MCCF Monthly
September 2020
As the sun begins to set on another summer, we continue to work closely
with Maine fishermen during these uncertain times. We have more fishermen participating in this year's Sentinel Survey than ever before. We're out on the
water sampling juvenile alewives with a purse seine to estimate their abundance and health. The Eastern Maine Skippers Program team is continuing to find ways to bring fisheries education to the classroom -
even through remote learning. Our online video series are not only
bringing laughter and joy into the homes of many, but we're educating
people from near and far on Maine's fisheries. We continue to stay involved
in what's happening in the industry as well as working to secure
a diversified fishing future with our collaborative approach.
MCCF a Partner in “Hot Water” Study
MCCF is excited to announce that we are one of four selected recipients of National Sea Grant funding for the American Lobster Research Program. Together with project partners Dr. Josh Stoll at the University of Maine and Kathleen Reardon at Maine’s Department of Marine Resources, MCCF’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Carla Guenther have been awarded $125,808 to research critical gaps in knowledge about the American lobster fishery. The project, “Fishing in hot water: Defining sentinel indicators of resilience in the American lobster fishery,” recognizes that the Maine lobster fishery is among the most valuable commercial fisheries in the United States and supports thousands of jobs in coastal communities across the state. As a result, there is significant investment in multiple biological monitoring programs that are used to track the status of the lobster resource in Maine, yet no equivalent system exists to understand the socioeconomic status of the lobster industry.

“This is because fishery management is not tasked with managing social or economic resilience.” states Guenther. “With lobster being so critically important to our coastal communities, we face an unprecedented need to better understand the variables that contribute to the lobster industry’s resilience and vulnerability.” For example, one such variable might be the number of fishing trips that are being taken in a given time period. A shift up or down could signal a change in the profitability of the fishery. This project aims to support state and community-level management and planning. Its success relies heavily on input from the lobster industry and its many supporting businesses and organizations such as the Maine Lobstermen’s Association and the Maine Lobster Union.
Safety Training Coming to Winter Harbor
MCCF will continue to offer free safety training opportunities for commercial fishermen throughout Downeast Maine, with the next opportunity taking place in Winter Harbor. The day-long safety training, led by John McMillan of McMillan Offshore Survival Training, includes drills, safety orientation, and review of industry-related products that can assist fishermen in emergency situations while aboard their fishing vessel.

Due to COVID-19 precautions, spaces are limited. To learn more about this opportunity stay tuned for an announcement in upcoming e-letters and our social media. If you'd like to be put on an interest list, contact Tom Duym, at or 207.367.2708.
Request for Participation
Upcoming Events
Online Lunch & Learn
Fishermen at the Helm of Research: Applying Local Knowledge to Better
Understand Fish Populations

Friday, September 25 at 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Space is limited. Registration is required.

Coordinating a large effort of fisheries data collection takes careful planning, relationship building, and problem solving. This presentation will take a look at collaborative efforts to assess and rebuild the groundfish fishery in eastern Maine, and the best practices we've learned - and are still learning - along the way. Join University of Maine Graduate Student Robyn Linner and MCCF's Collaborative Research Specialist Pat Shepard as they share stories about hook fishing by day for cod, and purse seining by night for alewives.
Maine Maritime Academy
Corning School of Ocean Studies Seminar Series
The Eastern Maine Coastal Current Collaborative: Building a regional network and research framework to support ecosystem based fisheries management

Monday, September 21; 3:35 pm
Free online talk
Presenter: Dr. Carla Guenther,
MCCF Chief Scientist
Navigating Uncharted
Waters in the Bagaduce:
How Three Towns are Tackling Co-management

Monday, October 5; 3:35 pm
Free online talk
Presenter: Mike Thalhauser,
MCCF Collaborative
Management Specialist
Be inspired. Fish forever.
Every day, Maine fishermen are working in unpredictable elements to bring fresh seafood to the tables of many. Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries continues efforts to secure a sustainable future for fisheries and fishing communities in Eastern Maine and beyond. We are taking collective actions that include the knowledge of fishermen, the findings of scientists and partnerships with regulatory authorities, at all levels, to make sure we can
keep fishing alive for today and for tomorrow’s fishery stewards.

We know that these are unprecedented times. If you are able to give,
please consider making a tax-deductible donation today.

Together we can fish forever.