The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter

All are welcome!

Communion! This Sunday! 10:00am, livestream worship!

Please connect on YouTube HERE
Message from Pastor Tim
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

As the school year begins, it begins under extraordinary and challenging times. Students, teachers and parents are all facing a very different school year.  I know that many households in our congregation and community are finding this time of COVID-19 very difficult, and so I am very much keeping you all in prayer.
I want us all to remember that there are still some unfriendly people in the world that are preying on the good will and faith of disciples and churches.  One thing that is repeatedly happening almost every week is phishing.  People or computer programs send emails to a church member claiming to be the pastor of their church asking for money or gifts cards. Pastor Jon and I will never send you an individual email asking you for money or gift cards.  Both of us now have e-mails that end in No phishing scammer can get an e-mail that ends in  As the Discipleship Ministry and the Stewardship Team and Session start to plan for 2021, we as a church will send letters and articles in the arkive, but we will only be asking you to pledge to the church. 
Since the internet is constantly evolving, we thought it might be good to offer a cyber education course at Ark and Dove.  I am grateful to Joe Gray and Sean Futch and our Discipleship Ministry for preparing a three week course for us beginning on September 22, 2020, and I look forward to joining them at 8 pm each evening--short one half-hour classes. See article below.
Ancient Prayer Practices. Beginning on October 27, I will be leading a five week experience on Ancient Prayer Practices on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm by ZOOM.  Our book will be Creating a Life with God: The Call of Ancient Prayer Practices by Daniel Wolpert.  You can order it at Amazon or  Please register for this experience by sending me an e-mail at  I will then contact you to set up a one-on-one ZOOM to prepare for our group time together. Please note that our second group session will take place on election night, November 3. We will be sure to pray for our nation.

Peace of Christ,
Message from Pastor Jon
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

This Wednesday night we had our first adult Christian education class in-person. We put on a small campfire and people circled around with lawn chairs. We had to talk a little louder, on account of masks and outdoor noise. About 20-30 minutes in, it started to drizzle and then rain. Those in attendance scrambled to grab umbrellas and even though it rained enough to dowse the fire, everyone stayed. Christian education continues through Covid, through the storm.

In the coming week, we are kicking off our Christian education programs for children and adults. All of the opportunities are below, please do take a look. I want to highlight one of our programs because it is a big departure from last year. This year LOGOS, our midweek children and youth gathering, will take on a new look. It will be a hybrid of online engagement and safe in-person outside meetings. We are inviting families to participate in something we believe will be a great support through the coming months.

This year, LOGOS is a 4-week rotation around these actions: learn, connect, act, and worship. Each segment happens on Tuesday evenings. Our theme for the year is fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). This is what it looks like:

  • Learn: every family will receive a YouTube video (beginning September 29) exploring a fruit of the Spirit and featuring members of the congregation. The video will invite families to participate in spiritual growth exercises at home that week.
  • Connect: children and youth (and parents) are invited to gather via Zoom or in-person outside at church for a chance to play games, learn together, and pray for 30 minutes or so.
  •  Act: every month, families will engage in a meaningful mission experience. Opportunities will be given to engage on that 3rd Tuesday at home or on church grounds.
  • Worship: children and youth will prepare a craft or participate in an act of worship.

We will kick-off this LOGOS year with a spiritual walk around the church campus on September 22, 4-6 pm. All are encouraged to come to church and walk through stations exploring the fruits of the Spirit on our grounds.

The LOGOS team invites you to a meeting this coming Tuesday night (the 15th) at 6 pm to discuss this new approach to LOGOS in 2020. We hope you will get engaged! This new program seeks to accommodate safety precautions with the real need we all have for community. Contact Jen Roman for the Zoom link.

Let us support one another in creative ways in these difficult days.

Verse and Prayer
God is our refuge and strength,
   a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
   though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
though its waters roar and foam,
   though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
Come, behold the works of the LORD;
   see what desolations he has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
   he breaks the bow, and shatters the spear;
   he burns the shields with fire.
“Be still, and know that I am God!
   I am exalted among the nations,
   I am exalted in the earth.”
The LORD of hosts is with us;
   the God of Jacob is our refuge.
Psalm 46:1-3, 8-11
Prayer in Remembrance of 9/11

O God, our hearts were shattered On that horrendous day;
We heard the news and gathered To grieve and then to pray.
We cried to you and wondered, “Where did the violence start?”
The world as we had known it had just been torn apart.
We heard of those who perished— Of heroes’ sacrifice.
We paused again to cherish The gifts of love and life.
We worried for the future; We hugged our loved ones then.
We cried, “Can peace be found here?” “We can’t let terror win!”
Some sought to answer terror the only way they knew—
With anger toward the stranger tnd calls for vengeance, too.
Yet this is not your answer, nor what you would create.
May we live toward a future where love will conquer hate.
God, give us faith and wisdom to be your healing hands;
Give open minds that listen to truth from all your lands.
Give strength to work for justice; grant love that casts out fear.
Then peace and not destruction will be the victor here.

-Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
As the light and the weather changes from summer into autumn, we're looking forward to a new season of music. If you are called to help with the recorded music portions of our worship service, either by recording a solo or small ensemble, joining the choir recordings or singing along with a children's song, please let me know.

Director of Music
This week the band prepared 'Crashing Waters at Creation,' which is a hymn from our Glory to God collections. As many water/baptismal songs, there are strong themes of salvation. Our hymn selection is a band classic, 'Water'. I think you will recognize the tune. The postlude is a piece by Jubing Kristianto, 'Once Upon a Rainy Day.' I hope you are all staying healthy, and thank you for all your help with getting the surveys completed.

God bless!
Director of Contemporary Music
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You will be enriched in every good way for your generosity….
- 2 Corinthians 9:11
Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
All are welcome! Join livestream worship at 10:00 am.

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YTD Actual Pledged Income

Peaceful Demonstration
1,000 Men March
Ark and Dove members and friends are invited to participate in the 1,000 Men March in Annapolis on September 19. The march is not only for men; all are welcome. Masks and 6’ social distancing are mandatory. Carpooling from Ark and Dove is being organized. For more details and to sign up to attend click here.
The Lobby: Postscript
Apps That Help Folks Cope
DOD and the VA have been leaders in developing mental health apps for smartphones. These are available free wherever you get your apps. The Virtual Hope Box is a nice mixture of tools for relaxing, distracting, coping, and thinking positively. The Mood Tracker helps you track moods, such as anxiety and depression. PTSD Coach provides education about post-traumatic stress disorder and tools to manage symptoms. There is also a companion app called PTSD Family Coach. A new app is the Covid Coach, which has tools to help you build resilience, manage stress, and increase well-being. There are many other apps that relate to mental health developed by others, but these are a good place to start. Linnie Girdner,
Youth Christian Education
Outdoor Movie Night
Several middle school youth read Stamped this Summer in order to help us understand the racial reckoning of our time. Tonight, September 11 at 7:30 pm, we will host a viewing of Just Mercy on church grounds. Those who read Stamped are invited, but the invitation is also open to youth of the congregation in general. We need to know if you plan to attend, so we can meet safety measures and comply with restrictions. In addition, youth will be asked to sign a covenant that covers precautions we will take that night. Contact Pastor Jon (
Godly Play
Our Sunday school program for grades K-5, will begin this Sunday, September 13. Classes take place via Zoom each Sunday from 9:00- 9:40 am. Our host welcomes the child(ren), the storyteller tells a story and then leads the children in reflection and wondering. Normally, our class would involve a work/creative response time as well, so our Godly Play team is putting together response bags containing art supplies and other materials for the children to keep at home for personal use. If you are interested in getting a bag for your child(ren), they will be available in the church parking lot for pickup (please wear a mask) on Wednesday, September 9, 5:30- 6:30 pm, and Saturday, September 12, 10:00- 11:00 am. We can also make arrangements to have a bag delivered to you. If you have any questions about Godly Play or would like to be put on our list to receive zoom invitations, please contact Julie Devers, Christian Education Elder, at
Senior High Youth Group
High School youth group (9th-12th grade) will kick-off this Sunday, September 13, 4:30-6 pm. Our first gathering will be outside in the field, but we will have a mix of online and in-person gatherings going forward, as safety permits. All youth wishing to gather in-person outside will be asked to sign a covenant that outlines our safety precautions. We will send that to you next week. Please contact Pastor Jon for any questions (
Please join us online for a LOGOS parent's info session on September 15 at 6pm. LOGOS is Ark and Dove's midweek intergenerational experience for children and youth up to 8th grade. It is a time for all ages to come together to learn about God and grow in their relationships. At the meeting, you can hear about how we will be doing things differently due to Covid-19 this year and have your questions answered. Unlike previous years, we will not be meeting in the church building. Instead, each week will have a different family-centered activity to do either at home or outside at church. There will also be opportunities to connect and build relationships with others in our church community. Sign up here to receive a login link for zoom or get on our mailing list. For any questions or if you're interested in connecting, contact Jen Roman at
Christian Education
Spiritual Path
Join us September 22 for an outdoor intergenerational worship experience to kick off LOGOS 2020. Nine stations will be set up outside on our property focusing on a fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). Each station has activities for all ages to engage. The walk will be open from 4-6 pm and we will properly distance. Please bring a mask to wear. Questions? Contact Pastor Jon (
Book Group Coming Soon on White Too Long!
White Christian America Needs a Moral Awakening is the headline of The Atlantic article by Robert P. Jones. In his new book, White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity, Jones describes how white supremacist ideology and white Christian theology have been and continue to be interwoven in ways that uphold white supremacy. He calls us to examine our faith with a moral lens that can help us work toward a "right relationship with our fellow citizens, with ourselves, and even with God." Whether you read the article or the book, or don't do either, you are invited to bring your open mind and open heart to our next book group zoom meeting on Wednesday, September 30th at 7pm. To sign up, please email Jon Nelson ( or Kim Champagne (
CONFLICTED: Exploring Conflict and How it Might Help Us Today
We are embroiled in conflict. As a nation, we are at odds with others and our own. As citizens, we are polarized. As a Church, we differ from one another. As families, we fight. In this pandemic, international and national conflicts have increased. During this racial reckoning, divisions have widened. How do we handle these conflicts?

Join us for a 5-week course addressing biblical and contemporary conflicts from the international to the interpersonal. Each week, we will study certain conflicts to see how we might deal with the ones we face today.

  • Week One: International Conflicts (Indian Independence and Israel’s Exodus)
  • Week Two: National Conflicts (The Tulsa Massacre and the Genocidal Scheme against the Jews)
  • Week Three: Local Conflicts (Resource Disputes and Tax-Collectors)
  • Week Four: Church Conflicts (Inclusive Christianity and Gentile Christians)
  • Week Five: Interpersonal Conflicts (Political Arguments and Family Disputes)

This class will be co-led by Katie Nilsen Johnson (who recently earned a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies), Grant Johnson, and Pastor Jon. We will begin at 7:30 on September 15. Please contact Pastor Jon for a Zoom link (
Adult Cyber Education Opportunity from the Discipleship Ministry
With so much of our personal and professional business conducted online, it is more important than ever to maximize our awareness of personal safety and security risks associated with using the internet. Please join us for a 3-part Online Computer Safety class on September 22, 29, and October 6 at 8PM via ZOOM.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • September 22, PHISHING: Ark and Dove has experienced several of phishing attacks. What is phishing and how do you protect yourself from it?
  • September 29, SOCIAL MEDIA SECURITY: What are the threats and what can you do to protect your personal data from being shared without your permission?
  • October 6, HACKING METHODOLOGY: A higher level technical presentation of how a hacker can infiltrate a home router and information on how to protect your home network.

Please contact Tricia Gray ( with any questions.
Campfire Quarrels
Join us around a campfire on church grounds the second Wednesday of the month for a healthy conversation over the controversies of our times. Bring a chair, non-alcoholic beverage, and s’more supplies (if you like), bug repellant, the intention to social distance, and we will enjoy each other’s company as we create faithful responses to the conflicts of our time. We will meet from 7-8:30 pm.

  • October 14: Cancel Culture
  • November 11: Presidential Support/Opposition
  • December 9: Capitalism and its Alternatives

Please RSVP with Pastor Jon ( as we have limited space to maintain social distancing around the fire.
Being Grateful in Difficult Times
Coming in October!

We all know the joy of a surprise gift, good news, or a great achievement -- all of those things eliciting feelings of gratitude. But these days, full of grief, worry, and uncertainty did not easily nurture a sense of thanks. Indeed, they seem to be gnawing away our hearts and our hopes.

So what of gratitude now? When we don't feel grateful? In a 6-part course based on her recent book, Grateful, Diana Butler Bass takes us into a journey to understand what gratitude is, how it can strengthen us as individuals and in community, and the surprising ways in which it subverts hopelessness and injustice. In addition to lectures and mini-practice sessions, Diana will be joined by other writers in conversation about how giving thanks has made a difference in their own lives.

Join us for this course wherein, we will watch brief videos and have discussion over the content. Purchasing Bass’ Grateful, will be helpful but not necessary. Class size is limited to 25. Please contact Kim Champagne to sign up (
Lectionary Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 10 am, we gather online for fellowship, Bible study on the upcoming Sunday scriptures, and prayer. This has been and continues to be a great way to deepen friendships and faith. Please join us, there is no commitment or homework. Contact Pastor Jon for the Zoom invitation (
Peace and Global Witness
Confronting Hopelessness, Thwarting Division
The Peace and Global Witness Offering supports and provides the tools and resources as we join together with other faith organizations as active peacemakers in Anne Arundel County. Anne Arundel Connecting Together (ACT) is an active community organization of organizations. By working together, we build community power so your voice can be heard. All of the donations, from the Peace and Global Witness Offering, go directly to support the work of ACT.

Let us offer the peace of Christ at all times and in all ways. Peace for our world, our community, our church, our family, and ourselves. Thank you for your support of the peace and global witness offering! If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot! Blessed are the peacemakers. Please give generously. Peace, Cheryl Schafer, Mission Elder,
Antiracism and Social Equity
How the Church Can Be a Healing Force in America’s Racial Divide
In order to break free and to find justice for our Black siblings in Christ, white Christians must wrestle with their white identity to find their anti-racist selves beneath.

To begin this movement, Kerry Connelly, author of “Good White Racist?: Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice” (Westminster John Knox Press, 2020), presents with The Presbyterian Outlook a free webinar at 2 p.m. Eastern Time on September 15: Holy Imagination + Race: How the Church Can Be a Healing Force in America’s Racial Divide. Based on the themes in Connelly’s book, this free 90-minute webinar offers tools for congregational members and leaders and serves as an introduction to the anti-racist work churches must begin to do in order to heal America’s racial divide. Please read this related article for more information.
Our Church Home
Indoors and Outdoors!
Want to get involved? Join the Facility’s Team! We take care of the beautiful building and grounds of Ark and Dove. Come help the Facilities Ministry support the congregation and our community by keeping our facilities in good working order. No experience needed, we have both indoor and outdoor teams. Please contact Autumn at
Outreach and Connections
Crafting Group
Calling all knitters and crocheters! Please join us for a virtual get together and bring whatever project you are working on. We are a laid back group that hopes to support and inspire creativity during these times of social distancing. We meet on the first Wednesday and third Monday evening of each month from 7:00- 8:00 pm. All skill levels and handcrafts are welcome. If you are interested in joining our next meeting please contact Amy Tardiff at!
Sunday Fellowship!
Sunday Fellowship after the live-stream church service continues! Via a ZOOM meeting, of course. If you'd like to join in for some light conversation and have a chance to see some familiar faces, simply send an email to to request an invitation. We will then send you a link to the Zoom meeting. You only need to do this one time, and you can use the same link each week. The meetings begin around 11:15 each Sunday. It will be great to "see" you! Nicole Howe,
Tea at Three
Friendly Seniors
Thursdays at 3:00 pm on Zoom. Please contact Pastor Tim ( to receive an invitation.
Codenames Over Zoom!
If you are looking for some fun on Saturday night, join the Deacons to play Codenames over Zoom! Codenames is like a board game that is very easy to play virtually--it's not a video game. Get an invitation to the Zoom meeting from Get the game at There is no sign up, download, or registration. You will need to tile your screens, to be able to see Zoom and the game at the same time. It is best to play on a computer, for size. Saturdays at 8 PM.
Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Dick Paronto; Camille Dubois; Clark Beaudry’s mother; Deborah Dingle; Dot Forloines’ family and her great-grandson Luke; Dot Bruno’s son, Deante Musgrove; Jess and Adell Gaurin; Debbie and Bruce Arey’s daughter, Allison; Linda Jordan; John Mikeska; Ylonda Fauntleroy’s husband, Tony Schoonmaker and friend, Tanya; Jesse Pennabaker; Michelle Schoonmaker's Auntie Bernice; Diane Johnson's Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and cousin Richard; Shelley Franklin's father; Hollis Butterworth’s daughter, Rachel Mershont and brother-in-law, Brian Smith; Amanda Wehage’s mother, sister and father, Dave, and friend; Zach Murray’s father, Kelly Murray; Becky Marcus; Fred Barrow; Laurie Barrow’s nephew, Gunther Kurtz; Carlton Jackson; Sabonna Keeney’s mother; Pattie Plander; Richard and Edie Budd; Bernabe Solano; Griselda Solano's sister, Irma; Kathy Miller’s sisters, Patty and Beth; Dotty Kaufman, her son, Bill, daughter-in-law, Carol, granddaughter, Sarah, and grandson Nathan; Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law, Carl Hahn; Bob Johns; Cindy Knott’s mother, Madeline; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Bill Ruble’s mother, Mary Jane Weathers; Ann Hirschy’s Aunt Cindy and brother; Christina Nelson’s grandmother, Pat Dole; Chip Burnett; Kelly Burnett’s nephew, Justin; Dorene Chen’s family; Lewis Shorter and niece, Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle; Patriceo Green’s brother and sister; Jennifer and Shawn Ralston’s niece; Archer and Honor Bauman’s grandfather, Larry; the Tardiff family; Cheryl Walcutt’s mother, nephew, and sisters; Brooks Emrick and her sister, Susan; Vaughn Brown; Frances Keyes; Julia Kirby's mother, Margaret Floyd; Erika Sealing's son, Trip, and grandmother, Margaret Schade; Amy Benson's family and Amy’s friend, Brian Shriner; Lou Kareha’s friends, Thomas and Judy Kochis; Margaret McGillivray's friend, Kim Nolet; Kim Young's friend, Joyce Miller; Linnie Girdner and Jan Hof’s friend, Grace Ligon; the Yeager’s friend, Karen Schell; Steve Debus’ cousin-in-law; Lori Kronser's friend, Barbara Noonan; Noah; and Doug Mattingly’s mother.

PRAYERS OF LOVE, SUPPORT, SAFETY AND GUIDANCE for all students, educators, parents and guardians.

PRAYERS OF HEALING for those with COVID-19: Mary Benson’s brother, Alan Benson and a member.

PRAYERS OF LOVE, SUPPORT AND PROTECTION for all hospital staff, patients, clinics, grocers, essential workers and hourly workers around the world, who are working bravely and arduously to protect our loved ones and our communities. Including: Tricia Gray’s mother; Becca Distad; Jack Burnett; Caitlyn Bussey; Emily Sanders; Audrey Miller; Linda Jordan’s nephew, Russell; Diane Johnson’s grandson; the Ralston’s family members and friends; Simone Stiegler’s friend, Jean Marie; Mike Stiegler; Amy Grimm’s mother; Jeff Grimm; Amy Goldberg’s brother, Joseph Alexander, and parents, Michael and Maryann Cooper; Judy Cooper’s daughter; John Mikeska’s son, Jonathan; and Hollis Butterworth’s sister-in-law, Cyndie.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113