Dear Members of the Holy Family University Community:

Our hearts are heavy at the news that Russia’s leader chose to attack Ukraine. Not since 1939 when World War II began in Europe have we seen such an aggressive and evil act of war. 

While this terrible event may seem far removed for many, this crisis is our crisis, and the fear and sorrow that comes with an aggression of this magnitude is felt deeply within our community along with the global community. The warfare of today truly affects us all, and includes cyberattacks to bring down economies near and far and to destabilize the ability for individual citizens, schools, and businesses to go about daily life. 

I am reminded of the words of Pope Francis:

We can no longer think of war as a solution because its risks will probably always be greater than its supposed benefits. In view of this, it is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibility of a 'just war.' Never again war!

--Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship

Holy Family has a special interest in Ukraine dating back through history. Our martyred Sisters choose to offer their lives for the sake of families during the war. Their martyrdom took place in what is currently Belarus. Today, our Sisters continue to serve in Belarus, the country in which Russia has chosen to set up troops to wage war against Ukraine. 
In addition, we currently have 19 Sisters serving in Ukraine. These brave and devoted women have chosen to remain to assist local families. They will evacuate only if told to do so, or forced to do so by government authorities. These Sisters serve in some of the most vulnerable parts of the country in which Russia has chosen to wage war.
Please pray for our Sisters in Belarus and Ukraine, and for all of the families throughout the Ukraine for their safety and for an end to this horrific act of war. Please also keep those in the U.S. with family in the Ukraine in your prayers, along with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his government that they are able to emerge as a sovereign nation, retaining the democracy they have worked so hard to achieve.
We will be dedicating an upcoming Mass to the people of Ukraine. Please stay tuned for details.
In faith & family,
Anne Prisco, Ph.D.

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