December 18, 2020
Visit us at
December 21- January 1 â€” NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK.
January 4-8 â€” Remote Learning. No In-Person Learning.
January 11 —In-Person Learning Resumes.
January 12 — Kings Board of Education Organizational Meeting and Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2. (Also live on Kings Youtube channel)
January 19 — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:
This will be the final edition of Knight Nation News for 2020. We will return following Winter Break on Friday, January 8, 2021.

Happy New Year, Knight Nation!
REMINDER - The Kings School District will operate on a Remote Learning schedule from January 4, 2021 through January 8, 2021. We will return to in-person learning on Monday, January 11, 2021.
2021 Best School Districts - KINGS
Niche has again ranked the best school districts for 2021. Kings has historically performed well in Niche rankings, which is based on academic and student life data from the U.S. Department of Education. They also use teacher salaries, racial and economic diversity, and surveys from Niche users as a part of their methodology.

Kings is ranked #56 out of 605 school districts in Ohio and ranked the 13th best school district in the Cincinnati Area. Additionally, all Kings Schools received an overall Niche grade of either an A or A-.

We take pride in the recognition that Kings is a great place to learn, a great place to work, and a great school district! #KingsStrong

To view all of the rankings click here.
Kings Board of Education Update
Since November, at each Board of Education Meeting, Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss has been reviewing district financials with the Board members.

Some of the topics include enrollment, property values, state aid, class sizes and space, expenditures, and more. If you missed the Board meetings and would like to review the information, you can watch the meetings and follow the presentation by viewing this document.

As always, if you have any financial questions, don't hesitate to contact Mr. Furniss at
KJH Virtual Art Work Shows
The students at Kings Junior High have been working hard in art class! Art Teacher, Jan Thomann has photographed their work and put them into a slideshow for the community to enjoy!

Pictured is a pencil drawing by Kiley Beck.

Kings Students Receive FREE Devices
We would like to thank the United Way of Warren County (UWWC) in partnership with Warren County Community Services and T-Mobile in Mason who have provided 130 tablets and data for Kings students who need access to technology. This will allow our K-4 students in need of technology to join their classes during remote learning times.

This initiative is just another example of how the United Way of Warren County is making a difference in the lives of Warren County residents. UWWC President and CEO, Aaron Reid said, "One of the beautiful things about the relationship between UWWC/Kings developed over the past 5 years is the collaboration and trust which has allowed this initiative to happen so quickly."
Two KHS Students Receive Military Nominations
Congratulations to Kings High School Seniors, Emma Lacey and Spencer Wind whom both received nominations to the Air Force Academy and Naval Academy, respectively. Their nominations came from Representative Steve Chabot.

Admission to a United States Service Academy is a competitive two-step process. The first step is to obtain a nomination from a state representative or senator. The second step is to receive an appointment from the actual academy themselves. U.S. Service Academies provide free top-tier education to appointed students along with the opportunity to serve for at least 5 years as a military officer.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for an appointment for both of you! Way to go!
Thank You from KingsUKnights
It was another successful year for KingsUKnights! This year with the help of corporations and individuals, they were able to help 140 families with 333 children for the holidays.

Each child received 3 gifts (2 clothing items and something fun) and each family received a Kroger gift card, wrapping paper, tape, and bows! Gifts donated totaled over $35,000!

KingsUKnights would like to thank Heritage Presbyterian Church, Rivers Crossing Community Church, St. Gregory Development Group, Alpha and Omega Building Services, Petermann Bus, Pure Ministries, Bush Trucking, Kids First Sports Center, KME, CIS, and JFB, as well as 115 individual sponsors!

Special thanks to Organizer Missy Kowitz and her husband, Mick for their tireless efforts in coordinating this event each year.

Please join KingsUKnights in wishing all of our families a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!
KHS Hope Squad Making a Difference
The Kings High School Hope Squad is up and running this year! Hope Squad is a school-based peer support team that partners with local mental health agencies. Peers select students who are trustworthy and caring individuals to join the HOPE Squad. Squad members are trained to watch for at-risk students, provide friendship, identify suicide warning signs, and seek help from adults.

With the increase in stress, anxiety, and suicidal ideation among young people recently, Hope Squad is an important component in schools. Last week, during Advisory, KHS Hope Squad members created videos and activities for their classmates surrounding mental health and suicide awareness. One of the activities was having students decorate snowflakes to tell others about what brings them hope. KHS Hope Squad Advisor, Stacey Duckworth said, "These kids deserve all the recognition; it is so apparent how much they care about their peers. It is a GIFT to have students like our Hope Squad members in the halls and classrooms of Kings."

Mrs. Duckworth asked a few members why they are in Hope Squad and why the work they do is important. Here is what a few of them said...

I chose to be involved in Hope Squad because helping others and being there for anyone is something I feel very passionate about, I want to make sure everyone feels welcome and loved. I feel like the work we do is important because it puts our message into the back of everyone's mind so no matter who they are, they know we are here for them; Especially since we are fellow students like everyone else, it makes it less intimidating for people to approach us and ask for help. -Cameron Morrison, senior

I was voted into Hope Squad my sophomore year by my peers and that was a really big point for me, I had moved from another school the year before and I was still trying to make friends. Hope Squad seemed like a perfect way to do it and it was a really great opportunity for me to also help people in the process. I always want to help people and make them feel loved and feel like they are enough in any way I can. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression that same year and the ways hope squad and Grant Us Hope helped me in many ways. I used the ways that I was taught to help my friends who were also struggling with the same thing. It helped me to know that I was helping people. The work that Hope Squad is so important and helping raise awareness to suicide and stopping the stigma that comes with it. People need to know that it’s okay to not be okay and that it is okay to ask for help if you are struggling. It is important for everyone to know that they will be okay and that they are loved and cared for. - Mae Thomas, senior 

I choose to be in Hope Squad to not only learn ways on how to reach out to others but to learn ways on how to help myself too. Hope Squad for me means having this amazing group of people who are willing and ready to be reached out to if you want the help. The work we’re doing as a team is important. I was reminded the other day that even if we can only help one person then it’s worth it. That we don’t need to move mountains to make a change and that’s truest why I love being a part of Hope Squad. We just want to be here, for those who need us and those who don’t; and I think that’s really important.
 -Jamie Burress, junior

Thank you to all of the members of the KHS and KJH Hope Squads. Your work has not gone unnoticed and it is so, so important! You are all #KingsStrong!
KHS Recycling Drive #2
Thank you to all of those who supported the Kings High School Environmental Club's first Recycling Drive. Advisor, Ed Gomes said it super successful. "We had so many plastic bags Kroger told us not to bring it all at once because it was too much!" he said.

The Club will be hosting another Recycling Drive on Saturday, January 9 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the North lot at KHS. Save your styrofoam that has not had any contact with food. After the holidays is a great time to recycle the styrofoam that comes in packages!
Social Emotional Update
An update from Kings Social & Emotional Coordinator, Kim Sellers.

We sent an email to parents this week with mental health resources to support your child and yourself this Winter Break.

Click here for more information.
Kings Preschool Registration
Kings Preschool registration for next school year is just around the corner! The Preschool will begin accepting registrations new students for the 2020-2021 school year beginning January 19.

The preschool/childcare program meets in the Kings Education Center located in Kings Mills. Kings Preschool offers both preschool and childcare for 3-5 year olds. All programs are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education.

For more information click here.
Kings COVID-19 Dashboard
Keep up-to-date on everything related to the Coronavirus including our daily health assessment and Decision Tree to help decide if you should send your child to school. Additionally, each week the COVID-19 Dashboard is updated with the number of positive cases and quarantines.

We appreciate all of the patience and care shown by our Knight Nation while we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on safety protocols and our back to school plan please visit our Reopening Plan website resource page.
If you aren't following us on our social media channels, you are missing out! Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
Our social media conversation is growing and we don't want you to miss out!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep in the loop!

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on our newly added activities and fundraisers such as Boys Youth Lacrosse Registration, and Kings Apparel from SpringDot Apparel, and more!
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Kings Boys Lacrosse 2021 Registration

If you have a son in K-6th grade interested in playing Lacrosse this spring, visit You can also find them on Facebook at Kyolax and Twitter @kingsyouthlax.
Kings Soccer Club Registration 2021
Registration is open for Spring soccer for all age divisions. Registration will run until January 10, 2021. Visit to register or visit Kings Soccer Club's Facebook page for more up-to-date information.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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