Our House, Inc.

Voices Against Interpersonal Violence
Speak out*Teach*Educate*Protect*Serve
Issue 27: Voices' Newsletter
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2020
With the global increase in domestic violence cases during the COVID-19 pandemic, awareness and action are urgently needed. This October, join us in spreading the #ListeningFromHome message, activating bystanders, and sharing information that can help those who are experiencing violence during this unprecedented crisis.
NO MORE: Together We Can End Domestic Violence and...

The NO MORE campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault is dedicated to getting these issues out of the shadows and encouraging everyone to be part of the solution.

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Message from our Director
Dear Faith Leaders and Community Advocates:

October is always a busy month—besides back-to-school activities, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We see lots of pink, and most of us know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. You might not know that October is also

Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

Unlike breast cancer, we don’t talk so much about domestic violence. It’s not easy to talk about. It is sometimes considered shameful or swept under the rug. Some people think that it certainly doesn’t happen in OUR community. And yet, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience some form of domestic abuse in their lifetime. We all know someone affected by domestic abuse--we just don’t realize it. And domestic abuse isn’t something that happens in “other” communities—it happens in all kinds of communities, regardless of our education, political beliefs, where we live, income, or religion. 

Our House, Inc. invites you to join us in raising awareness and promoting a better understanding of domestic abuse and how it affects not just individuals, but entire communities.

The more survivors hear from their faith communities that abuse of any kind is unacceptable, the more likely they will speak up and reach out for help. We have attached a short article that can be included in an email blast, in a weekly bulletin, in your monthly newsletter, on social media, and/or on your website. The article contains phone numbers and links to resources to help your congregation reach and support people who may be in an abusive relationship.

Please feel free to reach out to us with questions or concerns--we are here to help you. Our services are free, we’re open for business, and we’re happy to work with you any time, 662-334-6873 office line or 662-332-5683 helpline.
Thank you for partnering with us to keep our community safer,

Be Safe, Be Free and have a Bless day!
Dr. Patricia Ann Davenport
Executive Director
662-336-1129 mobile number
Article to share with other leaders in your community.

Newsletter Article for Faith Community Newsletters

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a great opportunity to learn more about domestic violence. For example, did you know 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men experience domestic violence in their lifetimes? Some communities are more affected by abuse and experience more barriers to safety because of race, age, faith, class, immigration status, language, physical ability, gender, or sexual orientation. Domestic violence is abuse that can be verbal, emotional, physical, financial, sexual, or spiritual. We’d like to think it doesn’t happen in our congregation, but the truth is that domestic violence happens in every congregation. Experiences of abuse can be difficult to talk about, and that explains why we often haven’t heard about it. We all have a critical role to play in supporting survivors of abuse, so we all need to learn more about how to help. Please, talk to your friends and others in your congregation about your ideas, and contact your local domestic violence services agency, Our House, Inc., 662-332-5683 or 1-833-279-5683, (Helplines) to learn more.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. 

If you or someone you know may be experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or Our House, Inc. at 662-332-5683.

For resources about faith and domestic violence, visit
Our House, Inc.
New Birth to Violence Free Living

Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 3956
Greenville, MS 38704

Email Address:


Office Phone: 662-334-6873
Crisis Helpline: 662-332-5683
Toll Free Helpline: 1-833-279-5683
Tribute to a great leader!
Justice Ruth Ginsburg
Resource Links

Domestic Abuse Response Team
D.A.R.T, Delta Health Alliance
  • Helpline:
Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
North Mississippi Rural Legal Services
Our House, Inc.
RAINN-Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
Resource Sharing Project for Rural Communities
Sexual Assault Resources
UjIma, The National Center Violence Against Women in the Black Community
Will2Change (Click below to learn more)
Woman of Color Network
is serious!
Please wear a mask,
wash your hands
and stay 6 feet away from others.
The Color Purple

notes By Ever wonder how a cause chooses what color to make it's signature shade? It's not just an arbitrary decision, believe it or not. For domestic violence, the color of choice is purple, which got its roots before...

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Here are 23 ways you can make a difference
honoring survivors this month!

  1. Volunteer! 
  2. Donate goods. Domestic violence survivors who leave an abuser often have little more than the clothes on their backs. Donations of household goods, uniforms, toys and small appliances can make a big difference.
  3. Wear purple clothing or ribbons on Thursday, Oct. 22 in support of domestic violence awareness, and share your photo with the tag #PurpleThursday.
  4. Distribute purple ribbons to visible community members such as clergy, law enforcement officers, court officials, librarians, postal employees and emergency room staff.
  5. Part with a few dollars. Many shelters and agencies run on shoestring budgets. Even a small donation can make a big difference. Click the donate button below or go to
  6. Join Our House, Inc.'s ambassadors program. Ambassadors reach out to local domestic violence shelters and ask them for a wish list of goods and services they need, then connect with local businesses that might be able to fill the wish list.
  7. If you know a shelter that’s not listed on encourage them to connect with them â€“ it’s easy and free.
  8. Share the stories of survivors who are thriving (only with their permission) on your social media accounts.
  9. Write an op-ed or editorial raising awareness about domestic violence for your local newspaper.
  10. Ask the editor of a high school or college newspaper in your community to run a story on teen dating violence.
  11. Publicly thank community members who are working to end domestic violence with a letter to the editor of your local paper or a statement in social media.
  12. Share articles from on social media. Not sure what to share? How about one of their hero pieces on ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help survivors of domestic violence?
  13. Educate yourself. Would you know if a friend was being abused? By the time bruises appear, abuse may have been going on for years. Know the warning signs.
  14. Know what to do. If a friend or loved one is being abused support them even if they make choices you don’t agree with. Don’t insist that they leave their partner, but help them develop a safety plan. Take a minute to read through this list of 25 ways you can help.
  15. Sign up for a weekly email from that offers articles for people experiencing domestic violence, survivors, friends and family, and others.
  16. Watch and share the 1-minute Shatter the Silence video and download the One Love My Plan app that can help you evaluate whether someone is being abused.
  17. Organize a silent witness exhibitpurple lights night or clothesline project to raise awareness of domestic violence in your community.
  18. Send letters to religious organizations in your area asking them to address domestic violence in their meetings or newsletters in October. (see sample above)
  19. Host a candlelight vigil in your community to honor survivors and victims of domestic violence.
  20. Work with a local animal shelter to encourage people in the community to foster pets for survivors who need temporary pet care.
  21. Organize a walk-a-thon, 5k fun run, comedy night, backyard barbeque with friends and donate the proceeds to your local shelter or agency.
  22. Ask a local restaurant to donate a percent of their profits on a certain night to your local shelter or agency.
  23. Start a supply drive. Enlist your community and collect clothing (new clothing only due to COVID-19), personal care items, diapers and toys to donate to your local shelter.

List adapted from: