Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
December 18,2020
Newsletter Update

This is a shorter email that we have been offering on Fridays. We will be sending out a year end update early next then taking a break while we are on furlough from December 24th thru January 4th.
Free Covid Testing Options Expanded for Ross Valley

Ross Valley residents will soon have access to free COVID-19 testing by oral swab. The County of Marin has partnered with Curative to offer coronavirus testing by online appointment for anybody, whether insured or not. A testing site will be open each Tuesday, starting December 22, at the United Market parking lot (100 Red Hill Avenue) in San Anselmo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Online appointments for that testing location can be made starting December 19 via

Check the Curative website for other Marin testing locations if Tuesdays are not convenient.
State of California Places Bay Area Region Under Stay Home Order

As of December 17, the State of California officially placed the Bay Area Region under a Stay Home Order due to regional ICU capacity dropping below 15%. Under the state's guidelines, the Order will remain in place for at least 3 weeks, and may extend longer dependent upon ICU capacity.

For more information about the Regional Stay at Home Order please visit the State of California's website.

In addition, the State of California has issued a travel advisory, asking Californians to not travel significant distances and stay close to home as much as possible. Stay in Marin if you can. See the California Department of Public Health’s Travel Advisory for more info.

Town Hall Closed for Holiday Furlough

Town Hall remains open during the Stay Home Order. However, the Town Hall and Police Lobby will be closed during the holiday furlough from December 24th to January 4th. Town Hall will reopen on January 4th. Town Hall will offer limited services during this time. Please check the Town website for more details.

Police will continue to provide 24/7 services to the community during the holiday furlough.
Fairfax Police Department Offers Free Gun Locks

The Fairfax Police Department offers free gun locks to its residents. We will also collect any unwanted weapons from any Fairfax resident. Simply call our office and we will come to your residence to safely collect the firearm. Periodically we partner with the Marin County District Attorney’s office in a “gun buyback program” where firearms can be turned in to a collection site and the owner is paid cash for the weapon (often around $100 per weapon).
Reminder to Get a Tree Permit
Please remember that a Tree Permit is required for the removal OR significant trimming of any tree, pursuant to Town Code Chapter 8.36 ‘Trees.’

 Applications are available on the Town website.

If you have any questions, please call Susan Waters at (415) 453-1584 or via email at
Opening Celebration for Victory Village

The grand opening celebration of Victory Village was last week. If you didn't get the chance to join the Zoom, you can watch the video here.

A message from the Resources for Community Development Team: "Creating and preserving affordable housing is critical part of addressing the health and equity challenges faced by our communities. We greatly appreciate your partnership and support as we build more permanently affordable, non-profit owned housing across the Bay Area. If you are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation to support our work."
Fairfax Recreation
The silver lining to the Virtual Craft Faire is that you can keep shopping, right through the holidays. We have vendors added everyday - check out the amazing selection and keep shopping local!
Effective Tuesday, December 8th, indoor classes in the Pavilion are canceled due to the County’s new health order, which is effective thru January 4th. Please check with your instructor or the Town website in January for more information on when classes will resume.

Flying Dutchman Gymnastics
Outdoor Yoga
with Veronica Geretz, M.A., E-RYT500
Mondays from 4-5pm
We have moved back onto Contratii Field
Maximum of 15 participants

We have moved this program outdoors again due to the December 8th health orders. Please note the new, earlier time, so that we can practice in daylight.

The class will be geared toward yoga students with a Beginner to Intermediate yoga practice. Please bring your own yoga mat, two yoga blocks and a yoga strap. If you do not have any of those props and are unable to procure them for any reason, please reach out to Veronica at and she will work with you to find what you need at no cost.

To find out more about Veronica’s yoga offerings visit
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Climate Action Committee Special Meeting
December 19th - 9am

Tree Committee Meeting
December 28th - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Fairfax Food Pantry

Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 
The Wonderfully Wild Marin Calendar Update

The Wonderfully Wild Marin Fundraiser and 2021 Calendar have been doing fantastically, thanks to our supportive, nature-loving community.  There are still calendars available.  Order your calendar(s) by paying online at the FOSC donation page on the town website or by putting $20 per calendar in cash or check made out to Fairfax Open Space Committee in an envelope with name and contact info, and pick up your calendars at Backyard Farmer or For Paws in downtown Fairfax on Bolinas Ave.

The  WonderfullyWildMarin.Com website also has a virtual exhibit of photos many of which are framed and ready for delivery now or you can give a gift donation credit for someone to pick out the photo of their choice.

For more information, please visit the website or email:
Fairfax Open Space Committee Has Openings

Do you care about the open space and green areas in and around Fairfax? Are you concerned about losing those open space areas to development? If so, please consider becoming a member of the Fairfax Open Space Committee (FOSC), which advises the Town on matters affecting open space lands and participates as an advisory body to review planning and development matters. FOSC currently has two member openings. 

If interested, please contact Jack Judkins, Vice Chair, FOSC, at
Town of Fairfax COVID-19 Resources

Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.
Email for Reporting Shelter-in-Place (SIP) Violations

The Town has created an on-line process for reporting SIP violations by businesses.

The email address is:

In the email, we ask that you include the business name, address, and as much detail as possible regarding the perceived health order violation. Town staff will follow-up with the businesses regarding the violations. Our goal is to gain compliance by informing and educating businesses of the need to follow shelter-in-place (SIP) orders. All businesses will be given a grace period to comply before additional follow-up actions are taken by staff.

The updated status of businesses and industries reopenings in Marin County can be found at
Next week's newsletter will be a special Holiday Edition featuring ways to shop local and celebrate the holidays close to home.