The council-wide UP3 had more than 200 people attend the event held at the Heart of Virginia Leadership Center.
June 18th, 2021
Unit Camp Card Champion Prizes!
In addition to the bi-weekly Camp Card prizes, we are introducing VIP treatment for our Camp Card Champion Units! The Top-Selling Pack* will receive Early Registration, Preferred Housing and FREE Slushie tokens for Cub Adventure Summer Camp in 2022! The Top-Selling Troop* will receive Early Registration and Early Merit Badge selection** for Winter Camp 2022! (*Top-Selling Units calculated on per Scout Camp Card Sales based on June 30, 2021 membership. **Merit Badge selection is limited to 4 Scouts per badge.) The 2nd and 3rd Place Top-Selling Packs will receive FREE slushie tokens and 2nd and 3rd Place Troops will receive s’mores kits to enjoy at camp! The next bi-weekly Scout prize drawing is June 30th! For more information, visit
Donor Tour
Donors and Friends of Scouting are invited to tour the Heart of Virginia Council Scout Reservation located in Maidens, Virginia. Register today so you can see how your investment is making a difference with our youth. Tour dates include:
  • June 24th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • July 1st from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • July 8th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Day Camps
Don't miss your chance to enroll your Cub Scout in one of this year's Cub Day Camps. The theme will be Weird Science, so be prepared to be mystified by the spectacular outcome of your child's experiments. We are now offering a Day Attendee option for Cardinal Day Camp. You can find more information and each district's registration links HERE.
Buckskin offers a 360 degree leadership experience that integrates classroom teaching with hands-on practice and reinforcement. This exciting combination with equip your Scout with the tools, experience, confidence, and enthusiasm he needs to make a difference as a leader. Buckskin sign-ups close on July 2nd so don't miss your chance to register. [Registration]
Tournament of Eagles
The golf benefit event will be Monday, June 21st, 2021 at the Country Club of Virginia. Enjoy a day of competitive golfing and networking while supporting local Scouting programs. Registration and Lunch begin at 12:00. The tournament’s shotgun start is at 1:00 pm. A reception with food and awards will follow the tournament. 
“Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better”- Bill Bradley
Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Mon-Tues 9:00am-5:30pm
Wednesday 12n-6pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am- 12pm

Prepared.For Life.