This month: Cherry trees are planted in honor of Gillette and Yukitaka Osaki. ... We hold our first members-only train trail walk of the post-COVID era. ... We reveal results of a member survey about renovation projects. ... Sherlock visits the communications team. ... And, of course, take the November trivia challenge!
Accomplishments and Happenings
  • Volunteers from the Japan Society of Greater Hartford planted several cherry trees on the Castle grounds in honor of the friendship between William Gillette and Yukitaka Osaki, his confidante, secretary and valet. Read about it on their website, or take a look at the write-up in the East Haddam News (scroll down to see the article). We all can look forward to marvelous blossoms in future spring seasons at the Castle.

  • Holiday decorations are in the works! Visit the Castle between Nov. 22 and Jan. 2 to enjoy the festive spirit of garlands and wreaths from Ballek's, and trees from Staehly's Farms. The Gillettes will also continue to visit the Castle on Sunday afternoons through the holiday period. The decorations are outdoors; the Castle remains closed.

  • Our latest YouTube video covered the relationship between William Gillette and Mark Twain. As you might have expected, based on their well-matched wit, the two men were friends and allies over the course of their careers. Watch the video here.
You can make a difference!
Are you jazzed up by social media or public relations?

Intrigued by the idea of seeing your words or photographs in print?

Pondering how to meet new people and learn even more about all the really cool stuff at the Castle?

You can help a wonderful cause from the comfort of your cosy COVID-safe haven at home!
Test Your Trivia!
The November edition
A compilation of little-known facts about William Gillette and Sherlock Holmes

Nov. 11, 1891: Arthur Conan Doyle confesses murderous intentions in a letter to his mother. What was he contemplating?

Nov. 8, 1924: One of Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes is published for the first time. Collier's magazine pairs the story with illustrations by John R. Flannagan. The story involves a philandering baron and his long list of conquests! Name that story!

Nov. 30, 1835: The birth of an American literary legend with close ties to William Gillette. Who was this legend, and is it true that he borrowed the character of Sherlock Holmes in one of his own tales?

Read the answers and more in this month's edition of "Test Your Trivia!"
Where's Sherlock?
Sherlock visits the communications team!

This month, Sherlock was wondering who are those people who pull the newsletter together and tell all the stories of his travels? He figured out Zoom (with a little help), and checked out the happenings!

Sherlock wrasslin cats
Sherlock shout-out. Sherlock is thrilled to welcome new members Neal & Dory A., Thomas B. and Diane L.!