FRWA eNews
October 21, 2020
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Flushing Signs
Upcoming Training
Wastewater Process Control & Trouble-shooting/Crystal River
B/C WW Certification Review/Panama City Beach
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/West Palm Beach
Online Training
National Prescription Drug
Help Protect Our Source and Drinking Water
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is October 24, 2020, starting at 10:00am. This event is a safe, convenient, and responsible way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs at locations in communities throughout the country. 

The October 2019 Take Back Day brought in 882,919 pounds (almost 442 tons) of unused or expired prescription medication and vape devices.

This brings the total amount of prescription drugs collected since the fall of 2010 to nearly 12.7 million pounds.

It is important that your customers know the importance of proper disposal of unwanted/unused medications. DO NOT FLUSH! Flushing medications leads to water pollution, improperly throwing these medication in the trash can lead to ingestion by children and animals and could still lead to water pollution.

Below are two links that you can post on your websites and/or in your newsletters, billing statements, and/or Consumer Confidence Reports. The first link will keep your customers informed of the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on October 24, 2020. If you do not see a location in your area please contact your local law enforcement and ask that they get involved with the events

The second link is to FRWA's website that informs your customers of proper disposal of medications and other useful links concerning Pharmaceutical Waste at  

For more information, please contact FRWA at
National News
Imagine a Day Without Water  In support of the Value of Water Campaign's "Imagine a Day Without Water".  more

President Signs New Executive Order on Modernizing
America's Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure   President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO), "Modernizing America's Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure," to drive Federal coordination on water policy. more

Town renames sewage plant after late-night comedian | Key West Citizen  The John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant is now a reality. CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on a feud that didn't go to waste.  more

More Regulation Proposed Under Disinfection Byproducts Rules  EPA is hosting a virtual public meeting on October 14-15, 2020 to solicit input on further improving public health protection from microbial contaminants and disinfection byproducts (MDBPs) in drinking water. more

Trump Creates Interagency "Water Subcabinet"  Trump signs an Executive Order on Modernizing America's Water Resource Management and Water Infrastructure.  more

FY20 FEMA Non-Disaster Application Grants  You're invited to FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) Division Office Hours webinar series. The application period for the fiscal year 2020 (FY20) HMA non-disaster grants, including Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant programs, is now open.  more
State News
Enterprise Florida Announces Rural Expansion Toolkit  Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) announced today the launch of its Rural Expansion Toolkit offering grant opportunities directed to eligible rural communities across Florida to assist their economic engagement and capacity building efforts. more

State finds money for sewer project to protect Wekiwa Springs | Orlando Sentinel  Help is on the way for the Wekiwa Springs, which was in danger of losing funding for a long-awaited sewer project.  more

DEP acquires 578-acre parcel within St. Joe Timberland Florida Forever Project | My Panhandle  The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in partnership with the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida, has purchased a 578-acre parcel in Gulf County within the St. Joe Timberland Florida Forever Project.  more
This Week in Water History
October 15, 1918:  Date of first water permit issued to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the Owens Valley water supply. On this date, the California Department of Public Health issued the first water supply permit to LADWP for the Owens Valley water supply, which started operation on November 5, 1913. The permit includes a report authored by Ralph Hilscher who was the Southern Division Engineer at the time. The report catalogues all of the major features of the Owens Valley supply including the physical facilities built to transport the water 233 miles to Los Angeles. In the report is a detailed assessment of the potential sources of contamination of the water supply by human habitation. The report stressed that only 1.5 persons per square mile occupied the Owens Valley aqueduct watershed compared with 132 persons per square mile, which was stated as typical of watersheds in Massachusetts. more

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309