September 15, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the Covid-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
Opportunities to Get In-Person Help for Your Student: Action Required for Caregivers
School will remain remote (online) through October 19. Until then, PISD is developing several new options for getting your students in-person help and Internet access. If you are interested in your children taking part in one of these options, please notify Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll (Option 1), Boys & Girls Club Coordinator Carmen Romero (Option 2), or Taos Behavioral Health Coordinator Rachael Pyne (Option 3).

These programs pen will follow Covid-safe and social-distancing practices. There will be a comprehensive plan for child drop-off and pick-up, lunches, bathroom breaks, and mask wearing. All rooms and materials will be disinfected twice daily. Students will bring their Chromebooks and receive supervision and help as they attend their online classes.
Option 1: Supervised Public Hotspots at PISD
PISD is working to open supervised public hotspots in empty district buildings and classrooms during school hours (8 a.m. to 1 p.m., M-Th) . Students could meet at these sites to access the Internet and receive help and supervision from school staff.

If you are interested in this option, please contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll: 575-779-1466, Or fill out this short survey to indicate your interest.
Option 2: Boys & Girls Club of Picuris Pueblo at Peñasco Elementary
The Boys & Girls Club is planning to begin meeting with students at Peñasco Elementary School. The club will meet in three different elementary classrooms, using Covid-safe and social-distancing practices. This program is open to all elementary students in the district.

If you are interested in this option, please contact Boys & Girls Club Director Carmen Romero: (575) 999-5018,
Option 3: Taos Behavioral Health
TBH is meeting with their student clients at the Penasco Elementary building, in a 5-1 ratio, following all Covid-safe practices. Students in the program receive help and supervision with their online school work, counseling, and help accessing any other health or wellness resources they might need (speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy).

This is a wonderful program. If you would like your child to take part, please do the following:
  1. Fill out this referral form: If you need help filling it out or emailing it to Rachael Pyne at TBH (, please contact the Community School Coordinator Michael Noll: 575-779-1466.
  2. Call TBH and ask for an intake: 575-758-4297

To qualify for the program, these criteria must be met:
  • Students must have a diagnosed medical issue such as ADHD or other behavioral issue
  • Students must have experienced some form of severe emotional distress
  • Students must be on Medicaid.
Results: Latest Re-Entry Survey
In the latest re-entry survey, 96 respondents answered, representing the families of 144 students (elementary only). There were four questions:
  1. How many of your children attend Peñasco Elementary School?
  2. Would you prefer that school remain remote (online) only after October 19?
  3. If you answered "No" to the previous question: Are you interested in sending your children to school for an in-person hybrid model (2 days in school, 2 days working online from home) starting October 19?
  4. Would you be interested in sending your children back to school for an in-person hybrid model (2 days at school, 2 days working online from home) starting January 4?

The results were as follows:
  • 67% of respondents prefer to remain online only after October 19. 
  • Of the 33% who would prefer not to stick with the only-only model after October 19, only 81% are definitely in favor of a hybrid model. A few want a return to a 4-day in-person week. Others would like to see more information about the re-entry plan or would like to wait to see public health data and guidance. That means that 
  • That means only 27% of respondents are definitely in favor of a hybrid model after October 19.
  • 53% prefer that school remain only only after January 4.
  • 34% are interested in a hybrid model after January 4.
  • The remainder of responses are mixed between wanting full-time in-person immediately to wanting to see more information and data before making a decision.
Results: Cell Phone Coverage Survey
Results from 156 responses, representing 383 phone lines 

Data about carriers and plans:
  • 73% of respondents get their coverage through Verizon. 7% use T-Mobile/Sprint, and 6% use Choice Wireless. Half a dozen other carriers were also represented in small percentages.
  • 52% of respondents pay for unlimited data. 72% pay for at least 5 GB of data.
  • Average cost/line: $67.

Data about coverage reliability:
  • 60% of respondents say they can never or rarely access data on their phones at home without connecting to WiFi. Only 20% of respondents say they can almost always access data at home without connecting to WiFi.
  • 36% of respondents say they can never or rarely access data on their phones at other places they regularly go. Only 25% of respondents say they can almost always access data at other places they regularly go.
  • 53% say they can never or rarely send a text at home. Only 23% can almost always send a text at home.
  • 51% say they can never or rarely make or receive a call at home. Only 19% can almost always make or receive a call at home.
  • 53% say they frequently cannot send or receive an important call or text. Only 16% say they never or rarely are unable to send or receive an important call or text.
  • In order to make a call or send a text from home, respondents must do the following:
  • Go outside (40%)
  • Find that one spot where the phone works (51%)
  • Connect to WiFi (44%)
  • Other strategies include drive to the stop sign, go into a different town, set up an extender on the roof, walk to an open area, drive 15 miles from home.
After-School Program Schedule
PISD is offering online afterschool programs starting this week. Programs include art, gardening, podcasting, robotics, yoga, and more. All of these programs will take place online, with some opportunities for in-person activities. For more information about after school programs, visit the Community Schools page on the district website:

Afterschool programs will be fun! Interactive! Students will develop real-world skills that will help them in life! All students should have received an invitation to join the After School Programs Canvas Page. Information and announcements about the different programs will be posted there and on the district website.

The latest info will always be found on the Afterschool Programs Canvas Class.

2-3 p.m.: Yoga
  • Yoga Video #1
  • Starting soon (if state and district policies allow): In-person in 2 groups of five students at Peñasco Elementary, streamed live via Canvas and recorded for viewing any time

2-4 p.m.: Podcast

2:30-3:30 p.m.: Robotics

Art and gardening programs will be coming soon!

Questions? Want to sign up? Contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466. Call, text, or email your student's name and the program(s) they're interested in.
School Will Be Held This Friday
Don't forget: This Friday, September 18, is a school day.
"It's Okay Not to Be Okay"
The Taos News recently ran a story about the NMAA's new mental health initiative. You can read the article here: click here. Peñasco ISD athletic director and girls basketball coach Mandy Montoya was interviewed for the story and had some great words of wisdom:
  • "Mental health is a very serious thing. It goes on in the NBA with elite athletes. It's good the NMAA is doing something. Kids need to understand that it is OK to not be OK," Montoya said. "Sports are such an outlet for everyone."
If you are a student-athlete experiencing depression, anxiety or suicide, reach out to a coach, a friend or call the mental health crisis line at (855) 662-7474.
Tips for Dealing with Anxiety
Here are some tips from the Child Mind Institute to help you and your family thrive despite the challenges of Covid and remote schooling.

Managing your stress
  • †Cut yourself some slack! Remind yourself that there’s no playbook for what we’re going through. Between work, childcare and everything else, you may be juggling impossible demands. Being kind to yourself helps you stay calm and frees up the bandwidth you need to take good care of yourself and your family.
  • †Be smart about what you’re reading and watching. Consider putting a limit on the amount of news about the coronavirus you consume each day. If your social feeds are making you anxious, take a break, and focus on accounts that are calming.
  • †Set achievable goals. Give up those unrealistic expectations for what you (and your kids) can achieve in this stressful time. Enjoy your successes each day, no matter how small.
  • †Practice mindfulness and self-care. Focusing on what you’re doing right now, without being caught up in the future or the past, is an important coping skill. Set aside a few minutes around the same time every day to do deep breathing, meditation, exercise — whatever works.
  • †Stay connected virtually. Keep your support network strong, even when you’re only able to call or text friends and family. Socializing can help you feel better and stay grounded. And the same is true for your children — try setting them up with virtual playdates or plan phone calls with relatives.
  • †Accept your feelings. Many of us feel sad, angry and anxious right now. Acknowledging that — instead of fighting it — allows us to ride out our emotions, and it might even free us up to move on and say, “Okay, so now what needs to be done?"
Helping children cope
  • †Be a mindful family. Find a way to help everyone take a moment to slow down, stay present and come together, like family yoga or a quiet walk in the woods.
  • †Stick to routines. Consistency and structure are calming during times of stress. As much as possible, kids should get up, eat and go to bed at their normal times.
  • †Make and post a schedule. Changing activities at set times each day lets kids know what’s coming. Work together as a family to set a realistic schedule, then print itrint out and go over it together each morning. Setting a timer can also be a helpful way to let kids know when activities are about to begin or end.
  • †Alternate work and play. Alternate chores or schoolwork with fun activities and free time. Kids learn more when schoolwork is divided into chunks geared to their attention span. And knowing they will soon be rewarded with something they enjoy helps them focus in the moment.
  • †Use positive attention! Attention is the best way to influence children’s behavior, and it helps to make that attention big, bold, specific and immediate. Instead of "Good job,” try "GREAT JOB GETTING STARTED ON YOUR ASSIGNMENT SO QUICKLY!"
  • †Validate feelings. Kids, especially teens, will be disappointed about losing important experiences like sports, proms, plays and graduations. Let them share their feelings. Listen without judgment, and resist the urge to reassure them that everything will be fine.
Win Prizes for Sharing Your Quarantine Experience!
True Kids 1 presents the #Backtoschool2020 social media contest!

Students are invited to tell us what you think about online learning, shout out a teacher, or talk about your quarantine experience. Winning videos will win prizes from Taos Ski Valley, Twirl, Taos Cow, Video Casa, Field Institute and Pizanos, and be shared statewide by the NM Public Education Department and on True Kids 1 social media. See details on the flyer below!
Complete the Census, Get a Chance to Win $500
Here's a chance to win a $500 Gift Card of your choice when you complete the 2020 Census! AND win $2000 for your school or $500 for your early childhood organization!

Here's how:
  1. Complete the Census at or call 844-330-2020 for English or 844-468-2020 for Spanish between 5 a.m. MT and midnight MT. 
  2. Complete the entry form in the website below, with your Census Confirmation number, date of completion, and the school or early childhood organization you wish to nominate. 

To get your confirmation number:
  • If you complete the Census online, you will receive a unique confirmation number on the closing web page. 
  • If you complete it over the phone, you MUST ASK for one from the Census taker. 
  • If you complete it by mail, use your unique 12 digit Census code provided on the form. 

You must have completed the Census on or after August 27, 2020 and on or before September 30, 2020. Submissions must be received during the Prize Giveaway Period. The prize drawing will take place on October 1st, 2020. One lucky household will receive a $500 gift card of their choice. The school with the highest number of nominations will receive a $2000 donation and the early childhood organization with the highest number of nominations will receive a $500 donation.

Enter the drawing here:
Internet Update
Kit Carson Telecom is offering families of students in its service area discounted installation and service. To get service from Kit Carson, fill out this form: and email it to Mark Poche ( and Nadine Varela ( You can also call (575) 758-2258 between 8-4:30, M-F.
P-EBT Card Update
Students who did not receive cards in the first round will be receiving cards soon. The state has informed the district that the cards were mailed out on August 31. So, please be watching your mail for the cards.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Important Links
(Check here for updates from the state.)
(Check here for activities and videos for kids.)