Newsletter of North State Writers (NSW), a Branch of the California Writers Club

NSW promotes the art and craft of writing across genres, connecting writers, editors, illustrators, publishers, reviewers, agents, and others interested in the continual renewal of creative thought and the written word.
President's Message
Roses are red and violets are blue our monthly meeting is a week after Valentine's Day too. February is a time for chocolates, flowers, and poetry. Romance is in the air. I just got back from Minneapolis, and no matter how cold it is here in California that doesn’t compare to the freezing temperatures there.

Yet, that’s where someone decided to put the Mall of America. Really?

Anyway, we’ve got a great speaker that I guarantee you’ll enjoy. If not I still have some poetry to read from Black Bart I could entertain you with.

Jim Henson
President NSW
This meeting will be available both in-person and Zoom. Click to register and a link will be sent to your email.
Chery Anderson
Do you have a milestone you would like to share? Send it to using "Newsletter" in the subject line.
North State Writers Conference. We are looking for NSW members to participate in a committee to explore the possibility of our club hosting a conference in our area. The committee would look into possible venues, ideas for speakers and events, propose a budget and report ideas to the board. Please contact President Jim Henson if you would be interested in assisting with this project.
NSW member Joan Goodreau will be featured at the Redwood Writers Author Launch online event on February 19, 2022, at 1:00 pm. Click the link to register and attend.
**Newsletter Editor needed. After six years, our current Editor has decided to step down from her role and a new editor is needed. She will provide training if desired. This is your chance to participate on the board and advance the future of the club. We have several members who have stepped forward to provide content. If you are interested, please contact President Jim Henson.
Paradise Chocolate Fest! A Chocolate Extravaganza!
9:00 am – 5:00 pm • Terry Ashe Park 6626 Skyway Paradise
Saturday, May 7th, 2022 ♥ 17th Annual Paradise Chocolate Fest!
The Chocolate Fest will include "All About Books" which is an opportunity for our members to promote their work and sell their books. Each member should download the application to participate. There will also be an NSW table providing information about our club. More information will follow.
The submission window for 2022 is open from November 15, 2021, to January 31, 2022.

The submission window has opened for CWC’s 2022 Literary Review, our annual anthology of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry written entirely by members. Carefully read the submission guidelines before crafting your best, most polished work, and make sure to get it to the editorial team no later than the deadline.

President:  Jim Henson 
Vice-President: Lynn Tosello  
Secretary: Susan St. Germaine      
Treasurer: Nick Hanson
Director of Membership: Gwen Willadsen
Newsletter Editor: Linda Sue Forrister
Central Board Rep: Jim Henson
NorCal Group Rep: Jim Henson
Events Coordinator:
Social Media: Nick Hanson
Critique Group: Cathy Chase