January 10, 2020 - 13 Tevet 5780
  • "Dreams of a Nation" for Snowbirds in FL and in Chicago!
  • Other Upcoming RZA-Mizrachi Programs - CA, NJ, NY
  • Dvar Torah by Rabbanit Navit Tzadik
  • World Zionist Congress Elections
  • Daf Doc - New Daf Yomi Shiur by RZA-Mizrachi Co-President, ..........Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein
  • Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume 4 Now Available
  • In Case You Missed It...
Going to be in
Boca Raton or Deerfield Beach
in February?

Staying in Chicago?

Three Opportunities to Experience
"Dreams of a Nation"

A highly creative multimedia show, Dreams of a Nation, inspires and excites us as we relive the story of the Jewish Nation from Biblical times through the establishment of Medinat Yisrael through song, music, audio-visual and narrative. Produced by Mizrachi UK and featuring Rabbi Andrew Shaw, CEO of Mizrachi U.K., and Chazzan Jonny Turgel, accompanied by a live band and amazing video, this is a spell-binding musical event you have never experienced before!

"The evening was phenomenal and a true highlight of the calendar. There was a fabulous atmosphere and a real sense that lots of new people were seeing what [our community] was all about. It showed how vibrant our community is and how dedicated to education and Zionism we are. It was a great concept, executed brilliantly and people really engaged with it. “
Other Upcoming
RZA-Mizrachi Programs
Sivan Rahav Meir, World Mizrachi Shlicha

Shaarey Tzedek "The Valley Shul" - LA, CA
Shabbat, February 8

YI of Century City - Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, February 9 - TuBiShevat

Keter Torah / Bnai Yeshurun - Teaneck, NJ
Shabbat, February 22

Steven Flatow, VP of RZA-Mizrachi
"A Father's Story"

Beth Jacob; Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, February 12

Community Synagogue of Monsey, NY
Sunday, March 29

Vote Slate 4 :
OIC-Mizrachi: Vote Torah

Beginning on January 21, you will be asked to cast your vote in the World Zionist Congress Elections - The only elections for Jews in the Diaspora affecting Israel and Jews around the world.

Slate 4,
is comprised of the major organizations in our community!

Please help us ensure that our community's values continue to be strongly represented in Israel and influence the nature of Jewish programming - Shlichim, Masa, Birthright, educational programs in our schools and more - that directly affect our communities in the U.S. and around the world.
New Daf Yomi Shiurim with
Rabbi Dr. Ernest
Israel unveils breakthrough laser to intercept missiles, ...

The Defense Ministry has made a technological breakthrough in the development of lasers that can intercept aerial threats, including rockets and anti-tank guided missiles, it announced Wednesday. New laser technology "makes the security apparatus ...

Read more

Please make an online donation today
Religious Zionists of America - Mizrachi | 212.465.9234 | |