Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin
UUCM Email Weekly!
April 17, 2020
Issue #540
 Upcoming Worship Services

April 19  Online Service:  And All Her People One (10:30 am)
Rev. Marcus Hartlief

We celebrate the 50th Earth Day with people around the world in an unprecedented moment in human history. As the challenging truth of our radical interdependence rocks our daily lives, we reflect on our role in a global struggle for a just and verdant world. What will it take to sustain the focused attention of our species beyond the current pandemic to live our moral vision for one another and our collective home?
Use the following link for Traditional Service at 10:30 am:

Or call in by phone: 1-669-900-6833,  then enter  Meeting ID: 444 532 079
Sunday Circle - 9:00 am

Since Social Distancing means we can't gather in our Fireside Room, we have evolved a Zooming Circle.  See connection information below.

As we all adapt to current events we have departed from our previous schedule of topics and leaders and re-purposed our group to simply be a place where, each week, we can
Connect in Community
Share Humor and Hope
Support Creativity and Curiosity

A volunteer leader welcomes participants, lights a chalice, and offers a reading and topic for the day, often one that has evolved from the previous week's conversation.  We will have a few minutes of silence for contemplation, and then take turns responding with thoughts or asking related questions.  We also make time for shared joys and concerns.

Use the following link for Sunday Circle at 9:00 am:

Or call in by phone:
1-669-900-6833, then enter Meeting ID: 738 308 019

Church Office Notes
Many meetings and events have been cancelled or postponed. 
P lease contact the coordinator of your group for additional information.

Have something to share with the UU Marin church community? Send it to newsletter@uumarin.org, by Tuesdays at 7 am for same week publications. 
Click here to learn more about our newsletter.

Order of Service announcements are due by Wednesday at 5 pm, 
please send to announcements@uumarin.org

This Week in Religious Education
Each year my family gathers with friends to experience the Jewish celebration of Pesach (also referred to as Passover) with ritual and meal known as a Seder. In my first Seder via Zoom last week, we included moments to reflect our Covid-19 experience. One element of the Seder is the asking of four questions related to why is this night different from all other nights. The questions we asked this year were:
1. What specifically do you miss from your days before physical distancing?
2. What do you not miss that perhaps when this passes you would want to change?
3. What wisdom have you learned about the world, about life, about yourself?
4. What can you do now and after the turbulent waters of this time recede to directly and personally help someone in need?
These thought-provoking questions seem valuable to ponder outside the Pesach ritual. I invite you to engage your household with these questions of how this time is different, and reflect on how we might be better for it.
For Children and Youth Zoom meetings to find connections with each other, please email me at revlynne@gmail.com for links and information. We currently have three Sunday meeting groups: preschool to 2nd grade, middle school, and high school.
In prior weeks I invited you to find a space in your home to have an altar, if you don't already have one, and place a chalice, a sounding instrument (bell, bowl, drum, a spoon in a glass), a gratitude and grace bowl, and pictures and objects that mean something special to you, or represent what you value most.
With Earth Day coming up on April 22nd, I invite you to reflect on what you can commit to do to support a healthy planet, then find an object or symbol to place on your home altar that represents that dedication. In prior years we were invited to spend Earth Day engaging in an outdoor environmental project, like a cleanup or restoration. Yet -- with a little reflection -- we can find a commitment of the heart that supports a healthy planet, and leave an item on our home altar to remind us of that every time we pass by.
So, until next week, be safe, stay healthy and sleep well.
For joy and justice in an imperfect world,
Rev. Lynne Scarpa
Director of Family Ministries

Another UUCM Response to Coronavirus: 
Pastoral Cares!
UU Marin has always had a committee of people who regularly check in with our congregants who may be in need of assistance in any number of ways. In the midst of this crisis, the Pastoral Care Committee is even more active and available.
At the outset of the Pandemic, a group of 17 volunteers initiated contact with UU households to assess current and potential needs- 90% of all households were reached.  Only the lack of correct email addresses or phone numbers prevented a 100% success rate.  (Please help us by providing updated correct contact information so we can serve all of our members!  We're here to help!!)
Since it appears that the shelter-in-place policy will be extended through April and into May, it is possible that our member needs, questions, and requests for assistance may increase and/or change.  The committee has a cadre of  volunteers available  to provide assistance and we hope to match our volunteer expertise with your request for assistance.  
To learn more or to request assistance during these troubled times please contact:

Bonne Gaebler, Chair, Pastoral Care Committee   415/459-7024

You can also always reach out directly to our Minister, Rev. Marcus Hartlief at 510/213-0404

UUCM Book Club
The UUCM book club will meet via Zoom on Monday, April 20, at 3:00 pm to discuss "Olive, again" by Elizabeth Strout. 

Please contact Kim Holscher at kimholscher51@gmail.com if you are interested in joining us. 

Crafting for a Cause

Wednesday, April 22, virtual gathering via Zoom
Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are invited to join in ongoing efforts to create handmade items for children and adults facing challenging life circumstances.  Our current effort is creating knitted or crocheted 10" squares to be assembled into blankets for Syrian refugees.  Wool hats and scarves also welcome.

Patterns and guidance provided. The current sheltering has prompted us to schedule two meetings per month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.  The next session will be held via video call on Wednesday, April 22, between 6:30 and 8:00 pm.  For Zoom link to join the call, or more information, including specifications for blanket squares, email:  crafting@uumarin.org.

Social Justice Info

If you are not already receiving emails from the social justice committee and wish to receive them along with information about social justice actions/rallies in and around Marin, please send your email address to:   socialjustice@uumarin.org

Do you want to make a difference in our county and the world? We focus on local issues which are relevant to all of us. Bring your ideas and concerns to the UUCM Social Justice Committee. We meet the third Sunday of each month at noon.
Continue your commitment to environmental and economic justice by shopping at 

Quick Links
Staff Links
Developmental Minister
Rev. Marcus Hartlief  
Office Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday: mid-morning to late afternoon or into the evening.
 Call, text or email to make an appointment.  
415-578-9632 (direct), 510-213-0404 (cell) 
Janette Morrow  office@uumarin.org
415-578-9577 (direct)
Director of Family Ministries:
Rev. Lynne Scarpa

Choir Director
Amanda Nelson
PianistMilton Wong

Early Childhood Teacher: Glynda Christian 

Pastoral Care Committeepastoralcare@uumarin.org 
Bonne Gaebler:  bagtag@sbcglobal.net
Newsletter Guidelines
Feedback about this weekly newsletter is appreciated. Please note change in email address:
eWeekly Deadline for Friday issue:
Tuesday by 7 am - activities and announcements, staff columns, committee reports

Send your news articles to newsletter@uumarin.org (please note change in email address).

Weekly articles can contain:
  • Notices of UUCM sponsored events, meetings, or other activities which involve the entire congregation.
  • Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) or Pacific Western Region announcements of interest to the entire congregation.
(Staff article length 250 words)

Newsletter & Order of Service Editor: Evelyn Warren evelyn@uumarin.org 
Proofreader: Victoria T. Holdridge

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin 
240 Channing Way
San Rafael, CA  94903