News & Updates
April 2020
Leverage eConsult during this coronavirus pandemic, review your contribution to the Multi-County eConsult Initiative (MCeI) for April, and discover what's in store for May.
#eConsult First

Improve the outcomes of specialist visits for your patients by reviewing the case first with our eConsult specialists. Either they can help your patients avoid visits altogether by providing a care plan for more benign conditions, or save your patient's time by guiding you to get pre-evaluation testing and labs done prior to the in-person consultation.

Get the care your patient needs in a more efficient way, while helping them avoid unnecessary exposure to the coronavirus.

The MCeI team is here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for your continued service, sacrifice, and strength.
COVID-19 in the Inland Empire
Stay up-to-date about coronavirus-related developments in the Inland Empire at (developed by WISE Healthcare for the Inland Empire; not an IEHP-sponsored product).

The website features an assemblage of news releases, links & videos, dashboards, maps and statistics about the San Bernardino and Riverside counties (compiled from publicly available sources).
Over 50,000 eConsults!
RUHS & CHS eConsults Processed This Month
Combined, RUHS, the Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) and the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) have processed 52,477 eConsults .
RUHS primary care clinics & CHS play a major role, having submitted 526 eConsults this month alone, and 16,797 eConsults since MCeI's genesis.
Meet Your Specialist Reviewer
Dr. Adrienne Estes, Podiatry
Meet Dr. Adrienne Estes, DPM, MS. She is a Podiatrist and alumnus of University of California, Santa Barbara. She earned her Masters of Biomedical Science at Rosalind Franklin University of Science.

Dr. Estes is an Assistant Professor of Podiatric Medicine Surgery and Biomechanics at her alma mater, Western University of Health Sciences. She is Board Qualified by ABFAS and is wound care certified. She completed a fellowship in reconstructive ankle and limb salvage surgery. Outside the office, she enjoys spending time with her 2 dogs and her fiance Charlie.
Your Month in Review
Patient Care
Your efforts are improving patients' access to appropriate care!

By coordinating with 34 specialist reviewers via eConsult, 121 providers at 19 RUHS clinic sites succeeded in resolving 87 cases without the need for an in-person visit this month.
Percent of eConsults closed out non-face-to-face for RUHS patients in April:
Over half of eConsults for endocrinology, geriatrics, and infectious disease services were resolved between providers on the eConsult platform. By coordinating with specialists sooner via eConsult, primary care providers are helping reduce delays for patients to obtain clinically necessary care.
Remember: Clinics providing virtual or telephone visits qualify as IEHP encounters if the visits are tracked and provided to IEHP in data submissions.
May We Move Forward
Virtual Health Access At Your Fingertips

The MCeI team will assist you and your clinic with virtual health access to patie nts, including but not limited to platforms such as:
  •, Vsee, Zoom, AfyaHub, ConnectOnCall, SimpleVisit, Polycom, and SnapMD.

(Disclaimer: IEHP does not sponsor or support any of these vendors.)

We support using current existing tools provided by Apple and Android such as:
  • WhatsApp, iMessage, Line, GroupMe, and Google Duo.
Work Group Calls

MCeI workflow engineers set aside this time for clinicians and staff to discuss ways to utilize eConsult and virtual health access to fight the pandemic.

Friday, May 15th at 12:00 pm
Click to join the May call.

*Keep an eye out for email reminders.
The More the Merrier
The MCeI team is always open to bringing more specialist reviwers aboard to join our mission.

Who better to provide recommendations for the MCeI specialists than those already involved?

If you know specialists willing to contribute and who believe in improving access to care for patients in the safety net, please submit their names and contact information to
Connect With Us
We are here to support you in any way we can. Our MCeI team offers continuous support and training to providers and clinical staff, which can be done virtually or in-person.
Support Desk
Jessica Ayala
Need eConsult Support? Contact our support desk engineer! 

From username and password assistance to technical aid and clarification of workflow processes, Jessica Ayala is here to help! 

Submit a ticket via the eConsult platform or call the help desk at
(909) 687-0244 .

She will assist you within 24 hours.
In Person & Virtual Assistance
Schedule appointments for provider and clinical staff introductory and refresher eConsult trainings with our workflow engineers:

Nida Javed | | (909) 767-7616
Gerald Gagner | | (909) 767-7541
Mika'ele Cruz | | (909) 296-2860
Matthew Widney | | (909) 727-7494