April 27, 2020
Teen Online Creativity Contest Ends April 30
There's still time for teens to send their submissions for our library's Teen Online Creativity Contest. Any teens in 6th through 12th grade at Tipp City and Bethel schools are encouraged to submit one original work of art and/or one original poem by April 30 to be entered into the contest. Entries must not include profanity or offensive language. Email your submissions to info@tippcitylibrary.org . The winner will be announced on Friday, May 8 on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, email us at info@tippcitylibrary.org .
Virtual Programming Schedule
Stay connected with our library by viewing our daily live streams on Facebook. Tune in this week and watch Ranger Vic juggle on Monday, or watch as Tipp City Middle School teacher Mrs. Cindy Wildermuth, Tipp City Schools Assistant Superintendent Mr. Steve Verhoff, and our Children's Services Librarian Ms. Heidi Martin, Adult Services Librarian Drew Wichterman and Teen Services Librarian CD DeWit share stories, mental health tips and online resources to use during this time at home. Videos stream live each day, Monday through Saturday, at 11 a.m. You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch our virtual programming. Visit us at http://www.facebook.com/tippcitylibrary/ to view all of our previous live streams on Facebook.
Create Mad Lib Stories At Home
This laugh-out-loud activity is lots of fun to do with your family. If you are unfamiliar with this word-play game, Mad Libs are short stories with some of the keywords of the story intentionally left blank--this is where you come in! One person asks another for answers to categories listed under the blank spaces in the Mad Lib story, and the other person fills in the blanks with their answers. The story goes unread until all of the blank spaces are filled in, and the result is a silly, wacky and off-the-wall tale for everyone to enjoy. Mad Libs are not only fun, but also a great way to learn parts of speech. Visit our #StayAtHomeOhio Home Resources for Families Pinterest page for a free download from the Mad Libs publisher or try these Mad Libs created by our library: Spring Mad Lib or Trip to the Park Mad Lib .
Virtual Book Club
Our library is hosting a weekly Virtual Book Club again this week. Find The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein for download on one of our free online streaming services like Hoopla or Libby . The Art of Racing in the Rain is a story family, love and hope. Told through the lens of Enzo, a dog with a nearly human soul, we are told the story of Denny and his journey to reach his dream of racing. The Art of Racing in the Rain is a heartwarming, uplifting and also heartbreaking read that gives you an insight into the wonders and strangeness of human life, all from the unique perspective of a dog. Our Virtual Book Club posts a new book, quote and question on our Facebook page each week on Monday evenings and you will have the opportunity to ask questions or post a comment through Facebook. You do not have to have a Facebook account to read our latest posts about our Virtual Book Club. Happy reading!
Purchase a T-Shirt to Support Your Local Library
The Tipp City Public Library has partnered with other public libraries in Miami County and TeamWork Ohio to offer really COOL t-shirts! Sizes are youth medium through adult 3X large and are available in both heather black and heather demin colors. To purchase a t-shirt, click this link and once you've added your item(s) to the cart, under Library Name, be sure to select our library from the drop-down menu or visit teamworkohio.com today to see all of the other items offered for purchase to support local communities.
Author Mitch Albom Releases Coronavirus Book to Raise Funds
Mitch Albom, best-selling author of Tuesdays with Morrie and other popular books, is writing Human Touch - a new serialized story of hope during the coronavirus pandemic, set in this moment we are all enduring together. Human Touch is currently being written in the present, and each chapter is released one week at a time. Albom is raising money for coronavirus relief and hopes to bring awareness and help to his hometown of Detroit. “I am offering this new work to readers everywhere. It is my hope that the story will provide a welcome diversion in our suddenly shut-in world. Writing is my art form. It is the least I can give. If you enjoy the story, I encourage those who can to donate to Detroit Beats Covid-19!, a relief effort in my hometown of Detroit, which is being so hard hit by this pandemic." Read the first 3 chapters now and every Friday as they are released on Mitch Albom's website .
Earth Day Eco-Challenge
Take the Earth Day Eco Challenge and extend your Earth Day celebrations through the entire month of April and beyond! With Earth Day celebrating it's 50th anniversary, this eco-challenge connects you to a global community of advocates and change-makers each doing what we can to make earth a more sustainable environment. Visit earthday.ecochallenge.org to join the efforts in making earth a cleaner and safer environment for our future generations. The Earth Day Eco Challenge website also provides many different challenges separated into several categories for you to explore.
Dayton Literary Peace Prize Virtual Book Club
The Dayton Literary Peace Prize (DLPP) has initiated a virtual book club. The first selection is Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. This is a fascinating look at a village that quarantines itself in England during the plague in 1666. For more information, email us at info@tippcitylibrary.org .
Children's Book Explains Coronavirus - Available for Free Download
As we all go through these difficult times together, parents may struggle in finding the right words to explain this pandemic to their children. Thankfully, Coronavirus: A Book for Children was recently released and is geared towards children ages 5-10 that helps answer questions with clear explanations about the coronavirus and its effects, both from a health perspective and the impact it has on a family’s day-to-day routine. This book is offered as a free download and is available on our Pinterest page .