As this year comes to a close, we are reminded of all the wonderful people PennTAP has worked with throughout the year. Despite continual uncertainty and unforeseen roadblocks, we continued to be amazed and inspired by our client's and partner's resiliency and perseverance.

We are thankful for your support over the last year and wish you a wonderful holiday season and start to the new year!

2021 Highlights
Offered Statewide Staffing
2021 has been a year of growth for the PennTAP team. We welcomed new faces, added to our team's collective expertise, and now provide staffing support throughout the Commonwealth.

Celebrated Small Business Success
We are thankful to have worked with so many successful clients throughout the year. From saving money to upgrading equipment, the PennTAP team was able to help companies become more energy efficient in 2021.

Committed to Sustainability
As a commonwealth-wide service provider, we are committed to ensuring the Sustainable Development Goals and the Penn State strategic plan for ensuring a sustainable future guide our work across the state, striving for environmental, human and economic vitality, both now and in the future.

Get a head start on your New Year's resolution.
Contact us to learn more about how we can support your company in becoming more energy efficient in 2022!