Volume 196 | Nov. 2 - 6, 2020
Mayor Gutierrez to Live Stream
Veterans Day Remarks
As he did with his annual State of the City remarks in August, Dr. Yxstian Gutierrez, Mayor of Moreno Valley, will live stream his Veterans Day remarks this year on the City's Facebook and YouTube accounts and TV channel MV3 on Wednesday, November 11, at 11 a.m. The City's usual event at the Civic Center Veterans Memorial has been changed due to virus safety concerns.
City Invites Residents to a Virtual
"Community Month of Service"
As virus safety restrictions have required the postponement of community clean-up events this year, the City has created some fun virtual beautification events for the month of November that support the community's spirit of volunteerism.

Keep MoVal Beautiful - Find That Sign!, Nov. 7-30 -- Creates awareness of the currently adopted Keep MoVal Beautiful streets, parks and trails. Residents may win prizes for posting selfies with the signs.
Keep MoVal Beautiful - Residential Awards, Nov. 9-16 -- Awards will be presented to residential single-family homes within the City that capture water-wise landscaping, water-use efficiency, good maintenance practices, cleanliness and curb appeal.
Celebrate America Recycles Day with a Superhero!, Nov. 9-20 -- For the youthful at heart, the EcoHero Show dives deep into environmental topics such as used-oil recycling, beverage container recycling, and litter abatement. Watch the video to find out how each of us can become an EcoHero.
Keep MoVal Beautiful TrashDash - Plogging for Our Community, Nov. 16-24 -- TrashDash is intended to heighten awareness and amplify the benefits of beautifying our community, eliminating litter, and increasing recycling. Plogging is an environmental fitness craze in which people integrate the collection of litter with their jogging workout.
Learn more about each of these events and how to participate at the Community Month of Service web page.
A Visit to: Woodland Park
Woodland Park offers many amenities in its nine acres. Located at 25705 Cactus Ave., between Kitching and Lasselle, Woodland features a playground, barbecues, picnic tables and picnic shelters, restrooms and security lighting, and it also manages to offer four lighted basketball courts, four lighted tennis courts, a pickleball court and a lighted softball/baseball field. This centrally located park is certainly worth a visit! Learn about Community Park and all of Moreno Valley's beautiful parks online!
Trade Your Old-Time Holiday Lights
for New, Energy-Saving LEDs!
This FREE holiday light-strand trade-in for energy-efficient LEDs is available to Moreno Valley residents on a first-come first-served basis while supplies last. Here's how it works:

  • Exchange up to two strands of working incandescent holiday lights for new LEDs.
  • Have a driver license or picture ID.
  • Bring lights and ID to Cottonwood Golf Center, 13671 Frederick St., Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Questions? Call Moreno Valley Utility at 951-413-3500 or email
Animal Shelter Offering
FREE Spay/Neuter Services for Limited Time
Free vouchers for spay/neuter services for 200 Moreno Valley dogs and cats are available at the Animal Shelter. Vouchers will be issued to City resident dog or cat owners who are unemployed due to the pandemic, military veterans, or seniors age 60 and above. This offers a significant savings to City residents ranging from $50 to as much as $200 per pet.
The offer will last until 200 dogs and cats have vouchers and are scheduled to be spayed or neutered. Vouchers will be issued by appointment only. To make an appointment, call 951-413-3790, Tuesday – Friday, 10:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., or on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Since 2011, mandatory spaying and neutering has been required in Moreno Valley for all dogs and cats. And since 2015, all cats and dogs in the City must be microchipped. The Animal Shelter also has a remaining supply of free microchips from a prior promotional event.
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Local employers are hiring! Sign up to get the latest Hire MoVal job news and updates delivered straight to your inbox. Stay up-to-date on new jobs in the Moreno Valley area, and job-recruitment events at the Moreno Valley Employment Resource Center (ERC). It's fast, easy and informative, and you can unsubscribe any time. Sign up today!