Heavenly View
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure
1 Chronicles 16:34
So God’s choice does not depend on ·what people want [human desire; or human will] or ·try to do [effort; exertion], but on God’s ·mercy [kindness].-Romans 9:16

Have you ever wanted something really BIG, a home, a spouse, a healing? We all have! Sometimes when we want big things, it blocks our view of all the good that surrounds us!  Because in our heads, we think if this one prayer was answered, life would be good! But as the second verse says, we don’t get that choice (and that God is good)! So we shift our focus to the good that surrounds us and praise a God that allows great and wonderful things in our lives….a beautiful spring day, kids playing, a home, a spouse that supports us and a nation that celebrates the good during complicated days.  

God’s word says it rains on the just and unjust. That means because we live in a fallen world, bad may come. But because God is kind, far more good will come to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

When praise is difficult, remember the concept of sacrifice of praise. One writer said this is to praise God even when there doesn’t seem to be much to praise God about. Remember Paul and Silas? When they were thrown into prison for sharing the gospel (actually, they cast out a demon from a young girl, but that is another point)? They could have been mad at God for not helping them avoid it; however, they choose to praise God instead. And then what happened? In Acts 16:25-26, God’s word says, “About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing songs of thanks to God. The other men in prison were listening to them. All at once, the earth started to shake. The stones under the prison shook, and the doors opened. The chains fell off from everyone.” A little further on, it says that some came to Christ because of it!

So as we stand in these difficult times, let us search for God’s goodness all around us and give thanks unto Him for his loving-kindness. Even if things don’t look good, let us praise our God, who is worthy. When we do, our God becomes BIG, and our request becomes smaller. Then, our God may come in and perform a miracle, who knows? But when He shows up (and He will because He inhibits the praise of His people), those that don’t know Him will see his goodness and desire to get to know Him! This is a heavenly view because spending eternity with Him is HUGE!

You see, God sees things from the end (when we are in heaven), and that gives Him the best view!  Did you know that everyone that has gone to heaven briefly has said they didn’t want to leave? It was simply breathtaking to be with Jesus! So ask God for a heavenly view. Ask Him to show you His perspective! He will! He longs to help His children see in the spiritual realm. It is so much better than the earthly realm anyway!

So when little inconveniences come, rise up and ask God for a heavenly view! He might surprise you with a fresh understanding of what you are actually experiencing. C.S. Lewis says that when difficulties come, God is oftentimes showing His people a better way, perhaps, a better way to prioritize, a better way to live, or a better way to love! He is always bringing life so that we may live more abundantly. So let’s choose life and live it to the fullest. Not the earthly kind but the heavenly kind that will exist for eternity! Catch a glimpse! You will not be disappointed!

Brenda Lewis
Executive Minister
Woodbine Church
5200 Woodbine Road
Pace, Florida 32571