Relations Grant, your local had to have elected and sent delegates to the ECOEA Rep Assembly last year.
Some examples of grants from past years include supporting a community fishing tournament for children, hanging a banner in a baseball stadium, contributing to a community food bank, sponsoring a water station in a local race, and supporting an existing non-profit to buy gym shoes for students. These great ideas improve the public perception of your local association and do good in the community where you work. COVID presents new opportunities to creatively support your community's needs. It's a win-win for your local and your community!
OEA MINORITY LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM-MLTP will be held virtually beginning Friday evening, October 9 and conclude Saturday afternoon October 10. Limited to 60 participants, MLTP is open to all members and provides leadership support throughout the year. The goal of MLTP is to help members, particularly members of color, develop their interests and strengths to make OEA a diverse and robust organization.
We encourage ECOEA members to apply for this professional development opportunity offered from OEA at no charge.
Deadline to apply is October 2, 2020.
ECOEA FALL ROUNDTABLE; A LEGAL UPDATE held virtually by Zoom with Attorney Kathleen McKinley on Monday, October 26 beginning at 7:00 PM. Attorney McKinley, a former teacher and association president herself, will present a legal update to give you the most current information about court cases and legislation that affect you and your job. You can ask questions when you register so she can prepare, or during the event in the Zoom chat.
You must register by Friday, October 23 in order to receive the Zoom link that will be sent out the day before the event. A professional development certificate for 1.5 hours will be sent after you attend. Don't miss this opportunity to hear the most current information!
ECOEA DAVID AUGUSTA UNIT SCHOLARSHIPS-One $500 scholarship to a member is provided for each of the three voting units in ECOEA. The scholarships are awarded by lottery drawing and given by reimbursement upon documentation of expense for continuing education in the member's current field of work. The scholarships can be used for tuition, conference registration or workshop fees and must be used by August 31, 2021. It cannot be used for travel, parking, food, books, license renewal, or other extraneous expenses. Deadline to apply using our easy on-line application is November 1. Apply today!
ECOEA REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY INCENTIVE GRANTS-if your local has not elected and sent delegates to the OEA Representative Assembly in the past five years, here is an opportunity for your local to apply and receive an incentive grant of $250. The Fall OEA Rep Assembly will be held virtually on Saturday, December 5 so no travel will be involved to attend, at least for the Fall. There is an OEA Spring Rep Assembly on May 7-8, 2021, which if held in person, will be at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Whether that is in person or virtual will depend on conditions at the time.
ECOEA encourages your local to apply for our Incentive Grant, and then once your members have attended this year, your local will be eligible for ECOEA PR and Internal Organizing Grants next year. We encourage your local to fully participate in our organization at the local, district and state levels. Don't forget that delegate elections must be held by October 10 and delegates reported to OEA by October 15 to be certified for the Fall Representative Assembly. Make this the year your members are heard at the district and state levels!
ECOEA EMERGENCY COVID GRANTS-Thirty-eight locals took advantage of our Emergency COVID-19 Grants offered this summer totalling over $11,000. Grants were submitted and approved to purchase PPE and sanitizing supplies, technology needs created by the new teaching environment, postage and other unusual expenses created by COVID-19. Tusky Valley TA used their funds to buy these cool association masks. Congratulations to these locals for their efforts in providing support to their members.
Your ECOEA Officers and Executive Committee will be working hard to provide opportunities for all members in the upcoming year.

  • ECOEA President Julie Nelson, North Canton Education Association. Julie is also the president of NCEA.
  • ECOEA Vice President Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local Education Association. Julie is a frequent blogger for OEA's Voices of Change.
  • ECOEA Recording Secretary-Juliann Doerschuk, Alliance Education Association. Juliann previously served as a Stark County Rep on the Executive Committee.
  • ECOEA Business Manager-Valerie Heban, retired from North Canton EA
  • Carroll County Rep-Heather Zuniga, Malvern Education Association
  • Columbiana County Rep #1-Christine Willison, Wellsville Teachers' Association
  • Columbiana County Rep #2-Karen Marquis, Southern Local Teachers' Association
  • Holmes County Rep-Leora Troyer, East Holmes Teachers' Association
  • Stark County Rep #1-April Chenault-McLeod, Canton Professional Educators' Association
  • Stark County Rep #2-Morgan Begue, Plain Local Teachers' Association
  • Stark County Rep #3-Michelle Martin Jones, Canton Professional Educators' Association
  • Stark County Rep #4-Tony Ridenour, Perry Classroom Teachers' Association, also PCTA president
  • Stark County Rep #5-Cara Bacik, Lake Local Education Association
  • Stark County Rep #6-Ida Gorman, East Canton Education Association
  • Tuscarawas County Rep-Janel Travis, Newcomerstown Teachers' Association
  • Wayne County Rep #1-Carolyn Garbinsky, Chippewa Education Association, also CEA president
  • Wayne County Rep #2-Ed Sims, Rittman Education Association, also REA president
  • Minority Member-Tracey Smith, Canton Professional Educators' Association
  • ESP Rep #1-Roxann Long, Wooster Education Association
  • ESP Rep #2-Victoria Freday, Individual member
  • ECOEA-Retired Rep to the OEA-R Advisory Council-Cindy Endres, retired from Jackson Classified PA
  • Unit 1-vacant
  • Unit 2-Karen Linch, Wooster Education Association
  • Unit 3-Dr. Geneva Parker, Canton Professional Educators' Association
  • At Large-Tamika Moss, Canton Professional Educators' Association
  • OEA-R Rep to OEA Board-Carol Kinsey, retired from Canton Professional Educators' Association
O.N.E.-Ohio's New Educators-Join ONE for their Beyond the Classroom Virtual Learning PD series Incorporate Technology Responsibly in Your Classroom on September 24 and October 17. Registration required. See flyer for registration link and more information.
Oh, you kids know how to have fun! Sounds like a great way to beat the end the month stress! Click on the poster and register to play on Wednesday, September 30! Prizes, giveaways and networking with other new educators who are tackling 2020 problems.
ECOEA-Retired News- Congratulations to Cindy Endres, Retired from Jackson Classified Personnel Association for her appointment to serve as ECOEA Rep to OEA-Advisory Council. Cindy has a long history of member service to having served as President of Jackson Classified PA, ECOEA Vice President, ECOEA ESP representative, and OEA Board of Directors member for Unit 1.
Cindy is looking for OEA-Retired member volunteers to be recorded reading books for use by educators as a Read Across America project. Sounds fun! If you would like to participate, send her an email at and she will put you on the volunteer reader list.
OhioSchools OEA Member Resource Guide is available online and contains a wealth of information that is useful to you all year long. You will receive your print copy in the mail and should keep it for reference for the 2020-2021 year. You can read the magazine here.
Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.
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