Our Library is Open!
Our library is packed with great Christian books on a range of subjects. Use our online catalogue to search by author, title, or keyword. If you find something you like, check it out online and then let Fr Jeremy know when you can pick it up from the church. (Contact Fr Jeremy if you don't yet have a Patron ID to check out books; just reply to this email.)

Upcoming Services and Events

Tonight, September 16
6pm Paraklesis to the Theotokos (open to the public)
Email names to Fr Jeremy for the prayer list (just reply to this email)

Saturday, September 19
9am Divine Liturgy (signup required)
5pm Vespers (open to the public)

Sunday, September 20
8:45am Orthros (signup required)
10am Divine Liturgy (signup required)

Monday, September 21
7pm Men's Study Group on Zoom

Tuesday, September 22
8pm OCF at the Powers Home

Visitors and Non-parishioners: If you would like to attend Divine Liturgy (or Orthros), please email Fr Jeremy (reply to this email or click here). Signup is required for those services.

For those who prefer to read services at home, the Sunday Typika Service (in lieu of Liturgy) can be found here:
“The Nativity of Christ”
Read the story of Christmas in the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 168-170. Scripture reference: Luke 2:1-20.

  1. Children should be able to identify Christmas as Jesus’s birthday.
  2. Children should know that Nativity means “birthday”.
  3. Children should be able to tell the story of the Nativity and identify the figures in the icon.
  4. Children should be able to repeat the Nativity greeting, “Christ is born!", and the response, "Glorify Him!"