Weekly eNews
February 18, 2022
Clergy Class
This Sunday: Part 1 of 2
February 20, 9:15 AM
In-person & Livestreamed
Where do you feel safe? Where do you feel welcome? How can we better support one another on our faith journey? Join the Rev. Matt Holcombe for a 2-part Clergy Class on what it mean for us to be a more welcoming and inclusive community. Over the past nine months the vestry has been engaging in meaningful and prayerful conversations around this very topic. Join Matt this Sunday and next Sunday to learn more AND join us for an online small group conversation opportunity on Wednesday, February 23 from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. CLICK HERE to be directed to our website for the viewing quick links to join us this Sunday.
Scout Sunday
This Sunday, February 20
*During the 10:30 Service
This Sunday we will recognize the scouts in our community and those who call St. Mike's their gathering space. Scouts will be helping during the 10:30 service and recognized during the announcements. Girl Scout Cookies will also be available for sale after the service!
$25,915 and counting ...
Boulder Fire Response
Congratulations St. Mikes!
Wow! We raised $25,915 (and counting) that will go to support three organizations who are making a difference and supporting families in Boulder displaced by the fires. Sister Carmen Communities, St. Ambrose Episcopal Church and VOAD (Volunteer Organizations After Disaster) who will be focusing on the long haul response. Your amazing generosity also helped us donated $1,050 in gift cards and several thousand clothes and essential items. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Widows Support Group
Lunch This Sunday
February 20, 1:00 PM
Margarita at Pine Creek
The newly formed widows group recently met to talk about their hopes and what they would like to see as a group. All widowed women are invited to their second gathering on Sunday, February 20 at 1:00 PM at Margarita at Pine Creek. To RSVP or ask questions, please email MaryDee Weigel at jmandmdweigel@aol.com.
A Season of Resilience
Emergency Preparedness
Week 2 - February 20
Stop by the table in the Gathering Space this Sunday for additional tips and resources to help you with your emergency preparations. As we've learned - disasters and emergencies can happen in a moments notice. In the coming weeks we will have materials available for you in the Gathering Space to help you and your loved ones get and stay prepared. Stay tuned for more helpful tips and strategies!
Take 2 on 2/22/22
Spread the word ...
Join members from our community as we "Take 2" on 2/22/22. This is a great opportunity to focus on your faith during the week. You can select one, two, or all of the invitations to Take 2! Spread the word and visit us on our Facebook account to let us know how you will Take 2 on February 22, 2022.
Un-Shrove Tuesday
Fellowship Feast
Tuesday, March 1
5:30 - 6:30 PM
Instead of our normal pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday (thanks to the pandemic, again) we will gather as a community (all ages) for an "Un-Shrove Tuesday Fellowship Feast." Adults will be invited to feast on conversation and fellowship with one another as they 'speed friend' with one another wearing masks. Children & Youth will be invited to join Owen for games and high energy activities! No RSVP required - just show up and enjoy. Questions? Call the church office 719-598-3244.
Ash Wednesday - March 2
7:00 - 9:00 AM : Ashes-to-Go (St. Michael's Parking Lot)
12:00 PM : Ash Wednesday Service In-person
6:00 PM : Ash Wednesday Service In-person & Live-streamed
Estate Planning Seminar
Wednesday, February 23
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Presenter: Chad Spencer
This free estate planning seminar is open to all. What is estate planning? What should I be doing to protect my assets? Join Chad Spencer, EstatePlanning Attorney at the Hammond Group, to learn the basics of estate planning and what you need to know to protect and preserve what you hold most dear. This seminar is hosted by St. Michael's Legacy & Endowment Committee and will be held in-person. For confidentiality purposes this will not be live-streamed or recorded. CLICK HERE to register and let us know you will be coming.
Online Small Group
This Wednesday
February 23, 7:00 PM
With safety and space restrictions in place as a result of the pandemic, you are invited to join the clergy and others on Wednesday, Feb. 23 for an opportunity to engage in small group conversations on the ways we can be a safe and welcoming community. CLICK HERE to join via Zoom or visit our website for a quick link.
Funeral Planning Workshop
This Thursday, February 24
5:00 - 6:30 PM (Make Up)
The Rev. Matt Holcombe
As a result of the snow, we will have a make up Funeral Planning Workshop this Thursday from 5:00 - 6:30 PM in St. Mary's Hall. CLICK HERE to register and let us know you will be coming.
Celtic Spirituality Group
Online Book Study
This Friday, February 25
Online 9:00 AM
Open to all. Join the Friday morning Celtic Spirituality group for a new book read beginning this Friday, February 25. The group will be reading Sacred Time; Embracing an Intentional Way of Life by Christine Valters Paintner. Questions? Email Linda Kean linda@stmikeschurch.com. CLICK HERE to join via Zoom.
20's & 30's Group Launch
Next Saturday, Feb. 26
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Red Leg Brewery
St. Michael's is officially launching our new 20s & 30s group! Join us at Red Leg Brewery on Saturday, February 26 for fun and fellowship. This is a family friendly event, so please bring your kids! We look forward to connecting our young adults at St. Mike's! CLICK HERE to register for this event. St. Michael's will cover appetizers for the group.
Red Leg Brewery Address: 2323 Garden of the Gods Road. Questions? Contact owen@stmikeschurch.com
The Center for Spiritual Direction and St. Michael’s Spiritual Directors invite you to join them and others from our community to examine what Lent has meant to us and how we have observed it in the past… and also, to re-envision what we would like the season of Lent to be for us now and in our spiritual future. Come join us for a time of questioning, reflection and personal commitment. Cost is $30 per person and includes lunch and materials. Scholarships are available. CLICK HERE to register today and learn more.
Children, Youth, & Family eNews
Did you miss this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews? Not to worry, CLICK HERE t o read this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews. Check out all the wonderful work and activities our families and young parishioners are involved in!
February 20, This Sunday
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-Person & Online
9:15 AM - 10:10 AM - Education for All Ages & Clergy Class
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-Person with Children's Chapel
5:00 PM - Holy Eucharist In-Person "Come as you are"
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, February 18
10:00 AM - SMASH Olympic Museum (Offsite)
Saturday, February 19
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM - Men's Fellowship - Chapel
Sunday, February 20
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Nursery Open
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM - Education for All (various locations)
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person with Children's Chapel
5:00 PM - Holy Eucharist In-person "Come as you are"
7:00 PM - Virtual Sacred Ground Group 7
Monday, February 21 - Presidents Day (Office Closed)
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love (Offsite)
6:30 PM - Outreach Meeting - St. Mary's
Tuesday, February 22
9:00 AM - Staff Meeting
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Christian Essentials - Chapel
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Girl Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Boy Scouts - St. Andrew's
Wednesday, February 23
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM - Healing Service (In-Person) - Chapel
4:00 PM - Virtual Sacred Ground Group 4
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Middle School Youth Group
6:00 PM - Estate Planning Seminar (St. Mary's)
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM - High School Youth Group
Thursday, February 24
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
Friday, February 25
Saturday, February 26
8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship - Chapel
3:00 PM - 20's & 30's Red Leg Brewery (Offsite)
Birthdays This Week:
2/20 - Guy Theriot
2/21 - Nydia Segal
2/21 - Ella Wandfluh
2/21 - Carissa Warren
2/24 - Loretta Vail
2/24 - Andrew Wettemann
2/25 - Jack Barley
2/25 - Thomas Neill
2/25 - Samantha Valko
2/26 - Josh Fenton
2/26 - Alicia Holcombe
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM