"Downtown by history and by choice"
FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter
August 25-September 7, 2020
From the Pastor/Head of Staff
Dear friends,

Last night at its monthly meeting, the Session heard a report from the COVID-19 Task Force (appointed in the spring – Lesley Curtis, Karen Romines, Kathy Colville, and Howard Eisenson) recommending that the current guidelines for operating during a pandemic remain in place until November 1, All Saints’ Day. Like you, I grieve the fact that this pandemic is still with us and continues to change our lives in significant ways. At the same time, I am grateful for the wisdom of this team that seeks to minimize risk for us all. I know that our current situation will not last forever and I hold on to the hope of seeing you all gathered side by side, singing, praying, laughing, talking, and worshiping together. 
In the meantime, these guidelines allow for small outdoor gatherings where people are masked and separated from one another by at least 6 feet. Though indoor gatherings are still considered too risky, the task force encourages groups to find ways to safely meet in person in an outdoor space. The youth have been on a bike ride and have other safe activities planned for their fall kickoff. We also had a drive through children’s Sunday School kickoff this past weekend that was fun and safe. Other small groups have gathered outside with masks to catch up and see one another in person. If you have other ideas, I would love to hear them! Feel free to give me a call 919-682-5511 or drop me an email to share your ideas.
Friends, if there is one thing this pandemic has made abundantly clear, it is that we need each other. We need one another to calm our fears, help us breathe, give us hope, and make us laugh. We need each other to encourage us in our creativity, strengthen our resolve when it begins to falter, lift our eyes when they fall discouraged, and remind us who we are as a friend in Christ, a child of God, a beautiful human being, and one worthy of love. We are the Body of Christ and apart from each other we are less than we should be. It is when we are together that we are strong and full of life and ready to work for God’s kingdom here on earth. How important during this time that we are separated physically that we maintain and nurture the spiritual connections God has given us in the safest ways we can.

As we continue to find ways to connect with one another, I pray God’s presence will be with us, that we will be comforted by the knowledge that we are not alone and that this will not last forever. As you journey through this week, may you find joy in the simple things of life –
-       the voice of someone you love on the phone,
-       a renewed connection with a long-lost friend,
-       the sight of a breeze rustling the leaves of the trees,
-       the smell of freshly baked bread,
-       the laughter of a baby passing by in a stroller,
-       the smile in a stranger’s eyes,
-       a psalm, or a poem, or a song that seems to be written just for you.

In all these things, may you glimpse the light of Christ in your lives and may you bring light to someone along your way. May God be with us all.

With love and hope,
The love and concern of the congregation are extended to Susan Buck & Lenore Champion, Alex, Jackson, Kayla and Megan on the death of Susan’s mother, Ruth Buck on August 17th in Durham after a long illness and decline.

We also extend our love and concern to Parker and BJ Morton on the sudden death of their son, Peter Morton, on August 20. He was 53 years old and a father of two. Peter was baptized and confirmed at FPC.

Expressions of sympathy can be sent as follows:
Susan Buck and Lenore Champion
3805 Cole Mill Road
Durham NC 27712

Parker & BJ Morton
1402 Colewood Dr
Durham NC 27705.
Linda Barenchi, tested positive for COVID-19 virus
Joe Harvard, recovering after a toe amputation at The Forest
Dan Hudgins, recovering for surgery
Wil James, recovering from surgery
Jane & Henderson Rourk
Carol Wills, recovering after a time in the Emergency Department
All those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic
All those in harms way in California (wild fires) and the Gulf coast (tropical storms)
Care Communities:
Brookdale Durham: Julian Boswell, Becky Crockett
Croasdaile Pavilion: Bob Rankin,
Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark
Durham Regent: John Kerr, Ann Prospero  
Emerald Pond: Paul Cornsweet
Hillcrest Convalescent Center: Mickey Velkey; Peggy Mordecai, mother of Beth Eisenson
Rose Vista Village /Kinston Assisted Living, Kinston NC: Phillip Herndon
The Forest at Duke: Fran Bryant

Family and Friends of the Congregation:
Brendan Bequette, family friend of Margaret & Miguel Rubiera
Jennie Bodkin, sister of Mindy Douglas
Peggy Boulden, mother of Dick Boulden
Becky Evans, sister of Vernon Neece
Phil Goss, friend of the congregation
Shannon Johnson, daughter of Mary Putman
Robert Reaves, husband of Floalice Reaves, an active friend of the congregation
On August 24, 2020, the FPC Session accepted the invitation from the PCUSA to be identified as a Matthew 25 church. Learn more here. As a Matthew 25 church, FPC pledges to focus its work and ministry in one or more of these areas:

The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated for Ruby Elizabeth Gentithes on Sunday, August 9 during worship. The baptism was held at the Gentithes' home and viewed live via FPC's YouTube channel. John Weicher officiated and Amy Wilson was the presiding elder. Ruby is the 13-year-old daughter of George and Annie Gentithes.
The church office will be closed Monday, September 7 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. We pray you will have a safe holiday observance.
New Member Sunday
Interested in joining?  
Tired of waiting until we can be in person again?
Ready to find more ways to be connected to the FPC Community?
We will welcome new members as a part of our live-stream worship on
Sunday, August 30, 2020.
If you are interested in joining FPC and making this your church home,
please let Mindy Douglas know.
Sunday, August 30
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday School
The Children's (virtual) class begins at 9:15 a.m.
Adult (virtual) classes begin at 10:00 a.m.

Worship streamed at 11:00 a.m. via the church's website:
Sunday, September 6
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Worship streamed at 11:00 a.m. via the church's website:
  • Faith & Community – Following our reading of From Here to Equality by Kirsten Mullen and William Darity, we will devote the next 5 weeks (August 30-Septembre 27) to “Reckoning with the Call to Reparations” by discussing responses to reparation locally (especially Durham), what FPC is currently doing to address structural racism and inequality, what the Scriptures tell us to do, and what our response needs to be. We will have a number of people facilitating these classes and will use breakout rooms for smaller discussions. Material for all the classes is posted to this Google Drive . Readings for August 30 are in the Class 12 folder. Class begins at 10:00 a.m. FPC members can CLICK HERE to be admitted to the class. (We will use this link for future classes.) Each class will be recorded and a link to the video will be made available upon request to Jon Abels. The class is open to the public and all guests must REGISTER to be admitted to the class. After registering, guests will receive a link that gives you access to current and future classes.

  • Journeys – We will start the new Sunday School year on August 30 by welcoming Rev. Dr. Richard C. "Dick" Prust. He was one of Paul Baldasare’s favorite teachers when Paul was at St. Andrews. Dick will lead us in an abbreviated study of the Old Testament. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Dr. Richard C. Prust received his BA from the University of Wisconsin; BD from Yale University; and PhD from Duke University. Dick taught philosophy and religious studies at St. Andrews University in Laurinburg, NC for 47 years before retiring to live in Chapel Hill, NC.  He is the author of two books:  Wholeness: The Character Logic of Christian Belief, and Personal Identity in Moral and Legal Reasoning. Class will meet via Zoom at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

  • Lectionary – Join us each Sunday for online discussion at 10:00 a.m., preceded at 9:45 a.m. by sharing of news and concerns. August 30: God spoke words of command to Moses from the burning bush, and Moses argued. Jesus told the disciples some things they didn't want to hear, and Peter argued. Do we have the right to argue with a divine message? Do we have the nerve? September 6: How should we respond to wrongdoing or oppression against us? Is retaliation the only way, or the best way? Join via Zoom. (For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782 or 301-715-8592.) If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings or need the ID for the Zoom connection, contact David Smith.

  • Women’s Spirituality Group - We are joining the Faith and Community class' study (see above) through September 27 - Sundays at 10 a.m. via Zoom. We also enjoy a monthly hangout on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Contact Leah Graves to join us via Zoom.

  • SCRATCH – Looking forward to seeing everyone via Zoom at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings! Join via Zoom
August 30 - Sunday School Kick-Off Part II
September 6 - No Sunday School - Labor Day Weekend
September 13 - Begin Fall Sunday School
This year we will be using "Home by Another Way" by Barbara Brown Taylor to guide our discussions. The book is a series of short sermons by Barbara Brown Taylor that will walk us through the church year. The readings each week are short. We're going to set up the discussions so even if you haven't read the chapter, the leader will provide a short summary. So here are the two things we're asking of everyone in the Scratch class:
1. Sign up to lead a Sunday. We are all leaders in our group and if everyone takes a Sunday, we've got the fall covered. We've designated the 1st Sunday of each month for a "fun fellowship activity". We're also looking for leaders for those Sundays. Co-leaders are always welcome for any Sunday!

2. Let us know if you need a copy of Home by Another Way. The Scratch budget will be able to purchase books for everyone who wants one. If you'd like a book, please sign up by this Thursday, August 27. If you'd rather get the book from the library or buy your own, that's great, too.

So . . . sign up to lead (1st tab on spreadsheet) and sign up for a book (2nd tab on the spreadsheet): Scratch Sunday School Leader and Book Sign Up. If more info is needed, contact Emily Diy.
Children's Sunday School
Congregational Events / Activities
Media Techs needed!
FPC is seeking two additional volunteers to help with our social media platforms, Zoom, and live-broadcasting tasks as the pandemic continues to keep us from holding in-person gatherings. Persons who are comfortable with the more technical aspects of using Facebook, YouTube, and producing live broadcasts, are preferred. Please contact Mindy Douglas if you can assist.
FPC's Pandemic Cookbook is done. Thanks to everyone who shared recipes. Click here to view the cookbook.
Faith and Community Class Survey: please complete and submit this online survey by August 26. Click here to access the survey.

The Tuesday evening Zoom study of the book, White Fragility, will end on Tuesday, September 15. Watch for details on a new study to be announced after September 15th.

A Note to First Friends:
Hi wonderful community,
We hope everyone is doing as well as possible during this increasingly bizarre and difficult time. Christyn Klinck and Deborah Momsen-Hudson were thinking it would be nice to try a way for First Friends to get together. Their thought -- have 4-6 people 'host' First Friends at their house (or church) on Saturday, September 19. We would have a sign up for up to 10 people per gathering. The food is still being figured out, but if we social distance outside we should be good to go! So... let Deborah Monsen-Hudson know if you are willing to host and please put the 19th on your calendar for a First Friends gathering, and look for an announcement to sign up soon!  - Deborah Momsen-Hudson
Winesdays Meeting ID: 975 6934 9009
This July and August, FPC held listening sessions for Durham Congregations, Associations and Neighborhoods (CAN) in Zoom meetings attended by 23 members of our congregation. These meetings were designed to identify the issues that our congregation is concerned about that we are willing to work on with other members of Durham CAN, stories about why these issues matter and how folks are willing to get involved. Durham CAN is based in institutions and organizes across faith traditions, race and socioeconomic class with concern for families and a tradition of faith and democracy.
Top issues that were shared by FPC members included:
·       Gun violence,
Use of School Resource Officers instead of Social Workers and School Nurses in our public schools,
·       Lack of sidewalks and safe crosswalks, particularly in low income neighborhoods,
·       Gentrification and tear-down of low income housing
·       Living wages
·       Transportation, light rail
·       Criminal justice reform, including cash bail
Congregation members that participated also volunteered to participate on the First Presbyterian Durham CAN Core Team or on action teams already in place through CAN. We’ll be sharing more about how you can get involved this fall in the Faith and Community Class.  If you have questions, contact Susan Dunlap.
Support for Those who Mourn

Growing thru Grief offers year-round support to people who have lost a loved one. Currently we are meeting on Zoom each week. Here is a preview of our coming speakers:
August 25      Artie Hendricks, “The Reasons Your Grief Feels Worse Right Now.”
September 1  Betsy Barton, “Practicing Radical Acceptance as We Face Our Fear.”
September 8  Evelyn Reed, “Resilience”
September 15 Dr. Justin Yopp, “Connecting with Others to Reimagine Life.”

If you would like to attend any of these sessions, please send a request by email to [email protected]. Then we can send you the information. Everyone must register every week. We need to receive your inquiry by 8 am on Monday for Tuesday’s session. We meet each Tuesday from 4:15-6 pm, with a presentation plus small group discussion.

Growing thru Grief is a free, open, confidential program sponsored by coalition of area religious and civic organizations to provide support and comfort to those who mourn. 
There is no denying what history makes clear: Systemic racism in America is deeply entwined with the history of the institutional church. Even today, the church must look at our complicity — which at times has been overt, and other times the product of mere silence. The good news – and there is good news – is that church is in the business of redemption and prophetic imagination. That means that the church can lead toward a more just world that truly resembles the realm of God.

Join OUTLOOK and Presbyterian Publishing for this free webinar on September 15, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. In this webinar, you will: 
  • Begin to understand and deconstruct white identity and how it operates in the world.
  • Understand the process of this deconstruction, and how it resembles the stages of grief.
  • Learn how to practice agency over embedded whiteness, unconscious bias and inherent racism.
  • Get practical tips on how to combat systemic racism.
  • Acquire language and tools to companion others in their process of deconstructing whiteness and other systems of dominance.
  • Learn how the church can be an agent of change and justice in the current racial divide.
Service and Mission Opportunities
Sign up to volunteer at Urban Ministries of Durham

Dear FPC friends,
Since we are well aware that not everyone is comfortable at this point volunteering in person at UMD, but you still care about helping our neighbors, we have some easy options for staying involved. If you can find some spare minutes and enjoy being in the kitchen, think about whipping together some of these goodies:

  • Casseroles for breakfast, lunch or dinner (baked ziti, tuna, mac n cheese, etc)
  • Sandwiches in individual ziplock bags — no condiments, so they keep fresh longer. If you are able, please label bags according to ingredients, such as “turkey & cheese, or T & C.”
  • Cookies or brownies in individual baggies, to go in the lunch bags. Everyone loves a touch of sweetness!

To make it more fun, you might encourage neighbors or friends to join your efforts (from their own kitchens, of course!), and then deliver at the same time. You may deliver your food to the main door of Urban Ministries, Monday - Friday, from 9:30 - 5:30. This has been an immensely challenging time for the UMD staff, so any extra help we can give them would be a huge blessing. Any amount of sandwiches, cookies, etc that you take would be wonderful.

Thank you all so much for your continued commitment to serving others! Let Margaret Rubiera know if you have any questions. 

Since the outbreak of COVID in March, volunteers from FPC and other churches have joined forces with Iglesia Emanuel to pack and distribute large boxes of fresh and staple food every week to families in need of assistance. Financial and food donations play a huge part in the ongoing success of this ministry. To volunteer on site, click here: Iglesia Emanuel COVID-19 Food Bank Signup Genius. To make an online donation, click here. For questions, contact Margaret Rubiera at [email protected].
STILL NEEDED: Cleaning and Hygiene Supplies
Our local food pantries have been flooded with requests for basic sanitation items that have become hard to come by in the pandemic, but they have not had enough to meet the demand. To answer this urgent need, Durham Congregations in Action (DCIA) is launching a hygiene drive to keep our partner pantries fully stocked with the supplies Durhamites need. They are seeking the following items: 
  • CDC-approved disinfectant wipes or sprays (Lysol, scrubbing bubbles, Clorox)
  • hand sanitizer
  • empty spray bottles
  • paper towels
  • toilet paper
  • feminine hygiene products
  • hand and body soap
If you can donate any of these, they can be dropped off at any of these partner congregations, from which the supplies will be delivered to area food pantries for distribution to our Durham neighbors! 

First Presbyterian Church
Mondays and Fridays, 9:00am-1:00pm.
305 E. Main Street

Cole Mill Road Church of Christ
Monday through Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm.
1617 Cole Mill Road

Antioch Baptist Church
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00am-12:00pm.
1415 Holloway Street

Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Tuesday through Friday, 8:00am-12:00pm.
3011 Academy Road

 • Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 9:00am–2:00pm
1615 E. NC 54 Hwy

Thank you in advance for your support of this project!
The next church newsletter will be issued Tuesday, September 8. Please submit your articles to Valerie in the church office
by Sunday, September 6.