CEO Report on Advocacy, Policy and Business Issues
February 22, 2022
Vol. 13
Urgent call to action: Speak out in opposition to HB 1837 TODAY!
Today we're asking you to please take a moment to register your opposition to HB 1837, commonly referred to as the Ergonomics Bill.
Similar legislation was passed more than 20 years ago and later repealed by a vote of the people. Employers are already required by law to provide a safe working environment for all employees, and L&I already has the power to cite employers for ergonomic issues. Ultimately, HB 1837 would add costs to employers at a time when many are already struggling with workforce and supply chain issues.
This bill passed 50-48 in the House early in the morning on February 15, after an all-night debate. It is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs tomorrow.
Your voice matters! Thousands of sign ins registering opposition to the bill can really make a difference on bills in committee.
You don’t have to sign up to testify, or even submit written testimony (although that’s great!), you can simply take one minute of your time to register your opposition for this (or any) bill.
1)This link will take you to the Committee Sign In - Remote Testimony page.
2) From the Committee drop down menu, select Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs.
3) From the Meeting drop down menu select 2/23/22 at 10:30am (the only choice today).
4) Select EHB 1837 Musculoskeletal injuries.
5) Click on "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."
6) Complete & submit the form, noting your position as CON in the drop down menu at the top.
It only takes a moment of your time! Alternatively, you can call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and tell them the name of the bill and that you oppose.
At the meeting, Chamber CEO Tara Doyle-Enneking reviewed our Legislative Priorities. We heard updates from Carolyn Logue of CA Logue Public Affairs, our shared lobbyist with the South Sound Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition. Carolyn provided updates from the Legislative session now underway in Olympia.
We also heard updates from our nation's capitol from Chris Eyler, NW Region Vice President with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Our city, county and state officials also provided updates.
Our next GAC meeting will be held on March 8, 2022, at 8:00am (note that this is the second Tuesday of the month, instead of our usual meeting date).
These meetings are a great way to stay informed and hear relevant updates, especially during the Legislative session. For more information about GAC, including a link to access meeting archives, visit
Stay in the know
Here's a great way to stay informed on the Legislative session--sign up for alerts from your representatives in Olympia:
The Legislative Session is a short one this year, but we are continuing to register our support for (or opposition to) bills that are relevant to our businesses.
Looking at our Legislative Priorities, a handful of bills we had on our radar have failed to make it out of committee. February 15 was the deadline for bills to pass their house of origin, and more deadlines are rapidly approaching.
We will continue to keep you informed of opportunities to speak out. Please take a moment to register your opposition to the ergonomics bill as we've described in our headline story in this issue of the Chamber Advocate.
12@12 Chamber Chat
As I mentioned in our last issue, this year we've started a new program called 12@12 CEO Chamber Chats, where I sit down with members, business owners and other stakeholders to find out how we can help solve some of your challenges and discover new opportunities. We kicked off the program on Feb. 9, with our 12 member guests sharing their experiences with various issues they are currently facing, including crime, supply chain issues, traffic and more.
Our next 12@12 is scheduled for Monday, March 21 at 12:00pm. If you're a Chamber member and you want to participate, you may register online or or email Space is limited!
Let your voice be heard: How to register support or opposition for a bill
If you would like to voice your support or opposition to a bill, here are two ways you can do so:
1) Email your State Senators and Representatives: Use the District Finder tool, enter your address, and you will see links to your legislators.
2) Call the Legislative Hotline: Call 1-800-562-6000. A live person will answer (M-F 8:00am - 7:00pm) and ask your name and residential address, so they can direct your comments to the legislators in your district. They will note your comments.
We at the Chamber have actually done this, so we know it works!
Chamber Advocate
The Chamber Advocate keeps our members & business community informed of developments regarding policies and issues pertinent to the business community. Here you'll find political and government affairs news, as well as calls to action for Chamber members to garner support for specific issues.
Please share your newsworthy stories with us as they relate to government affairs and economic development as we may feature them in this newsletter.
Our Chamber exists to be the catalyst for business growth, the convener for leaders and influencers, and the champion of business and stronger communities.