ACEs - A Promise or A Peril: To Screen or Not to Screen, That Is the Question
Join us Wednesday, March 9th at 9:15 - 10:30 AM ET
  • Commissioner welcome
  • National debate about whether to screen for ACEs in the clinical setting.
  • Risks associated with ACEs screening in pediatric primary care settings
  • ACEs through an equity lens 
Christine Norbut Beyer, MSW has been Commissioner of the NJ Department of Children and Families since 2018. She is redefining the agency as a prevention-focused, child and family serving department, with a vision to help keep all New Jerseyans safe, healthy and connected. Some of her initiatives include: preventing maltreatment and promoting strong families; increasing kinship and familiar placements; supporting evidence-based, data-driven contracting; reducing staff safety incidents; evolving the integrated, inclusive system of care for children with behavioral and developmental diagnoses; promoting ACEs prevention, and transforming child welfare.
Arturo Brito, MD, MPH, rejoined Children’s Health Fund (CHF) as its president and chief executive officer on September 23, 2021. He is a community pediatrician with a population health focus and previously worked for CHF as its chief medical officer and executive vice president from 2006 to 2011. In those positions, Arturo led CHF’s national network growth from 17 to 25 programs, greatly expanding delivery of comprehensive healthcare services to children and families living in under-resourced communities throughout the United States.
Rahil D. Briggs, PsyD is the National Director of HealthySteps, a program of ZERO TO THREE. Since 2018, she has overseen the dramatic growth of HealthySteps to over 190 sites across the country reaching approximately 300,000 children and families in 2020. She is responsible for all aspects of the program’s operations, financial sustainability, evaluation and research, policy, model enhancements, and site professional development and training.
Dave Ellis, Executive Director, OOR is a national leader in providing trainings and facilitating conversations on the lasting impacts of ACEs and generational trauma. He shares his expertise with the State of New Jersey and coordinates statewide work related to ACE’s.