STAND Together during COVID-19
The rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic is a source of stress, anxiety, and sadness for all of us. In response to the enormous and immediate need for support during COVID-19, we are pleased to let you know that the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge (DGC) in partnership with Beyoncé's BeyGOOD created an online COVID-19 Care Package to help people struggling with stress and anxi ety. 

The first installment of the self-guided website launched yesterday and includes a video starri ng DGC Co-Director, Michelle Craske. The website and video feature five tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety, stress and sadness

New materials will be posted weekly over the next few weeks covering topics such as tips for keeping worries manageable , ways to stop feeling overwhelmed , tools for reducing loneliness , and eventually tools for managing depression . If you are subscribed to this newsletter, you will receive updates as new content is published.

We care for you. We are all in this together and, together, we will get through this.

To read more about the partnership, please visit UCLA Newsroom .

Visit the website .

Watch the first video .
Stay Up to Date
We have temporarily transitioned our newsletter to serve as a notification service when new COVID-19 Care Package materials are made available.

If someone you know is interested in receiving updates and is not already subscribed, please visit
Support Future Programming
Interested in supporting this effort and increasing COVID-19 Care Package programming?

Visit our give to site .
The UCLA Depression Grand Challenge (DGC) aims to reduce the burden of depression on health and well-being in half by 2050 through breakthroughs in genetics, brain science, treatment, and de-stigmatizing the world’s greatest unmet medical need. At its core, the DGC is driven by UCLA's conviction that new approaches are needed to prevent, diagnose, and treat depression.

For more information, please visit: