St. Rita School inspires students in Pre-Kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and faith-filled Catholic environment.
We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the Love of Christ.
From the Desk of Mrs. Tiezzi

Dear SRS parents and Guardians,

Today we were informed of a positive case of COVID within our school community. This marks the 3rd case in 5 weeks. This child was last in school on Wednesday, November 11 and has not experienced any symptoms. The parents, students, and teacher in this class, as well as a few special teachers, were notified earlier today. The students and teachers were sent home to quarantine until Sunday, November 29. They will be able to return to school on Monday, November 30.

Many people have inquired about switching to remote learning after the upcoming holiday. At this time we intend to return after the Thanksgiving holiday to in-person instruction five days a week. This could change very suddenly if we see a rise in COVID cases within our school community or have staffing shortages which dictate the need to go remote. Please understand that the health and safety of our students and staff are our #1 priority and we will make the decision to transition to remote instruction or hybrid instruction should the data dictate that it is unsafe to remain operating in the current manner. Parents with children in PreK are reminded that our PreK programs may remain open as long as it is safe to do so. Should the State of Connecticut make the decision to shut down all schools and early learning programs we will be mandated to follow suit.

With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday we have so much to be grateful for, as well as so much to be concerned with. We are grateful for the SRS community and your willingness to trust us in educating your children during this time of pandemic. We are also concerned that with the upcoming holidays approaching families will be traveling and/or spending time with friends and family not currently part of your family cohort. We are very concerned that students will be returning to school having traveled out of state, had sleepovers/play dates and spent time with family and friends while not following the health and safety guidelines set up by the CDC. If you plan to travel for the upcoming holiday or participate in activities deemed unwise by the local health officials, please consider keeping your child home from school for the week of November 30 in order to keep your St. Rita School family safe and healthy. Should we see an uptick in COVID cases following the holiday weekend we will be forced to switch to remote and/or hybrid instruction. Please do your part to keep everyone safe and healthy and insure that St. Rita School continues to operate in-person. 

Finally, the Advent Giving Tree Service Project will be wrapping up in a few days. Thank you to all those families who have participated thus far. There is still time for you to make a contribution to help those needy families within our Divine Mercy Parish Community have an enjoyable Christmas. Donations can be sent in to school until this Friday. Thank you for your generosity.

On Friday we celebrate the feast day of Blessed Mother Clelia Merloni, foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the religious order of Sr. Anne, our assistant principal. Let us continue to ask Blessed Mother Clelia to watch over and protect the students, staff and families of St. Rita School during this time of uncertainty and global pandemic. Blessed Mother Clelia, pray for us! 

God Bless,
Mrs. Tiezzi

Picture Re-Take Day has been scheduled for Wednesday, December 9. Re-takes and sibling pictures
will be taken in the morning in school.

Remote learners may re-take and take sibling
pictures in the church basement in the afternoon.

If your child will be doing re-takes, please send in the original package for return on the re-take day.
Nurse's Corner

Please read the attached updated Connecticut travel advisory. If you
and/or your family have traveled to any of these states and have
stayed for more then 24 hours you will need to get a COVID test
within 72 hours upon arriving back in Connecticut. Your children can
not return to school until they present a negative COVID test or
after a quarantine of 14 days. 
Please inform the office of any travel plans in the coming months. We appreciate your vigilance on this matter as we continue to work to keep our Saint Rita School community safe and healthy. 
Thank you to everyone for keeping your children home when they are not feeling well and keeping us informed of any illnesses. With your cooperation we will continue to keep our school community safe.

Just a few reminders:

- If your child is home sick for more then 24 hours we will need a doctors note in order for them to return to school. 

- This year with COVID-19 continuing to be active the State Department of Public Health is encouraging everyone to receive an Influenza Vaccination by the end of October. The vaccinations are now readily available. Once your child receives the vaccine, please send proof into school for the nurse to document. 

- If your child is home sick and the doctor recommends a COVID test please do not get a rapid test. We will only be accepting the PCR test in order to return to school. 

- many of us suffer from seasonal allergies and may experience symptoms similar to COVID-19. 

Symptoms more common of seasonal allergies and not COVID-19 are itchy or watery eyes and sneezing. 

Symptoms more common if COVID-19 are fever and chills, muscle and body aches, new loss of taste or smell, nausea or vomiting and Diarrhea. 

If you obtain positive results after school hours, please email Mrs. Tiezzi (ptiezzi.stritaschool@gmail.com) and the nurse (lpalma.stritaschool@gmail.com)

When in doubt call your pediatrician. 
Home/School Association
Announcing our….
Boon Supply Fundraiser
St. Rita's HSA is happy to announce our Fall Catalog Fundraiser of the year!
This year our Boon Supply Fundraiser will be completely online, now thru December 4th, 2020. No need for catalogs; it is as easy as sending out emails. You are able to shop online and get everything delivered directly to your house. Please click on the link below to get all the information you need to make our fundraiser a success. A parent letter will be sent home with every student with the link to the St. Rita's Fundraiser page.

If you have any questions please contact Kristen Geltman at Kristen@paws-in-motion.net.

Wouldn't you love to share your child's artwork with family and friends? The Square 1 Art fundraiser provides you the opportunity to purchase keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art! A new item this year is the mask! Every order profits your school and will arrive prior to Christmas.

Please create and upload art by: 11/23/2020
Parent Order Deadline is: 11/24/2020

Your 4 Simple Steps:
1. Your child creates art either at school or at home.

2. Take a photo of your child's art with your phone or tablet.

3. Upload the art online at square1art.com/shop/upload (click here) by November 23rd!
Enter state and school name to find your school, click "Continue".
Enter your child's name, grade and your email address
Click "Choose File" and upload your child's art from your phone or tablet files.
You will see then your child's art in the Edit App. You may crop the art, add text, or make other edits.
Click "Done" and your art is saved to your school's fundraiser!

4. You may then begin to shop for keepsakes! Order by November 24th to ensure holiday arrival.

Together, we can help support the school, and create keepsake memories of your child's art to enjoy for years! They will be working on a suitable project at school. If I can be of any help, please contact me!

Best to you and your families, 

MaryLee Delaney, fundraising coordinator, maryleedelaney@gmail.com

Each year, St. Rita participates in several rewards programs. Local grocery stores (and Amazon!) allow you (the shopper) to identify St. Rita as the school you’d like to support; every time you shop, we get a percentage of the sale in the form of points (that can be used for school supplies) or cash. Last year we earned over $1600 through Stop&Shop’s program and over 150,000 points through ShopRite! We have big goals this year, and we need your help to achieve them. Please click on the links below to register your store cards, and ask your local family and friends to do the same!
Planning to order Christmas cards or photo
gifts this holiday season? Shop through our Shutterfly Storefront, and SRS will earn an 8% commission! It     may not sound like much,
but there’s no extra fee for you, and every
$1 makes a difference for our school.
           Click here to shop Shutterfly via our StoreFront.
Visit amazonsmile.com, and anytime you purchase an eligible item, Amazon will 
      donate a portion of the profit to our school! Select “Divine Mercy Parish
      Corporation” as your charity, and St. Rita School will benefit every time you shop. 

Link your Stop & Shop Card to St. Rita School, and we’ll earn
CASH when you
     buy groceries! Click here and use School ID: 06434.

Link your ShopRite Price Plus card to St. Rita School, and help us earn school     supplies! Click here and use School ID: 50073, or email your PricePlus card number to Alice Kuether, alicemcgrew23@hotmail.com.
Athlete's Corner
Soccer Players:
Please return your CLEAN uniform to school
in a bag with your name clearly written on it. 
Prayer Corner
Remember all those who are suffering or have lost a loved-one during this pandemic.
Please pray for all the deceased members of our
St. Rita School community.
Click HERE to access the Weekly Health Screening Questionnaire
St. Rita School
1601 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 248.3114
Fax: (203) 248.1016