Weekly Message from UUSS
February 25, 2022
Dear Congregation,
I hope this finds you well. I am fine, but I can’t help thinking about the people of Ukraine. The unprovoked Russian invasion of that sovereign country is destabilizing to all of Europe. It is a danger to peace around the world. And of course, it robs millions of Ukrainians of the basic rights of dignity, safety, and survival.
This is what war does.

For families, children, and elders in Ukraine, life as they know it has been crushed. Of course, Vladimir Putin is causing harm to families in Russia too, as he orders young people who are military service members into harm’s way to extend his imperial dream. It is disgusting.

In my distress about all this, I try to pray. For me, prayer doesn’t mean causing things to change by my thoughts, though I’d welcome that if it were to happen. But I pray to be clear about what I feel.

Here is what I mean. For the outrage and grief of it all, I sigh. I say words of lament. For all those who are in danger, I long for peace. When there is no peace, I pray for their strength. For those officials in the US and Europe working to turn back Putin’s aggression, I send wishes for wisdom and resolve. For those Ukrainians confronting the invasion by physical resistance, I pray for safety. I hope for the miracle of a Russian retreat.  For all who are terrified or grieving, I pray that they may know they are not forgotten.

And for all of us here in our confusion and helplessness, I ask that we might have the courage to bear witness. At the least, let us bear witness.

Take good care, and keep in touch. I hope to see you soon.

Rev. Dr. Roger Jones

P.S. – Please take a look at the ongoing and upcoming activities of our congregation, as we come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world. Please know you are welcome to participate!
Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these Weekly Message e-mails? We have so many invitations and so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email.
Scroll down and click on the link to see more!
Sunday Mornings with UUSS 
Proof of Vaccination Is Required to Attend In-Person Services

 Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here 
 Service time 10:30 a.m..
Miss a service? You can find links to past services here. 

Our February Soul Matters Theme is
Widening the Circle
For your family or personal reflection, here's the link to the February materials.
Half of all offering donations made in February
will support our community partner:
To donate now at the UUSS website, click here.
Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices
Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS
First Sunday Labyrinth walk--March 6
Third Sunday Qui Gong/Tai Chi--March 20

Join us for a Newcomer Orientation the second of every month Sunday after church in the Welcome Hall; the next one is March 13.

Come early on the fourth Sunday of every month for Exploring Unitarian Universalism, at 9:30; the next one is March 27, led by Rev. Lucy Bunch.
Joys and Sorrows: If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken aloud by a minister in Sunday’s prayer time, at this link. If we receive the request by 1:00 PM Saturday, we can mention it during the service. You may also use that link to inform us of a joy, concern or sorrow and let us know if you do not want us to mention it in church, or if you would like a phone call by a minister.
Sunday, February 27, 10:30:
Your One Wild and Precious Life
A Circle Service led today by Rev. Dr. Roger Jones with Worship Associates Suzy Mazrolle and Celia Buckley, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, and UUSS folks from age 6 to 90! Altar design by Molly Stuart.

Join us for this favorite annual service, with our sanctuary in the round today. Congregants from every decade of age will present their two-minute answers in response to this question from a poem by Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Contact Rev. Roger soon if you want to participate.
Sunday, March 6, 10:30:
Renewing Faith: The Role of Doubt and Patience
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Theo Claire, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva
Before the service today you may light a candle of celebration, sorrow, gratitude, or hope. Fill out a card to have your words read in the pastoral prayer, or let us know your joy or concern at this link.
Our Soul Matters theme this month is Renewing Faith. The term “faith” means a lot of things to different people. Instead of thinking of it as a belief or certainty, maybe faith is a practice. It is an approach to living our life.
Sunday, March 13, 10:30: The Fungus Among Us
Rev Lucy Bunch, preaching, Karen Sparrow Worship Associate Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva. Rev. Roger Jones attending by Zoom.

It is estimated that there are more than 3 million species of fungi; in taxonomy they are their own Kingdom of the same order as plants and animals.  Fungi are found all over the world and all over our bodies and our pizza, connecting plants and animals, helping make our medicines, and changing our conscious. If you wonder what any of this has to do with religion or spirituality, come and find out. 

Spring Forward an hour! Daylight Savings Time starts today, so be like a mushroom and pop up early to be on time for the service.
Sunday, March 20, 10:30: Let Spring be Sprung
A Circle Service led today by Rev. Lucy Bunch with Worship Associates Ginny Johnson, Theo Claire and Celia Buckley, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva, Altar design by Molly Stuart.
What’s Springing in you? Come join us to celebrate the beginning of Spring, the opening of buds and the joy of life.  This service will have something for everyone! 
Religious Education (RE) for 
children, youth, & families
Kindergarten to grade 5 Soul Kids on Zoom! Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 
Families, please email re@uuss.org for the Zoom link.
For youth in grades 6-7-8, our Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) takes place on the 1st & 3rd Sunday in person, wearing masks, with proof of vaccination. Next meeting is March 6 before the service from 9:15-10:15 a.m. Class held in the Fahs Classroom. Hang around afterwards for the 10:30 service!

For youth in grades 9-10-11-12, our Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) is a place of connection & exploration of our UU values. SHYG meets twice a month from 11:30-12:30 p.m., wearing masks and with proof of vaccination. Next meeting is March 6. Come early & attend the 10:30 service.

JHYG and SHYG: Please enter through the main building front doors per our UUSS safety guidelines. 

*Please register your family for Religious Education
at UUSS using this link. We thank you!
A Message of Thanks from the Kids Freedom Club at UUSS
In September kids, youth and adult friends held a fun run (or walk or roll) to raise funds and awareness about modern slavery in the US and abroad. The money goes to freetheslaves.org. Every $100 donation supports the average cost of rescuing an enslaved person and getting them to a safe and stable situation. Many thanks to our UUSS youth for their commitment and energy.
Click the button to watch their thank you video for us!
Groups, Gatherings, and Classes
As approved by our Board of Trustees in 2021, face masks are mandatory when attending UUSS events that are open to the public and held indoors. They are also required outdoors in the presence of children not yet old enough to be vaccinated. To attend services and other indoor events, please provide proof of being fully vaccinated (according to CDC definitions, this includes a booster shot) along with your ID; if you have done this on an earlier visit, then you can just check your name off the list when arriving for church. website at this link.
Caregivers for Adult Loved Ones: An Invitation to Conversation
Are you a current or former caregiver to a loved one with dementia or another disabling condition?

Would you like to communicate with others in UUSS who share this experience?

Two UUSS lay leaders invite you to be in touch as we plan to launch a conversation: Jon Peterson provided care for his late wife, Sally, and has volunteered with Del Oro Caregivers Resource Center. Marilyn Reynolds provided care for her late husband, Mike, and wrote the book Till Death or Dementia Do Us Part.  They welcome you to participate.

Find contact information for either of them through the UUSS Directory or email caregivers@uuss.org.
"Exploring Deism & Theism: Belief in God in an Age of Science"-- a 7-week discussion led by Mary Ann Bernard on Sundays ending on March 6, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. In person or via Zoom. Info, signup at adultenrichment@uuss.org. (Ending earlier Feb. 20 for Communion.)
Artist Reception Friday -- The sanctuary walls are filled with beautiful art by Bobbi Baldwin. Her paintings are both figurative and expressive, while her portraits and still lifes are completely lifelike in a romantic realism. The Art Committee will hold a reception Friday, March 4, from 5:30 to 7 pm.
Enjoy the art and remember all sales benefit UUSS. For information contact Patricia Pratt
Saturday Stitchers Saturday, March 5 at 10:00am in the Fahs Room. Contact:stitchers@uuss.org
Reading and Responding to Poetry with JoAnn Anglin on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month at 10:00 am. The next gathering will be March 7, at 10:00am via Zoom link here. All are welcome.
Racial Equity Orientation Come early on the second Sunday of every month for Racial Equity Orientation at 9:30 am; beginning March 13, led by members of the Racial Justice team. The orientation is open to all who would like to learn more about racial equity and what we're doing here at UUSS. Enter the Welcome Hall and go through it to the Fahs Classroom, across the patio.
UUJME will meet third Monday of the month March 21 at 6:30-7:45pm and for the rest of the year. We will plan to meet online on Zoom using the “Click here to Participate” on the HOME page of UUSS.org. If you'd like to meet in person, please RSVP and we can do that. Please call the number below if you would like help with the online Zoom meeting.
We will focus on human rights of the current events in the Middle East. We discuss books, attend events and invite speakers. We hope you can join us!

Theater One Production: Roe by Lisa Loomer

March 11 through March 27, Friday and Saturday 8:00 pm & Sunday matinees, 2:00 pm.

Roe is an engaging and dramatic play which tells the backstory of the 1973 Supreme Court decision protecting a woman's right to choose. We are proud of our own UUSS Theater One program for producing this important play, which has new resonance in these times of anti-abortion legislation in many of the states.

Our Main Hall offers a lot of space for social distancing while watching this play, and the policy on being fully vaccinated and wearing face masks will apply for all performances. The actors will not be wearing masks while they are speaking. If you are not able to attend but wish to support this production, you may buy tickets to be donated to outside groups or you may send a donation to UUSS; be sure to note Theater One in the memo.

Purchase tickets at
$25 General, $20 Senior/Students/SARTA
Picnic and Games Day at UUSS on Saturday, April 30
Let's have fun under the patio cover and in the meadow from 11:00 am-2:00 pm. Join with others for grilled burgers and a variety of sides and desserts as well as outdoor games on the grass. Coordinated by Terrie Taylor & Jed Shapiro and other volunteers--maybe you want to help! 

Signup and event reservation information will come out in an upcoming Weekly Message email and at church. This is a free event for families and UUs of all ages, but we do need to know who is coming in order to plan.
Click to read the complete Bluesheet
In Loving Memory
Memorial Services Scheduled
The service for Anna Mae Andrews, a UUSS member since 1963, will be Sunday afternoon, April 24, at 1:00 pm at UUSS and on Zoom. Be in touch with the Memorial Receptions team if you can help with the reception following the service--a role that occupied Anna for years, even though she was sad to witness the passing of so many friends.
A photographer, mother, grandmother, traveler, teacher, civil servant and UUSS volunteer, Anna died on Jan 28 at 90 years of age. We extend our condolences to daughters Beth and Glenda and their families, including our member Peter Kilian. In lieu of flowers, her children invite memorial contributions to the Heritage Fund at UUSS to honor Anna.
The service for Antonia (Tonie) Darling, our Board president at UUSS and a lifelong UU, will take place at UUSS and on Zoom at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 9. She died of pancreatic cancer Jan 25 at 68 years of age. We extend our condolences to her husband, Kurt Schmidt, and their sons, Nick and Ben, as well as the many friends who knew and loved her over the decades. Please be in touch with the Memorial Receptions team if you can provide support.
Mary Ann Wilhelm died Feb. 7. She was born Nov. 6, 1939. Mary Ann is remembered for her loyal service on the teams who count weekly cash donations to UUSS and for delivering the in-kind donations from the red grocery cart (Together We Share) in the lobby. We miss her friendship, kind words, and smile. We will announce a decision about a memorial. Memorial contributions in her honor may be made to the UUSS Heritage Fund or to any charity to which you and Mary Ann shared a commitment.
Staff and Minister Availability
Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday. He will be on study leave March 9-15 but will participate at the March 13 service and coffee hub by Zoom.)
Rev. Lucy (Lucy's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) are available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Schedule an appointment with Lucy at calendly.com/revlucyb.
Our office staff (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your phone calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30. Our RE Coordinator and Pianist and Music Director are available by email. You can find our pianist and music director also on Wednesday nights at choir practice at 7:00 p.m., and you are invited to attend!
Denis Edgren, President
David Harlow, Vice President
Victoria Owens, Treasurer
Anara Guard, Secretary
Trustees at Large
Susan Davis-James
  Marilyn Reynolds
Hally Cahssai
Eric Ross
Frances Myers
Linnea Stanton, Youth Trustee
Contact by email to: board@uuss.org
Susan Davis, Co-chair
Tina Chiginsky Lawrence, Co-chair
Annemieke Farrow
Debby Powell
Jon Peterson
Beth TenPas
Contact by email to: programcouncil@uuss.org
UUSS Mission 
We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.