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Voice to Text AI Captions, In a Pinch
AI (artificial intelligence) Transcription

For when you need instant captioning during a conversation...
Captions, on the fly, on your cell
These apps & phone services automatically link you to real-time stenographers to communicate instantly.

Cellphone with captions on screen

COVID 19 Guides, because it's good to be prepared


How Do I Communicate with Doctors, Nurses, and Staff at the Hospital During COVID-19?


COVID-19: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communication Access Recommendations for the Hospital


COVID-19: Medical Communication Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Where to get what? Maryland Services 
Maryland AT Program
If you need to see or borrow an amplification or loop system,   reach out to MDTAP.

Maryland Accessible Telecommunications
If you need an accessible phone and/or an evaluation for communication,   reach out to MAT.

Governor's Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
If you need advocacy, resources, or general help regarding hearing loss and hearing loss services,   reach out to ODHH
What's FREE during COVID19?
AT Devices, Subscriptions, and Software

AT companies are answering the call of parents, consumers, and families now tasked with moving their school and work life online. 

We've been making a list of free devices, AT subscriptions, and short-term software access in one handy document on our website.

We'll continue to update this document regularly. 

Please be advised that the information provided in this publication  should not be deemed as an approval or endorsement for any product or service. Please also note that additional technologies, resources, and services are available. For a full listing of available items, please contact us.